Igor Lifanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, TV series, main roles 2021



Igor Romanovich Lifanov - the Russian actor and cinema actor, the fame of which brought a role in the series "Gangster Petersburg". The artist and did not dream of a creative career, got into a profession by chance, faltering in love with a young actress.

Childhood and youth

Igor Lifanov was born on December 25, 1965 in the city of Nikolaev, where he spent the early years of life. Since the actor appeared at the end of December, he is Capricorn on the sign of the zodiac. Parents of Igor - Lydia Ivanovna and Roman Viktorovich - met in Nikolaev at the bottom of birth with common friends. In the same city, they began to meet, and then got married. When Igor was born, his mother was 16 years old, and Father - 27. In their hometown, in the south of Ukraine, the future artist walked into a regular school. He studied the boy on the troika, however, he loved to go to school. There, he has already acquired the fame of the main macho. Igor himself argues that in his childhood was a rowdy: fought, played cards, often got into the police station.

"This hooligan is in the right sense of the word. Bad companies and all that. Now many of my friends of childhood have long been alive for a long time: someone came out of them, someone died of drugs, and someone from the prison does not get out, "Lifanov recalled.

In high school, the future artist had an affair with the peer of Natasha Malyshevskaya. It was the love of the female floor that led Igor to the theater Institute. Choosing a young man dreamed of becoming an actress and instigated his interest in the scene. After graduating from the school, Lifanov served in the army: for three years he went to the Far East.

The relationship of young people could not withstand the tests of the distance, but Igor had an interest in the profession of the actor. Having gave the debt home, Lifanov was preparing for the exams for some time and worked as a mechanic to accumulate money on a trip to Moscow. The family of the future actor was insolvent. The first attempt to enroll in the theater university turned out to be unsuccessful. A year later, Igor again filed documents, but already in Leningrad.

He was enrolled in the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. When the student graduated from an educational institution, he was already 27 years old. For the years spent in the theater university, Lifanov managed to master the actor profession and marry twice.

Theater and films

After graduating from the institute, Igor Lifanov made his debut on the stage of ABDT them. Tovstonogov in the play "Sunny night". Ten years, the actor worked in this theater until in 2003 he decided to radically change life. During this period, Igor left the family, and the theater was a reminder of the life, which man wanted to leave in the past. However, Lifanov did not throw the stage. For more than 15 years, he successfully plays in entrepreneurial performances together with the best friend Dmitry Nagiyev.

Lifanov and Nagiyev are familiar with youth. In one of the interviews, Dmitry admitted that he has no friend closer. The actors are united not only by memories of stormy student and a set of common photos, but also joint theatrical work in Anhydrous. Since 2001, friends have played together in the play "Kyya". Scandalous fame enjoys the joint work of comrades in the "Territory". Children on such a performance are not allowed, because Nagiyev and Lifanov, along the course of the action, are fully exposed.

A strong friendship of two men experienced different moments. According to Lifanov, Dmitry Nagiyev once knocked him a tooth, but the conflict managed to settle. Dmitry attended all three friend's weddings. At the same time, Nagiyev each time refused to become a witness. The actors had a joint comic wedding, the reason for which was the work on the play "Kyya". The wedding dress was little Nagiyev, so he became a bridegroom, and Lifanov is a bride.

Igor quickly mastered the cinema. The first films with his participation immediately demonstrated the audience a brutal charm of the actor. The roles of murderers, gangsters, military and workers of power structures were able to artist easily. Lifanov's fame brought the series "Streets of broken lanterns", released in 1998. Lufar from the series "National Security Agent" and Vladimir Sabasov from the criminal multi-sieves detective "Gangster Petersburg. Baron "made actors recognizable, then there was a role in the patriotic project" Special Forces ", which also brought popularity.

The artist starred in many films, including militants who received folk recognition, among which - "Brother", "Fun-4. Photographer "," Keys of death "and other works.

Interesting characters went to the artist in the films "Eger", "Night Watch" and "Day Watch". In the "watch" Igor reincarnated to the parrot.

From the role of the bandit actor Emigrated in the ranks of good guys. Age did not harm Lifanov's career. He managed to maintain an attractive appearance corresponding to the complex in the youth (weight of 84 kg with an increase of 178 cm). Roles in comedies were well managed. One of the most notable works in this genre was the tape "Let me kiss you," where Igor Lifanov starred along with Maria Kulikova. The film was so successful that he had a continuation in four parts.

The main roles that have been fame and popularity, Igor played in the films "Special Forces", "wild", "Moore", "Taming of the Shrew", "Detach", "Killer" and others. Lifanov is equally successfully removed in the series and full-length films, it is interesting to different roles and acting experiments.

Igor's memorable voice timbre. Some skills for working on movie sounding actor received during study at the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. This was enough to voice several episodes of the Sagi "Star Wars" at the beginning of the two thousandths. The Vote of Lifanov in the Russian version of the first three episodes of the epic, they say Neumodian Nut Ganrey and Cerenics Ki-Adi-Mundi.

In 2002, the Russian criminal series "Ice Age" directed by Alexander Buravsky was published. The actor fulfilled the role of the head of the criminal group of Vasily Aleksakhina. The series also starred Alexander Abdulov, Marat Basharov, Pavel Derevyanko, Zurab Kipisidze and Maria Mironova.

In 2007, Igor starred in the film "Guide" according to the story of A. Pestelkaova "Dog Blind". The actor played professional killer Pavel Shnyarev, who has many enemies and problems.

In 2013, a detective series was released with the participation of Lifanov called "Man nowhere." Igor got the main role. In the series, he played Major Sergei Kutepov, who fights with a merciless and cruel criminal world. When usual methods stopped acting, the Major has to go to extreme measures. Sergey is introduced into a criminal group, the leader of which is Potapov - the former head of the drug trafficking department. Kutepov has another reason why he intends to enroll confidence in the bandits: among them is the culprit of the death of his beloved wife.

In the same year, the artist was in the main role in the mini-series "Mediator". In the plot of the businesswoman Elena Vlasyuk steal younger sister, for which the redemption requires. For the transfer of money, the woman hired a professional mediator Andrei Danilina - the former special former journal who trust the police and gangsters.

A man, following the instructions of the kidnappers, rides with money to the appointed place, falls into an accident. So far, Andrei is unconscious, someone steals Case from him.

Bandits go to meet, but ready to wait only for two days. During this time, the hero should find the right amount and save the hostage. Together with Igor, Alain Starostina, Julianody Capua, Daniel Koke and others involved in a multi-ribbon.

Two years later, Lifanov played a major role in the mini-series "Navodchitsa". The actor's character is a former policeman Igor Kalinin. A man quit from the authorities and began to work as a security guard in a jewelry store. Igor alone raises her daughter Vika. That's just a relationship with her, Kalinin is not treated. At some point, the girl's father notices the wiki expensive gifts (decorations, fur coats). To the question of the Father on the appearance of these things, the daughter answered that he met a rich guy. Ekaterina Novikova, Sophia Karabulina, Sophia Karabulin, Oleg Kharitonov and others.

In February 2017, the artist appeared in one of the main roles in the TV series "Five minutes of Silence". The multi-seater film was broadcast on the NTV channel. The creators and actors did not expect the project to receive such success in the audience. And when the ratings were high, it was decided to extend the series for the second season, the premiere of which started in April 2018 called "Five minutes of silence. Return". The new season was divided into two parts: the first was shown in the spring of 2018, and the second spectators saw the autumn of the same year.

The plot of the film turned around the fighters of the search and rescue squad 42-21. Men will be heard among colleagues with high-class professionals, and each rescue operation turns into a legend. But the situation changes dramatically when a young specialist Alexander Greek arrives in the squad. Igor Lifanov, Yaroslav Sorry, Roman Kurzkin and others were performed by the main roles in the Multi-Rent.

In 2017, the screens came out a fantastic thriller "Something behind the scenes". According to the plot of the police police, Max Flamberk (Igor Botvin) specializes in the search for missing citizens. Investigating cases, a man understands that disappearances are associated with a stranger, whom witnesses saw. Suddenly, the key eyewitnesses dies, and the blame for the death of the killed is pinned at Max. Then the detective loses his confidence of colleagues, and the man is deprived of the icon. But the hero, by all means going to reveal the case to return a good name. The situation is complicated when Max understands that the same stranger from another world and he began the hunt for Flamber. Igor Lifanov in the picture executed the role of a detective Ray Hicks.

Another actor appeared on the screen in a duet with Nonaya Grishava in the detective TV series "The Condition of Love". Igor appeared in front of the audience in the form of a police major.

In the summer of 2018, it became known that the project "Five minutes of silence" will be seen in the third season. Fans of the series learned about it from the post of Roman Kurysna in "Instagram". The young actor laid out a roller from the set, putting to the video of Hesteg # five minutes. The project was called "New Horizons". The premiere of the third season was scheduled for the end of February 2021.

In 2019, Igor Lifanov became the guest of the "Fate of Man" television program with Boris Korchevnikov, which spoke about the little-known facts of biography and upcoming projects.

Personal life

Personal life Igor Lifanova is constantly under the close attention of numerous fans. The amplua of the Hero-lover on the movie screen corresponds to the accommodation temperament in life. Igor married three times. The first two times is still at the Institute. From two of these alliances, Lifanova had daughters born.

The first wife of the actor was the classmate Elena Pavlikov. The wedding was elegant and solemn, but after three months the lovers were separated. The second time Igor led under the crown of the Choighter a little less rapidly. An actor's wife became Tatiana Aptikeev. She gave birth to daughter Anastasia Lifanov.

Igor Lifanov and Tatiana Aptikeev lived together for 13 years, while on the set in Sevastopol, the actor did not meet a new beloved.

Family Igor and Tatiana shut up on the seams. Spouses tried to establish relationships after the return of the actor from the Crimea, but could not. The second wife did not give Lifanov's divorce for a long time, refused interview and comments on this topic. Igor participated in the upbringing of his daughter, but lived separately, together with Elena Kosenko, South Beauty from Sevastopol.

After nine years of civil marriage, the actor settled the formalities, and the pair legalized the relationship. Elena Lifanova was pregnant by that time and in February 2012 gave birth to Daughter Alice.

It is known that the artist included a "Peacemaker" site, which has existed since 2014.

The eldest daughter went in the footsteps of the Father. Anastasia became the actress and removed in films. In the filmography of the girls, the series "Spy No. 1" and "Five minutes of Silence".

Igor Lifanova has a formal site where fans can find information about the life of the actor, filmography, news and tour.

Igor Lifanov now

Now Igor Lifanova's filmography continues to be replenished. He participates in new projects. So, in 2020 the actor starred in the television series "Nagiyev on Quarantine", the main character of which was the actor Dmitry Nagiyev. According to the plot, the artist falls into new realities for himself. The usual saturated life of the hero has changed, and now Dmitry was forced to be at self-insulation. And in 2021 it was announced the continuation of the work on the series "Five minutes of silence. Symbirry frosts. "


  • 1999-2000 - "National Security Agent 1-2"
  • 2000 - "Gangster Petersburg. Baron
  • 2002 - "Ice Age"
  • 2002-2003 - "Special Forces"
  • 2004 - "Diversian"
  • 2006 - "Day Watch"
  • 2006 - "Paradise"
  • 2007 - "Guide"
  • 2008 - "Let me kiss you"
  • 2009 - "Taming of the Shrew"
  • 2013 - "Mediator"
  • 2015 - "Navodchitsa"
  • 2017 - "Five minutes of silence"
  • 2017 - "Something's task"
  • 2017 - "The Consequence of Love"
  • 2018 - "Five minutes of silence. Return"
  • 2020 - "Something's something"
  • 2020 - "Five minutes of silence. New Horizons"

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