Nestor Makhno - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Civil War and Latest News



The legendary Batka Makhno is a bright and ambiguous figure in domestic history, a convinced anarchist and a frantic wrestler.

Childhood and adolescence

Nestor Ivanovich Makhno was born in the village of Gulipol (now - Zaporizhia region) on November 7, 1888. The parents of the boy were poor peasants, Father Ivan Rodionovich worked at Barina Kucher, the mother of Evdokia Matreevna led a house and engaged in children: Nestor was the youngest of five sons.

Nestor Makhno in youth

With the death of the father, the family of orphaned family, the children lost the only breadwinner. The youngest of the brothers also had to fall out. Having reached the age of seven years old, the boy began to hire for a fit work: the mouth of cattle, to get rolled on landowners. Despite this, Nestor managed to study four years in a chicriate school, where he was given to eight years.

Prison and Anarchius

Since 1903, the young man worked at the cast-iron plant. In 1906, Makhno was arrested for carrying weapons, but he was released in youngster. It was during this period that the future Ataman meets the concept of Anarchism, and anarchy becomes his muse forever.

Having entered into the "free Union of Anarchist-Herborobov" Nestor Makhno participated in many terrorist acts related to the expropriation of property of landowners and wealthy peasants. In 1910, members of the group were betrayed by a court. The Military Court of the city of Ekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk) sentenced terrorist anarchists to various timing of religion work (according to other data, to the death penalty).

Nestor Makhno

Nestor Makhno was sentenced to 20 years of cortics. For some time, Makhno contained in the prison of Ekaterinoslav, then transferred to the Moscow Butyrka. Here he met an anarchist Arshinov, who had a lot of influence on the young ceamer.

In Butyrka, Nestor did not lose time with the gift: he not only absorbed the basics of ideology, hoped from the senior colleague to fight, but also engaged in self-education, read many books on political economy, history, studied mathematics, grammar, Russian literature. Makhno's prison came out with Arshinov in March 1917, amnesty in honor of the February Revolution. In addition to the knowledge and experience, the prisoner made a terrible acquisition from the conclusion and a terrible acquisition - a Cahotku, who killed him after many years.

Political and Military Career: Start

In the biography of Makhno there are many inaccuracies. Over time, his associates were interrupted, and evidence of its activities in Ukraine is quite contradictory. However, his role in the war, civil war, can not be underestimated, although he was going to implement his anarchic ideals on corpses.

Nestor Makhno

Returning after the conclusion in Guliaipol, Nestor was in the most thicker of revolutionary events. His, "victim for the right thing," fellow villagers chose the head of the Peasant Union and the Local Peasant Council. With the participation of Makhno in the fall of 1917, representatives of the Provisional Government were driven from the Alexandrovskaya volost and established Soviet power. In 1918, as a representative of the Gulipol Revkoma, he participated in the National Conference of the Rev Commons and Soviets.

The establishment of a new government prevented the invasion of the interventory: in the summer of 1918, the Austro-German troops occupied Ukraine. This time can be considered the beginning of the military career of Makhno, since it was then that the rebels first united in the partisan detachment under his leadership. The squad fought against the Germans, and against Ukrainian nationalists. As revenge, the authorities were dealt with the elder brother of Nestor and burned the house where his mother lived.

Nestor Makhno and Pavel Dybenko

At the same time, in May 1918, Nestor Makhno arrived in Moscow, where he personally met with Vladimir Lenin and Sverdlov, as well as with the leaders of the anarchist party. Meetings with the leadership of the Soviet power did not bring anything like, but at the Moscow Conference Anarchists, the tactics of struggle against the occupiers in Ukraine was developed. Strike fake documents, Makhno went home to organize the rebel army.

"Unbeatable Batka"

All the life of Batika Makhno was an endless struggle. Recognizing the correctness of the Bolsheviks correctly, he did not accept their desire to "dive for himself the whole revolution and her merit." At the same time, he repeatedly concluded a temporary truce with the Soviet authorities, fighting against the White Guards and the Interventory.

Nestor Makhno became a living ideal for anarchists around the world. He managed to create his own state in the state, to arrange communes in the cities subject to it, to establish production, open schools, trade unions, to create all the conditions for the peaceful life of ordinary people, not neglecting the principles of anarchy.

Nestor Makhno

His army was a weighty force on the political map of the former Russian Empire for several years, but the Ukrainian Jews are especially ready, because the pogroms and robbers concerned only landlords, and the nationalism in the ranks of the rebel army caught rigidly, right up to the execution.

The activities of Batki Makhno in Ukraine during the civil war can briefly describe the following theses:

  • In 1918, he entered into an alliance with the Red Army and fought against troops under the command of Petlyra;
  • In 1919, Batka again united with the Bolsheviks and fought already with the troops of Denikin;
  • On May 29, 1919, he broke the contract with Bolsheviks, who announced the liquidation of "Makhnovshchina";
  • In July-December 1919, a partisan war against the Denikinian army was supported, then again supported "red", broke through the front of the White Guards and took the city of Gulyaipol, Berdyansk, Nikopol, Melitopol and Ekaterinoslav;
  • In 1920, Makhno again entered the conflict with the Bolsheviks, but rejected by Wrangel's Offer on the creation of the Union;
  • In September 1920, the next reconciliation of the Batiki with "Red" was followed, further - participation in the Crimean campaign;
  • After the victory over White Guards in Crimea, Makhno refused to join the Red Army, for which the Bolsheviks destroyed almost all his troops;
  • At the end of 1920, Batka gathered a new fifteen thousand and led a guerrilla war in Ukraine, but the forces were unequal, and in August 1921, Makhno with the closest associates crossed the border with Romania.

Emigration and personal life

The Soviet authorities of Romania did not give him, but Makhno, together with his wife and comrades, were placed in a concentration camp. From there, Makhnovtsy fled to Poland, then in Danzig and France. Only in Paris they managed to heal a peaceful life. Local anarchists and other freedom-loving citizens participated in the fate of the legendary Ataman, providing him with all the assistance.

Nestor Makhno with his daughter

Especially moved with Nestor American anarchist Alexander Berkman, who eventually found funds for the funeral of the Grand Revolutionary. Death Makhno became the result of the solar illness that had pushing his health from the time of Korga. The cause of death is a char. Nestor Ivanovich died in the Paris Hospital on July 6, 1934. Mahno's grave is located in the cemetery of Per Lashez.

About the personal life of Nestor Makhno, legends are aligned: no doubt, the Ataman of the Thousands of Army could afford any pleasure. With a rather non-zeys, according to evidence of appearance contemporaries (although in the photo it looks like a bright person), low growth, the priest figure of his woman loved. They loved and were afraid because of them, like his soldiers, led to the thrill of the Batiki, cold, calculating, permeating.

Nestor Makhno with family

With the first wife, Nastya Vasetskaya, on which Nestor married, coming out of prison, the marriage did not work out. They had a son, but soon died, and the couple broke up. But the second wife Makhno, Galina Kuzmenko hung a hand with him all the war, emigration and camp. They say she herself participated in the pogroms and executions, finding special pleasure in such a living. In Paris, they were born daughter Elena, but Galina, without preparing a distressed position, took the girl and left her husband.

Monument to Nestor Makhno

In 2009, Makhno's monument was opened in Gulyaipola, about a dozen films were shot about him, a lot of novels, research, memoirs were written, and Nestor Ivanovich himself - the author of a number of book memories. The last on domestic screens came the series "Nine Liberty Makhno Makhno" with Pavel Derevko in the lead role.

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