Alexander Kolchak (Admiral) - biography, personal life, photo, Anna Timirev and the latest news



Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich - a prominent commander and statesman of Russia, a polar researcher. In the period of the civil war, he entered the historical chronicles as the leader of the White Movement. The evaluation of the personality of Kolchak is one of the most controversial and tragic pages of the Russian history of the 20th century.

Alexander Kolchak

Alexander Kolchak was born on November 16, 1874 in the village of Alexandrovskoe in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, in the family of hereditary nobles. Rod Kolchakov turned fame in a military field, serving the Russian Empire for many centuries. His father was the hero of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean campaign.


Up to 11 years old received a home education. In 1885-88 Alexander studied at the 6th Gymnasium of St. Petersburg, in which he graduated from three classes. Then he entered the Sea Cadet Corps, which showed excellent successes in all subjects. As the best student on scientific knowledge and behavior was enrolled in the Class of Martheyarins and was appointed Feldfelm. He graduated from the Cadet Corps in 1894 in the rank of Michman.

Carier start

From 1895 to 1899, Kolchak served in the Military Baltic and Pacific Fleets, three times made a world journey. He was engaged in an independent study of the Pacific Ocean, most interested in its northern territories. In 1900, the capable young lieutenant was translated into the Academy of Sciences. At this time, the first scientific works begins to appear, in particular, an article about his observations over the sea currents. But the goal of a young officer is not only theoretical, but also practical surveys - he dreams of going to one of the polar expeditions.

Alexander Kolchak

Interested in his publications, the famous researcher of the Arctic Baron E. V. Toll suggests Kolchak to take part in the search for the legendary Land of Sannikov. After going to search for the missing toll, he is on the ilbote from the schooner "Zarya", and then on dog sledding makes a risky transition and finds the remnants of the deceased expedition. During this dangerous campaign, Kolchak was very cold and miraculously survived after severe lung inflammation.

Russian-Japanese war

In March 1904, immediately after the beginning of the war, without recovering completely from the disease, Kolchak achieved directions to the deposited Port Arthur. The Museum "Angry" under his command took part in the installation of barrier mines in dangerous intimacy from the Japanese raid. Thanks to these combat actions, several enemy ships were undermined.

Alexander Kolchak

In recent months, he commanded the coastal artillery, which inflicted a tangible damage to the enemy. During the fighting was injured, after taking the fortress, he was captured. As a sign of the recognition of his martial spirit, the command of the Japanese army left the rush of the weapon and freed from the captivity. For manifested heroism, he was awarded:

  • Georgiev weapon;
  • Orders of St. Anne and St. Stanislav.

Fight for recreating the fleet

After treatment in the Hospital Kolchak receives a six-month vacation. Sincerely experiencing actually the full loss of the native fleet in the war with Japan, it is actively involved in the work on its revival.

Alexander Kolchak

In June 1906, Kolchak was headed by the Commission at the Marine Staff to clarify the reasons to defeat the tsushim. As a military expert, he often performed on the hearings of the State Duma with the justification to allocate the necessary funding.

His project dedicated to the realities of the Russian Fleet became the theoretical basis of the entire Russian military shipbuilding in the pre-war period. As part of its implementation of Kolchak in 1906-1908. Personally manage the construction of four armor and two icebreakers.

Alexander Kolchak

For an invaluable contribution to the study of the Russian north, Lieutenant Kolchak was elected a member of the Russian Geographic Society. The nickname "Kolchak-Polar" was gained.

At the same time, Kolchak continues to operate the systematization of materials of past expeditions. In 1909, the work of the Ice Pack of Kara and Siberian seas published in 1909 is recognized as a new step in the formation of the polar oceanography on the study of ice cover.

World War I

Kaiser command was preparing to Blitzkrieg St. Petersburg. Heinrich Prussian, commander of the German fleet, was counting on the first days of the war to go through the Finnish bay to the capital and subjected to her hurricane fire of powerful guns.

Having destroyed important objects, he assumed to land a landing, seize Petersburg and end the military claims of Russia. The implementation of Napoleonic projects prevented strategic experience and brilliant actions of Russian marine officers.

Alexander Kolchak

Given the significant advantage of the number of German ships, the initial strategy of the fight against the enemy was recognized as a tactic of mine war. The Kolchakov Division has already delivered 6 thousand min in the Water area of ​​the Gulf of Finland. Skilled mining mines have become a reliable shield for the defense of the capital and cried plans of the German fleet to seize Russia.

In the future, Kolchak persistently defended plans for the transition to more aggressive actions. Already at the end of 1914, a brave operation was undertaken by mining the Danzig Bay directly off the coast of the enemy. As a result of this operation, 35 enemy warships were undermined. The successful actions of the fleece determined its subsequent promotion.

Alexander Kolchak

In September 1915, he was appointed commander of a mine division. In early October, they were taken by a bold maneuver on landing the landing on the shore of the Riga Bay to help the army of the Northern Front. The operation was carried out so successfully that the enemy did not even guessed the presence of Russians.

In June 1916, A. V. Kolchak was produced by the state truck in Chin Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet. In the photo, the talented fleet is captured in a parade form with all combat regalia.

Revolutionary time

After the February revolution, Kolchak was completely faithful to the emperor. Hearing the proposal of revolutionary sailors to pass weapons, he threw out a premium saber overboard, arguing his act with words: "Even the Japanese did not take weapons from me, I will not give it to you!"

Arriving to Petrograd, Kolchak laid the guilt on the Ministerial Government for the collapse of his own army and the country. After that, dangerous admiral was actually removed in a political reference at the head of the Allied Military Mission to America.

In December 1917, he asks the Government of Great Britain to enroll in military service. However, certain circles are already betting on Kolchak as an authoritative leader capable of rallying the liberation struggle against Bolshevism.

In the south of Russia, voluntary army operated, in Siberia and in the east there were many scattered governments. United in September 1918, they created a directory, the inconsistency of which inspired distrust with broad officers and business circles. They needed a "strong hand" and, having committed a white coup, offered Kolchak to take the title of the Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Goals of Kolchakovsky government

The politician of Kolchak was the restoration of the mains of the Russian Empire. All extremist parties were prohibited by his decrees. The Government of Siberia wanted to achieve reconciliation of all groups of the population and parties, without the participation of the left and right radicals. Economic reform was prepared, involving the creation of an industrial base in Siberia.

The highest victories of the army of Kolchak managed to achieve in the spring of 1919, when she took the territory of the Urals. However, after success, a series of failures, caused by a number of miscalculations, began:

  • the incompetence of Kolchak in the problems of state administration;
  • refusal to resolve the agricultural issue;
  • partisan and the esice resistance;
  • political disagreements with allies.

In November 1919, Kolchak was forced to leave Omsk; In January 1920, Denikin gave his powers. As a result of the betrayal of the Allied Czech Corps, he was transferred to the hands of the Bolshevikov Rev., who captured power in Irkutsk.

The death of Admiral Kolchak

The fate of the legendary person ended tragically. The cause of death, some historians call the personal secret indication of V. I. Lenin, who was swaying his liberation by hurry to the adorisions of kincpel. A. V. Kolchak was shot on February 7, 1920 in Irkutsk.

In the 21st century, the negative assessment of the personality of Kolchak was revised. His name is immortalized on memorial places, monuments, in feature films.

Personal life

Kolchak's wife, Sophia Omirova, a hereditary nobleman. Because of the protracted expedition, for several years waited for her groom. Their wedding took place in March 1904 in the Irkutsk Temple.

Three children were born in marriage:

  • The first daughter born in 1905 died in infancy.
  • Son Rostislav, 03.03.1910.
  • Daughter of Margarita, born in 1912, died at the age of two.

Sophia Omirova in 1919 with the help of British allies, together with his son, emigrated to Constanta, and later to Paris. Died in 1956, buried in the cemetery of Russian Parisians.

Son Rostislav - an employee of the Algerian bank, participated in the battles with the Germans on the side of the French army. He died in 1965. Grandson of Kolchak - Alexander, born in 1933, lives in Paris.

The last years of the life of the actual wife of Kolchak was his last love Anna Timirev. Acquaintance with Admiral happened in 1915 in Helsingfors, where she came with her husband, a maritime officer. After the divorce in 1918 followed the admiral. He was arrested with Kolchak, and after his execution spent almost 30 years in various references and prisons. It was rehabilitated, died in 1975 in Moscow.

Interesting Facts

  1. Alexander Kolchak was baptized in the Trinity Church, which is known today called Kulich and Easter.
  2. During one of the polar trips, Kolchak called the island in honor of the name of his bride, which was waiting for him in the capital. This name is the name of the Cape Sofya saves to our time.
  3. A. V. Kolchak became the fourth in history by the polar navigator, who received the highest award of a geographical society - Konstantinov medal. Before him, the great F. Nansen, N. Nordencheld, N. Yurgens were honored.
  4. The cards that Kolchak were used by Soviet sailors until the end of the 1950s.
  5. Before the death of Kolchak did not accept the offer to tie his eyes. He presented his cigarette to the commander of the executioner of the HCC.

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