Elena Tchaikovskaya - biography, photo, personal life, news, figure skating 2021



Tchaikovskaya Elena Anatolyevna - Soviet and Russian coach for figure skating and ice dancing. Choreographer-director and creator of ice shows and programs.

Childhood and youth

Born on December 30, 1939 in Moscow in the family of actors Anatoly Sergeevich Osipov and Tatiana Mikhailovna Golman, who served in the Mosovet theater.

Elena Tchaikovskaya in childhood

They lived in a semi-basement near the theater, which was then in the Hermitage Garden. After performances, all artists came to visit them. In this creative atmosphere accompanying the life of theatrical artists, and the girl has grown. The second hometown of the acting child became Kinopavilion - Elena Osipov starred in seven pictures.

After the announcement of the Great Patriotic War, Elena's mother as an ethnic chime was sent to the Kazakhstan village. It originated from the nobleman, whose descendants to the revolution belonged in Moscow many income homes.

Elena Tchaikovskaya in youth

As Elena Anatolyevna says in an interview, all properties were requested, only hidden inheritance remained - Golden Nikolaev Chervonians. They also helped them not die with their hunger, because no one had taken to work my mother. The link had to change one Chervonets on a piece of bread.

Cheat the royal coins and after returning to Moscow in 1947. To buy products in the post-war hungry capital, they exchanged them in Torgsin on rubles.

Figure skater Elena Tchaikovskaya in youth

The noble origin also affected the girl's upbringing. It from young age was taught music, the rules of etiquette, the ability to talk. She was surrounded by books of classics and great artists. As a child, she met Galina Ulanova, Fainen Ranevskaya, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Mikhail Zharov.

After moving to a new apartment, parents gave the girl to engage in the school of figure skating in the palace of young pioneers located nearby. The reason was the recommendation of the doctors about the need for sports in the fresh air - Elena discovered tuberculosis. It was the first coach, T. A. Tolmachev, who noticed in young graduation to the growth of professional skills.

Figure skating

Soon the girl began to win on competitions, and in 1957 Tchaikovskaya became the USSR champion in single skating. As can be seen in the early photos, the growth and weight of the young athlete allowed to spectacle on the ice. But the sporting career of the figure skater ended early.

Trainer Elena Tchaikovskaya with students

The athlete understood that international fame would not succeed, because the school of single figure skating in the Soviet Union was still imperfect in those days. Even if the figure skater came to the European Championship, he could only count on one of the last places.

Therefore, after graduating from school, she decided to enter Gitis at the Faculty of Balletsters. Only graduates of choreographic schools were credited to this department. But the talented athlete was accepted as an exception due to the petition of the main director of the Theater of the Mossoveta of Zavadsky.

Tchaikovskaya fell to talented teachers at R. Zakharov. Many of his graduates were subsequently the main ballersters in the leading theaters of different countries.

Elena Tchaikovskaya with Tatyana Tarasova and George Solkurin

After the end of Gityis in 1964, Tchaikovskaya becomes a professional trainer. The combination of sports skills and choreographic preparation gave her a good base in order to become the first balletmaster of ice speeches.

The impulse to active coaching work was the ambitions of a talented athlete who did not receive world recognition. Tchaikovaya dreamed of embodying unfulfilled dreams in his pupils. Tatyana Tarasova becomes his first student, which after a year wins the World Universiade.

The key to the success of the students of Tchaikovskaya professionals was seen in the use of the elements of the form that constitute a single genre composition. Then many skaters began to use this technique. Elena Tchaikovskaya Skamovskaya technique called the Russian style, which attracted international interest to the speeches of the wards.

Elena Tchaikovskaya with Natalia Linichuk and Gennady Karponosov

Tchaikovaya raised the playful of the famous student. Among them, the winners of the European and world championships, the Olympic champions in the pair catania Lyudmila Pakhomov, Alexander Gorshkov and Natalia Linichuk, Gennady Karponosov. Pupils of Tchaikovskaya Vladimir Kovalev, Vladimir Cotine and Maria Butyrsa distinguished in single ski. Her pupils won victory on world championships 15 times.

Since 1987, for three years, Tchaikovskaya has held the position of chief coach of the Dynamo Society in figure skating. From 1993 to 1997 was the Chairman of the Coach Council of the Russian Figure Skating team. At the turn of the 80s and 90s, Tchaikovskaya raised the show for professional skaters.

Elena Tchaikovskaya with Lyudmila Pakhomoy and Alexander Gorshkov

Due to its efforts in 2001, the Moscow School of Konk Tchaikovskaya was opened, where she personally trains modern athletes. Among them are members of the National Russian national team Julia Soldatov, Christina Oblava. There are in the ice center and a free group where children with disabilities are trained.

Fans admire the energy and multifaceted talents of this amazing woman. Elena occupies the chairman of the jury of the television ice show "Dancing with the Stars", participates in the political and social life of the country.

The principle of coach for figure skating is affected in everything. In November 2012, she took a volitional decision from the project "Dancing with the Stars" of the Participant of Paulil, together with a partner, motivating this by the fact that he is poorly prepared for the program. The actor commenting on this case, he said that he had no free time on training, since, in addition to the project, he was busy back in three series.

Elena Tchaikovskaya and Pavel Priluchny on

Journalists often spend parallels and talk about complex relations between two star coaches, tying it with the struggle for the best students and the interests of sports coalitions. However, judging by the statement of Tchaikovskaya, it does not give values ​​of the gossip and supports a good relationship with Tarasov.

After all, even though a short time, but was her first student. Despite the fact that the ways were separated, the warm feelings for Tarasova Tarasova retained for life. Judging by the photo, friendly relationships are preserved between two talented women.

Elena Tchaikovskaya and Tatyana Tarasova

In 1990, Elena Tchaikovskaya found a neoplasm in the chest. Unfortunately, the disappointing diagnosis was confirmed - cancer. Turning to the famous oncologist Nikolay Trapizniki, she heard: "Urgently operate."

However, Tchaikovskaya did not want to skip the European Championship, which should have taken place in five days. The famous doctor managed to explain the whole importance of the upcoming operation, and Elena agreed. Subsequent irradiation sessions were given athlete hard, after the hospital she felt bad.

Elena Tchaikovskaya

Sports hardening and German blood helped to get out of the complex life situation. According to Tchaikovskaya, she forced himself to get out of bed and go to work with her head. Three months later, she left to put dancing in America. Moral switching to work helped get rid of heavy thoughts. The disease retreated, but forced to change the lifestyle - now Elena Anatolyevna tries not to overwork and avoid nervous situations.

In 2013, the documentary "Her Ice Majesty. Elena Tchaikovskaya "on the TV channel" Russia ". In the same year, the coach was interviewed in the "culture" channel in the Life Line program. Tchaikovskaya told that daily workouts that started at seven in the morning and ended in late in the evening, became the cause of many divorces in the coaching environment.

Personal life

Elena Tchaikovskaya does not like to advertise a personal life. The public knows a bit. The first time she married while studying at the Institute for Andrei Novikov. At 21, Igor Novikova's son gave birth to Son. Later, the young man graduated from MGIMO, became a diplomat, engaged in politics.

Elena Tchaikovskaya with her husband

In the early 2000s, a lobbyist scandal was connected with the name of Son Elena Tchaikovskaya. Colleague Igor Novikova - Denis Voronenkov - demanded money from the owner of the company "Siborpost" for familiarity with the leaders of the Unity faction Boris Gryzlov and Franz Klintsevich. After receiving labeled money from the entrepreneur, Igor and Denis were detained. They were accused of extortion, but later the case was closed due to the absence of a crime. The money received was written off by the prosecutor's office for the recovery of debt from the entrepreneur.

Elena Tchaikovskaya with grandchildren

With the second husband, Elena met at competitions, Anatoly Tchaikovsky was a sports correspondent from Kiev. Spouses they became in 1965. Anatoly moved to Moscow, became an employee of Soviet Sports. In collaboration with him, the coach wrote a number of books about the professional biography, the upbringing of students and the history of the exciting sport, figure skating.

Elena Tchaikovsky has grandchildren. In the family of Igor Novikov, two children were brought up - the son of Igor, who has already graduated from the university and became interested in PR, and the daughter of Victoria, the new tennis player, a student of the Faculty of International Journalism. Now Elena Tchaikovskaya, along with natives, spends time in a country house, which built on the site of the former generic estate.

Elena Tchaikovskaya now

Elena Tchaikovskaya watched with interest for the 2018 Olympics and the performance of Russian skaters. The coach outraged the high estimate of Alina Zagitiov's number and Evgenia Medvedeva understated. According to Tchaikovskaya, the speech evaluation system must be revised, as the artistry and expression of execution remain unexpected. The technically impeccable performance of Alina Zagito helped a girl to get ahead of a colleague, which introduced a more solid and bright image on the ice.

Elena Tchaikovskaya

Elena Tchaikovskaya also negatively responded about the number Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov. The program of athletes against the background of competitors from China, Germany and Canada looked pale due to the insufficient number of dramatic ligaments and artistic elements, and having failed the technical side of the speech, Russian figure skaters finally lost hope of the winner podium.


  • Honored coach of the USSR
  • Honored Coach of Russia
  • Honored Artist of Russia
  • Master of Sports of the USSR
  • Two Orders of the Red Banner
  • Order of St. Gediminas (Lithuania)

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