Regina Dubovitskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Anchlag" 2021



Regina Dubovitskaya is the Russian TV presenter, the founder of the humorous transfer "Anshlag". The famous welcoming phrase Regina Igorevna "Hello, my dear!" He probably knows, every Russian viewer. Charming and everlasting woman with a special style of communication with the viewer for a long time remained one of the main lovers of Russian television.

Childhood and youth

The star of Russian television was born in Shadrinsk in an intelligent family. The Father Regina wore the title of professor of ancient Russian literature and wrote not one scientific work in this area. Mother worked as a biology teacher.

Shortly after the birth of the daughter, the family moved from Russia to Moldova, the city of Chisinau. The girl's childhood passed here. In addition to the secondary school, Regina visited the local circle of children's creativity. In school, she wrote articles for the wall newspaper and sought new topics for work.

When Dubovitskaya studied in high school schools, parents decided to return from Moldova to Russia, the city of Kostroma. They did not doubt that the girl would want to become a journalist. After the 9th grade Regina went to receive professional skills: they took the journalistic faculty only with 2 years of experience. At the request of Igor, Dubovitsky, the "Kostroma Pravda" went to the local edition, but very soon she was on the radio and just fell in love with this work.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the local pedagogical institute. Soon because of the health of the Father, the family went to Pyatigorsk. Here, the future TV presenter was transferred to the correspondence department of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(chose the Faculty of German). At the end of study, the girl received a red diploma, which she, however, was not useful.

Personal life

In the youth of the region, Yuri Aivazyan met. They met during the trip in one coupe of the train, soon they had a novel. He subsequently recalled Regina, how further her personal life would develop, she already knew leaving the train.

The decision that Yuri will become her husband, the girl accepted after heard that her companion was engaged in physics at a professional level. A few years later, the couple's relationship registered a marriage. After the wedding, the young moved to the suburbs.

The TV presenter was born the only child - the daughter of Ilona Ayvazyan, who studied on applied mathematics. Today she works together with Mom over the "manshlag" as an assistant director. Ilona gave the granddaughter's granddaughter, which was named after Mom. Children are a weak place to Dubovitsky, and she sincerely hoped that the granddaughter of Regina will soon make it a great-grandmother.

In 2007, during holidays in Montenegro, Dubovitskaya fell into an accident, sowing towards a drunken driver. The actress broke the thigh, but the disease did not force regina to leave the television screens, and after 4 months she was present at the set of a new issue of "Ashland" and made a photo for an interview.

It is known that when regina after the accident in Montenegro was taken to Moscow, the forecasts of doctors were completely disappointing. Doctors doubted that a woman can go without crutches at all. But when Dubovitsky needed to go on stage, she did it on his own.

In one interview, Regina Igorevna shared that by nationality, he was considered a Jew. But, according to the actress, it flows both Jewish and Polish and Armenian blood.

A popular TV presenter does not conduct social networks. Woman not found in "Instagram", but periodically appear posts dedicated to her. Such records are marked by Hesteg # Reginabovitskaya.

More to Regina Dubovitsky love to make parodies Participants "Anshlag". So, once in a speech, the TV presenter copied the group "Next-BB".

From the hobbies of Regina Igorevna, it is worth highlighting collecting dishes and bottles. And in the country the TV presenter lives several four-legged pets, the journalist admits that he loves cats.

Work on radio

Because of the student, Regina has gained experience in the Kostroma Radio, so he had seen himself only in radio journalistic. After graduating from the university, she got a job for the All-Union Radio. The girl helped her perseverance.

Dubovitskaya herself found the telephone edition of the radio station and offered his candidacy. She wanted to get into the children's radio fleet, but the free vacancy was found only in the department of satire and humor, where she was taken by the younger editor on letters. On the first day of her work, an acquaintance with Arkady Arkanov took place. Here Regina spent several years, and then became the editor of the program "With good in the morning!". On the project she had to get acquainted with a large number of future artists "Anshlag."

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By virtue of the inexperience and lack of connections of Regina, Dubovitskaya was not able to invite to the transfer of popular stars of the Soviet Union. The most famous artists who worked then on the radio have long been occupied with other leaders, so Regina decided to act in a new way and began to look for young and still little-known, but bright humorists.

The first suitable person who found Dubovitskaya was Vladimir Vinokur. After him, Efim Shifrin and Mikhail Evdokimova were held in the regina radio broadcast. They aroused laughter from the listeners, and soon the young leading turned into a celebrity of the radio station. She felt an increase in the authority among colleagues and the love of radio listeners in the country.

Despite the fact that there were extremely successful on the radio for the regina, she decided to leave this work. The reason for this was the beginning of the Soviet restructuring. There was already a publicity on TV, which could not be said about the radio, in which for a long time the former orders were preserved. Dubovitskaya felt that the future of television, and began to implement his own project.

"Full house"

In 1987, Dubovitskaya leaves the radio and creates the humorous transfer of "Anshlag", in which there are dozens of the best humorists of the Soviet period. In this theater of humor, Vladimir Vinokur, Yuri Galtsev, Yevgeny Petrosyan, Yang Arlazorov, Evgeny Schifrin, Clara Novikov, Victor Koklushkin and other comedians lit up.

For the long-term history of the TV program "Achglag" managed a couple of times to move from one channel to another, together with this repeatedly occurred the change of format. But whatever changes were, the creation of Dubovitsky at all times remained demanded from millions of spectators. For its time, "Achglag" was the only humorous transmission of such a scale and level of execution.

In 2010, the project began to lose popularity in connection with annually growing competition. New formats and persons appear, and "Achglag" has recently ceased to develop and became an object for criticism. Despite this, the transmission viewer always exists. In addition, the rich history of the project does not take away - "Achglag" will forever be remembered as one of the first entertainment shows on Russian television.

In 2011, the project practically stopped existence, but today the special issue of the program for the holidays continue to emerge, in which the permanent participants of the Regina Dubovitsky team and new artists appear.

After "Anshan"

On the ether of the program "Let them say" in 2014, Gennady Khazanov quarreled with the founder of Anshlag. The cause of the conflict was the statement of the TV host about the low quality of the transmission scenarios "Repeat!", In which Khazanov participated. He said in response that the "manshlag" in the level of humor of this transmission is noticeably inferior and in the process of the dispute left the shooting platform.

In 2017, rumors were rumored that Dubovitsky is sick with cancer and looks bad. And later, they started talking about the fact that the TV journal was died. According to another information, miniature TV presenter (growth of 163 cm, weight 55 kg), on the contrary, led themselves in order with the help of plastics and began to look younger than its age.

As a result, Regina Igorevna invited a reporter to a country house, which is close to Sheremetyevo Airport to talk about current affairs and dispel myths that appeared in a woman's biography.

The celebrity told that she has no fatal diseases, she did not tolerate stroke, alive and her "not crawled aliens." Just a woman at the age of Regina Igorevna already pulls to solitude. And rumors about cancer crawled after Dubovitsky saw Mikhail Zadornov at the funeral, without a grima and loose.

At that moment, the TV presenter was very worried, so I did not think at all about what is in front of the camera without makeup and laid hairstyles. The journalist until recently supported his friend, it was she advised him to go for an operation to Germany.

In April 2018, the 70th anniversary celebrated the oldest "Anshlagovets" Vladimir Vinokur. In honor of this event, the release of the program "Hi, Andrei!" On the TV channel "Russia-1". Dima Bilan came to congratulate the birthman, Mikhail Shirvindt, Alexander Marshal. Among the honorary guests turned out to be Regina Dubovitskaya. She appeared on the screen in the unchanged role of the head of the humorous project.

In June, Dubovitsky again visited the release of the show "Hello, Andrei!", Which was devoted to the International Children's Day. In the same year, Regina Igorevna became the participant of the entertainment show "Master of Lekh" as a jury member. Together with her, Vladimir Vinokur, Yuri Galtsev, Mikhail Galustyan and Andrei Urgant were replenished with it.

Regina Dubovitskaya now

Regina Igorevna at the end of 2019 became the guest of the TV show Lera Kudryavtseva "Secret by Million". On the air TV presenter revealed some secrets of her private life. During the discussion of ways to maintain an excellent form, I told about the diet of Elena Stepanenko, which also uses. It critically responded about marriages with a big difference in age, in which the audience saw her critical attitude towards the New Union of Evgenia Petrosyan. Soon, Dubovitsky clarified that the personal life of the artist does not follow.

Later, in an interview with Regina, Igorevna subsid for its pension, which is 16 thousand rubles, which is very little for life in the capital. According to Dubovitsky, she is happy that it can still work, since it would not be able to live on pension deductions.

Now Regina Igorevna continues to work on the main project of his creative life. On the eve of the New Year holidays of 2020, she submitted to the court of spectators a festive program "Asshlag-2020". Concerts took place in the cities of the Moscow region.


  • 1987- on N.V. - "Anshang"
  • 2018 - "Master of Laughter"

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