Raymond Pauls - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs, Music, Concerts, Age, Wife 2021



Raymond Pauls - the famous Latvian composer, whose work was loved by the Soviet and Russian listeners. The author of the legendary songs for the brightest stars of pop. The organizer of the music competition "New Wave", the People's Artist of the USSR and the socio-political figure.

Childhood and youth

Raymond Pauls was born on January 12, 1936 in Riga. Family for the future maestro was complete. Father Voldemar Pauls, Latvian by nationality, worked on the post of glass, and the Mother of Alma Matilda after the birth of the son became a housewife. However, her profession was also extraordinary: before the beginning of the family life, Alma Matilda worked for a long time with a pearl embroiderers. Talent and love for applied art were transferred to the younger sister, Eidi, who in the future became a famous artist on tapestries.

Music vendors Parents Rammond were not completely deprived of: the father of the future famous composer played drums in the Mikhavo orchestra, which presented the result of the amateurness of several gifted self-taught. It is rumored that soon after the appearance of the Son on the light of Voldemar Pauls accidentally stumbled upon the book Arthur Cubert "Paganini". Having read it, he was so inspired by an example of the art of the famous musician, which bought his son a violin and sent him to a kindergarten at the Riga Music Institute.

It happened shortly before the input of Soviet troops. Soon, Voldemar Pauls sent a family from Riga to the village, where his wife and son were more security, and the professional lessons had to forget for a while. But the second world is over, Paulsa returned to Riga, and the boy entered the music school. E. Darzine, who worked at the Latvian State Conservatory.

At first, 10-year-old Raymond did not have time in his studies. But his inborn talent, the teacher's wounded teacher Olga Borovskaya, as well as chocolate candies, which she generously treated diligent disciples, quickly did their job. The future composer achieved success in the piano and finally fell in love with this universal musical instrument.

According to the piano, he later studied in the Latvian Conservatory. Yazpa Vitola, and then - in the same educational institution, but already in the class of composition.

Even in the senior classes of music school, Raymond Pauls felt an insurmountable craving for the direction, far from classic to Jazz. As the composer himself later admitted, he was still in his youth with his head "rushed to jazz, as in Out." A young musician gladly played on dance evenings, improvising and playing on piano without notes. Finally realizing that the music should become his profession for life, Pauls returned to the conservatory for the separation of the composition, as mentioned above.


In 1964, Raymond Pauls, despite the young age for such a post, became the artistic director of the Riga Past Orchestra. His music acquired a special charm, became recognizable in professional circles. A few years later, the first author's program of the composer was presented in the concert hall of the Latvian state philharmonic, and the tickets for her, to the surprise of Raymond, were born.

On the territory of Latvia, Pauls became famous thanks to the writing of the melodies to the songs of Alfred Kroklisa "Winter Evening", "Old Birch" and "We will meet in March." It is also known to compatriots as an employee of Gosperary in the republic, where over the years has performed as a conductor, and after - the editor of the music. Also Raymond Voldemarovich was noted by writing the musical "Sister Kerry" and a number of other works that earned the awards of festivals. The most popular musicals of Maestro entered the works of Sherlock Holmes, the "mysterious abduction", "Devilish".

In 1975, he recorded popular and to this day hit "The leaves yellow over the city are circling ...". The melody of this song could be heard from all the radio receivers of the Soviet Union, and it can be considered a present beginning of the countdown of the All-Union popularity of Raimond Pauls, which continues to this day.

"Star hour" the creative biography of the composer is customary to be called his cooperation with Alla Pugacheva in the second half of the 20th century, when Alla Borisovna was at the peak of popularity. "Million Scarlet Roses", "Maestro", "without me", "ancient clock" - these and other hits were warming up human love and became symbols of the era in the history of Soviet pop. Less popular product "You do not leave me" sang and another star - Valentina Lightwost.

Not only Alla Pugacheva noticed the talent of the Latvian director. His melodies were known both in the execution of individual singers and entire ensembles. Among them are wide popularity at one time had a children's team "Kukushechka".

Among his creative partners there were exquisite Lyme Vaikule and temperamental Valery Leontyev. Contemporaries say that in the 1980s, Valery Leontyev was not too pleasing to the Soviet authorities, and only the fact that Raymond Pauls continued to invite him to concerts, helped the artist to resist afloat.

Some pop songs imposed on the authorship melody of the famous Masters were performed both in Russian and in Latvian. Among them, "path to the light" Rodrigo Fomins.

Masterpieces The composer also creates for singers and singers, and for cinematic paintings, and for theatrical performances. So, his music sounds in the films "How to Be Star", "Devil's" servants, "Arrows Robin Hood", "Long road in the dunes" and others; In the theatrical productions "Green Virgo", "Brand", "Count Monte Cristo", "Wild Swans".

It is noteworthy that each of these theatrical performances later won the prize at the Yugoslav Festival. The star also appeared in the frame as an actor. In 1978, Pauls played the "Theater" filmmaker, and in 1986 - in the film "How to become a star", in each of which appeared in the image of a pianist.

In 1986, Raymond Voldemarovich made the initiative of the creation of an international competition "Jurmala". The event was carried out for 6 years.

In 1989, Raymond Pauls took the post of Minister of Culture of Latvia, and four years later he became an adviser to the president of the country in culture. Moreover: in 1999 he ran into the presidents of his native country. But soon the musician understood that he was not ready for such responsibility. Winning in the first round and typing most votes in parliament, he took off his candidacy.

Pauls pays a lot of time to public affairs. Buying not far from Riga Earth with the building of the former school, the composer opened a center for talented children there. In the capital of Latvia, Pauls also headed the cultural and entertainment center. In the asset of Raymond Voldemarovich, several restaurants of national cuisine.

Political career and social life did not interfere with the musician to replenish their own discography. In the early 2000s, Raymond Pauls pleased fans with new musicals "Legend of Green Virgo" and "Dame Happiness". After a decade, the works of Leo appear. Last bohemia "and" Marlene ". But the most famous became the musical performance "All about Cinderella", published in 2014. The music for the postulation of Pauls wrote at the request of Mikhail Shvodsky for the Russian Theater of the Musikla.

In the new century, Rammond Pauls songs became the decoration of albums of famous Russian artists: Valeria, Larisa Valley, Tatiana Bulanova. Raymond Voldemarovich spent most of the time in Latvia, supporting contacts with pop performers, working in the theaters of Riga and regularly chairing the competition "New Wave", which he himself created in collaboration with Igor Cool.

Until 2015, the Music Festival was held at the Motherland Pauls, later moved to Sochi. The festival became the starting platform for many popular performers, including Sergey Lazarev, Jamala, Dima Bilan, Anastasia Stotskaya, Nyusha.

Subsequent years, Pauls deepened in performing activities. As a pianist, he visited most Latvian cities with solo performances. So, in 2018, the composer according to tradition came to the opening of the musical season in Jurmala, the first anchlag concert of which was held in the hall "Dzintari".

Going to the scene with the introductory word, the maestro was in good location of the Spirit and even having fun to publish a joking squirrel. It turned out that the policeman stopped the car Raymond Voldemarovich and, without recognizing the celebrity, asked him to take a test for alcohol.

Personal life

In the late 1950s, Raymond Pauls went to prolonged tour with the Riga Past Orchestra. One of the cities where the composer visited the 1st in the life of the working trip, became Odessa. His future wife lived there: Lana (Svetlana Epifanova, so the full name of the girl sounded) Pleny the young musician with her beauty.

The girl ended the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the University and worked as a guide in the hotel. Philological education subsequently helped Lane adapt in Latvian society.

Despite the average physique (growth of 170 cm with weight 72 kg) and the absence of deafening popularity, which was waiting for the maestro only in the future, Lana replied to the ridiculous reinforcement.

Lovers signed in Pardaugava. Newlyweds did not even have witnesses, they became an employee of the registry office and janitor. But Raymond and Lana did not pay attention to everyday difficulties. Soon they had a daughter Aneta.

As Pauls himself later admitted in an interview, for all the time a creative career, he had no problem with alcoholic drinks. In society, they were talking about the developing alcoholism of the composer. It is such a side of life as family and children, helped him tie to a detrimental habit.

Although the press often dismissed rumors about the novel of gifted maestro and Alla Pugacheva, Raymond Voldemarovich to this day was devoted to his wife. In the personal life of a talented man was not shocks. This amazing marriage has already existed for more than half a century, and even in photo 2016 it can be seen, with what tenderness, the spouses look at each other.

The only daughter of Pauls became the director of television, married the Dane of Polish origin and presented the parents of 2 granddaughters - Anna-Maria and Monic-Ivonn, as well as the grandson of Arthur. In the international family talk in several languages: Russian, English, Latvian. At the footsteps of the grandfather, only the granddaughter of Monic, who plays the piano, went.

In an interview with the portal, Freecity.lv, Annetn recalled that the Latvian childhood of the maestro's heiress was not so rainbowd as you think. Odnoklassniki and even teachers allowed themselves to dissolve rumors about the famous family. Once a teacher at the lesson insulted the young Pauls and the girl's parents.

In 2012, a married couple Pauls noted a golden wedding. The composer decided not to give the event of excessive solemnity, but simply arranged a family lunch in Latvian style in the rural house "Lichi" near the salad. In many ways, such a decision has influenced the health of the author of popular songs. A year before, Raymond Voldemarovich suffered an operation on the heart, because of which was forced to cancel a number of performances and even participation in a friend's concert and colleague, the poet Ilya Reznik.

Nevertheless, by 2016, by the date of the 80th anniversary, Raymond Pauls is already strong enough and spoke with an anniversary concert in Moscow. In the capital of Russia, the gifted resident of the Baltic shore was always happy, so all the stars of the Russian stage gathered at the celebration.

Raymond Pauls now

The musician does not lead a personal account in "Instagram" and other social networks, but the network you can find fan panels dedicated to the work of Raymond Pauls.

Despite the rumors about emigration, now Pauls lives in a hot beloved Riga and is waiting for the abolition of quarantine orders in the world. Complain the loneliness caused by anti-coronavirus measures and transfer the planned events in 2020.

"It's better not to remember about this year, of course ... Well, what's good in it? I have so many concerts canceled! And this feeling is terrible when people still have to keep away ... "," the composer complains in an interview with the magazine "I love".

January 12, 2021 Raymond Voldemarovich has a big date - 85th anniversary. Initially, it was assumed to hold a large concert of Pauls and the opera singer Elina Garant in the Latvian National Theater. As a result, due to a pandemic, the Riga authorities banned the event.

However, the cultural community of the city could not leave the anniversary without attention. From January 9, on the local Radio, they launched the 85-hour "Marathon Marathon". At the station made a decision for four days to broadcast the works of the authorship of Raymond Pauls.

In addition, the Latvian television showed the documentary "Eternal Engine" about the life and work of Raimond Pauls. Also on the screens is planned online broadcasting of the mini-version of the concert.

We respect the author of numerous hits and in Russia - the stars of the stage took part in Teleconcert in honor of the birthday man. At the end of 2020, the "Casta" group expressed his respect, including the part of the TAVS Sauciens works in a new album.


  • 1966 - "Latvian Estrada"
  • 1970 - "Songs R. Pauls for the words A. Kruklis"
  • 1971 - "Pop songs R. Pauls to Latvian folk texts"
  • 1980 - "The melodies of the French composer F. Furmier plays R. Pauls"
  • 1981 - Yaak Joal "Songs R. Pauls for the words Anatoly Kovaleva"
  • 1982 - "We are visiting Maestro. Evening Raymond Pauls December 29, 1981
  • 1984 - Andrei Mironov "Old Friends"
  • 1984 - Valery Leontyev "Dialogue"
  • 1985 - "R. PAULS. Choir them. T.Calnin sings the songs on the words Ya. Peters "
  • 1986 - Ayia Cukule "Song of Raimond Pauls"
  • 1987 - Valery Leontiev "Velvet Season"
  • 1987 - Credo Creek Group
  • 1987 - Rodrigo Fomin "Path to Light"
  • 1988 - Lyme Vaikule "Songs R. Pauls on poems Ilya Reznika"

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