Harley Queen - character history, actress, friends and enemies


Character History

As long as the superman, a wonderful woman and a green lamp save the Universe, every night at the gloomy megapolis Gotham descends the shadow of unprecedented cruelty and crime. Bruce Wayne puts his black suit and goes to fight with evil, but it's not so easy to defeat all the lawlessness, especially since the city is fought by a crazy psychopath Joker, who loves to kill innocent people. This madman, which gives up fear and horror for everyone, helps beauty Harley Queen, who does not know the mercy of either towards him or others.

History of creation

Harley Quinn first appeared before the lovers of superhero adventures not in graphic novels, but in the animated series. This brutal and insanely in love with Joker girl came up with Bruce Timm and Paul Dini for the Mercer series "Batman", which was broadcast from 1992 to 1995.

Harley Queen

In the episode "Service to Joker" in the plot, the eccentric villain was supposed to jump out of a huge cake before the crowd of police officers. The creators considered that it would be necessary to joke to do this work, so they began to think about creating a clown assistant. True, in the final version of the cartoon from the cake, Joker joined all the same.

Paul Dini decided that the girl should become the right hand of the insane villain. The authors of the comic took ten days to come up with the mysterious Harley Queen, and the concept was constantly changing. Initially, the illustrators wanted to make a woman-hazel in dark glasses, which is unquestioned by Joker, and then the idea came to artists to make a fragile and pretty heroen with a sense of humor: Sometimes Harley is joking even funnier than a smiling criminal, for which he is constantly angry.

Harley Queen - Art

Dini inspired to create Harley theatrical actress Arleng Sorkin, who brilliantly performed in the opera "Days of our Life", reincarnated in the jester. Since the creator of comics was familiar with Arlin from college, he awarded the fictional heroine of her personal qualities and external features. In addition, a possible prototype of the insane blonde was the girls from the musical Frank Lusser "Guys and Pupae".

When the image of the heroine, Timm and Dini began to reflect on the name of the beloved Joker. Writers went over many names, but ultimately stopped at Harlin Queenzel: the pseudonym of this girl - Harley Queen - is associated with the word "harlequin".

Despite the fact that the nature of the villain changed over time, Harley has an official biography. The girl from childhood was fond of sports and was a born gymnast. After graduating from school, Queenzel entered the university for a specialty "Psychiatrist", but the student of the lady did not interest: she did not look at night long lectures, but he was seduced by teachers.

Harley Queen in the cartoon

Harley dreamed of recognition and glory, so it settled in the hospital Arkhem for mentally ill criminals. By the way, this hospital is named after the one-name institution from the work of the "horror king" - Howard Lovekraft. Blonde did not want to start her career with a small one, so I decided to specialize in cases with maniacs and murderers.

One day, Joker appeared on one of the sessions - the main villain of the Universe "DC", whose name is afraid to pronounce even criminal authorities aloud. The tricks of this clown are distinguished by inexorable cruelty: he will establish a bomb in the village, will hesitate to the death of his enemies by mount, and once an antagonist even lit a man and made him go to the nightclub stage.

Makeup Harley Queen

Such behavior was not embarrassed by Harley, who in the ears fell in love with a criminal with a white face and green hair. In 2011, DC Comics changed the plot by making a multivariate past heroine.

Quinn helps to escape to his beloved, but when the hospital leadership learned about this incident, Harley herself fell into Arkhem, already as a patient. After entering freedom, Joker took his girlfriend to an abandoned factory, where she fell into an acid that was in the cha.

Harley Queen in comics

Since then, this pretty girl has become the same crazy as her lover. Next, Harley Quinn, who was initially a secondary character, earned the love of comic readers, and in 1999 the assistant of the criminal was included in the list of main superdodes of the Universe "Disti."

Harley helped Joker in a variety of atrocities, the heroine in Harlequin's costume without a revelation of conscience wanted to kidnap and blow up dozens of newborn children. In addition, Quinn helped Joker to kill Lucker Luther, but Superman prevented a cunning plan of the gangsters.

Image and power

Often in comics with a restarting universe, the appearance of the hero is changing that it provokes numerous discussions of fans. The classic image of the heroine was invented in 1992, and, it is worth noting, he has retained a long time. Queen appeared in front of the audience in a black and red arquin costume with white elements and mask on her face. In ordinary life, devoid of villain adventures, Harley is a blonde with blue eyes in 170 cm.

In the hands of the girl could be a huge wooden hammer or gun, which she frightened her opponents. In such robes, Harley appeared both in animated films and on the pages of DC magazines.

This image was pleased with the fans for 17 years until the release of the computer game "Batman: Arkham Asylum" did not take place in 2009. The creators decided that the colorful clown suit would not correspond to the neonaire and ominous atmosphere of the action game, so we decided to change the appearance of the Joker's assistant.

This time, the brutal lady appeared before the sophisticated public in a white shirt and a short skirt. The developers wanted to leave the jet cap, but soon changed his mind, and instead of the hammer in the hands of the heroine, an automatic appeared.

Harley Queen with bat

In 2011, the studio "DC" announced the restart of the universe. On the cover of the first number of the graphic novel "Suicide Squad Vol. 4 "Harley Queen appeared in an unusual form: the beauty was dressed in corsets and short shorts. But but the authors decided to leave the main weapon of the villain, namely a wooden hammer. In the same 2011, the British Studio for the development of games "Rocksteady Studios" had a heroine in her classic suit, stitched from leather fabric.

In 2014, the company launched a series "Harley Quinn Vol. 2. The fictional heroine received a new costume, to which roller skates were added, and the Studio Rocksteady handed Harley a new weapon - a baseball bat.

Margo Robbie in the role of Harley Queen

In 2016, the film directed by David Ayer "Square Divorce" came out. The role of the criminal, which first appeared in the full-length movie, went Margo Robbie. The Australian actress presented the heroine in a completely new appearance, which was popular among the fans of this film: many did the same suit on Halloween or "Comic-Con" (the comic festival, which takes place in San Diego).

Makeup Harley from the picture is distinguished by bright colors, it wears tights into the mesh and has many tattoos. But the attention of the girls attracted another detail of the clothing: the Kwinn's feet were blocked by unusual shoes from Adidas.

Among other things, the creators of Harley Queen have endowed the heroine superconductances: the gangster is not afraid of toxic waste and immune diseases, and also knows how to turn gadgets and props in weapons.

Friends and enemies

Like any character of comics, Harley Queen has friends, and ill-wishers. It is known that Harley loves Joker and is ready to sacrifice himself for this insane psychopath. She easily agrees to bloody crimes, and in the film "The Square Square" it tells that the blonde, along with his cavalier, killed Robin.

Harley Queen and Joker

It turns out that this is a crime that crashed into the memory of readers, Joker did not alone. The villain himself relates to his passion very ambiguously and often simply uses it for insidious purposes and is circumscribed on suffering. For example, one day, Joker did not like the fact that the reporter causes positive feelings in his soul, so the criminal decided to get rid of his partner. However, despite the cruel attempt to murder, Quinn forgives the beloved, and they again protrude a duet.

Among the friends of Harley Queenn, you can allocate Pamela Lilian Aisli on nicknamed poisonous ivy. This extravagant girl hates Batman, which could not not bring her closer from Harley. In addition, that day, when Joker inflicted Harley numerous blows, Pamela found a criminal unconscious and cured her wounds. Thus, two anti-rosses have become the best girlfriends.

Harley Queen and Deadpool

Poisonous ivy gave Harley a special antidote from toxins, which gave the strength and strengthened superpower. Next, the villains were organized by the "Gotham Siren" team, which also entered the cat's woman - another report of Harley Queen. Few people know that initially the heroine in a black suit fought on the side of evil and only then became an assistant Batman.

These girls experienced a lot: participated in the attacks, tried to kill Joker and even managed to save a woman's cat from a black mask. Also Harley Quinn cooperates with the hired killer Daudshot, who constantly brags, which does not allow any misfire. He appears in Gothema to deal with Batman. In one of the releases of comics between these characters, a love line is traced, which comes to no.

Batman and Harley Queen

The list of enemies Harley Quinn is also impressive. The girl with all the soul hates Bruce Wayne, who collaborates with the police and prevents Joker's cunning plans. The blonde woman in every way helps his beloved in the implementation of plans against Batman, but this tandem fails to defeat the powerful superhero. Also, Harley Queen's plans prevent Batgerle, Nigving and a black canary.

Interesting Facts

  • Fans of comics come up with fan fans and articles, where the main actors are Harley Queen and Dadpool. Some lovers of these heroes attribute to them a passionate novel, but the theoretically, such alignment of events is impossible, because these characters are from different universes.
  • The role of Harley Queen in the film "Square Square" (2016) could perform Zoe Diagel, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Saifred, Jennifer Lawrence and other stars of show business.
  • In 2010, the creators of comics complemented Harley's biography. It turns out that she had a cruel mother who condemned every act of a girl.
Harley Queen and her mother
  • In the restart of the Universe, Joker told Harley Queen, that in fact he had a lot of beloved, which he killed and hid in the basement.
  • In "NEW-52", Joker was in an unpleasant situation: a face was sorted from him. But the desperate psychopathist Harley Quinn stole this part of his beloved to catch talk to him.
  • In the Alternative Universe "DC" it turns out that in fact the assistant Joker has a daughter. The creators open the curtain of secrecy during the battle of Harley with a black Canary: Quinn learns about the pregnancy of the rival and declares that herself brings up a four-year-old daughter Lucy.
  • In the cartoon "Batman and Harley Queen" (2017), the criminal was voiced by Melissa Roch, but not all critics were satisfied with the work of the actress.

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