Peter Wrangel - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, War and Latest News



Wrangel Peter Nikolaevich - White General, nicknamed the Black Baron, commander of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia and the Russian Army. Brave, brave, high growth, in black Cherkysk and Bourke, he was horrified on enemies.

Peter Nikolaevich was born on August 15, 1878 In Novoalksandrovsk, Koven province (currently Zarasai, Lithuania) in the family of the Baltic Germans.

Peter Wrangel

His Lower Saxon ancestors lived in Estonia from the XIII century. In the XVI-XVIII centuries, the branches of this surname were settled in Prussia, Sweden and Russia, after 1920 - in France, the United States and Belgium.

In the family of Wrangels in a few centuries were famous navigators, military leaders and polar researchers. Peter Nikolayevich's father did not go in the footsteps of famous ancestors and chose another path. He dreamed of the same fate and for his son, whose childhood and youth was held in Rostov-on-Don.

Interesting facts about Wrangegel

  • Comes from the nobleman. The pedigree of his ancestors dates back to the XIII century. The motto of the genus was a saying: "Loom, but you will not bend" ("Frangas, Non Flecs").
  • On the wall of the christ of Christ the Savior, the name of one of the ancestors who died in the Patriotic War of 1812 was perpetuated.
  • The name of the ancestor (F.P. Wrangel) is called an island in the Arctic Ocean.
  • His father was a writer, art historian and antiquarian, mother was a museum worker.

Brief Biography of Wrangel to Civil War

In 1900, Wrangel graduated from training at the Mountain Institute in St. Petersburg, received a diploma engineer and a gold medal. In 1901 he is called upon military service. The service takes place in the Life Guard by the horse shelf in the status of a solid determining. Performs the duties of an official of special assignments under the Governor-General of Irkutsk.

Peter Wrangel

The resignation goes to the rank of Cornet. In 1902 enters the Nikolaev Cavalry School in St. Petersburg. For courage and participation in hostilities in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, he is awarded by Anninsky weapon. In 1907, they represent the emperor and translate into the native regiment. Continuing training in the Nikolaev Guards Academy and in 1910 finishes it.

At the beginning of World War I, he was already a Rothmistrome of the horse guard. In the first battles, it was distinguished himself that on August 23, in a fierce attack, the German battery was captured under the causa. Among the first officers are awarded the Order of St. George 4 degrees, and on October 12, 1914 receives the title of Colonel.

Peter Wrangel

In the fall, 1915 is sent to the South-West Front by the commander of the 1st Nerchinsky Regiment of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. According to the service staircase, Wrangel rose not very quickly, but deservedly. Often, his interlocutor became Nicholas II, with whom they spent a long time for exciting themes.

Unlike Denikina, Kornilov and many colleagues, Wrangel did not support the February Revolution and the Provisional Government. It believed that the revolutionary decrees and government actions undermine the basis of the army. He held an insignificant position and turned out to be an outsider in this political struggle.

Peter Wrangel

Fought discipline and counteracting elected soldier committees. I tried to prove that the renunciation of Nicholas II would worsen the situation in the country. Kerensky wanted to attract him to the defense of Petrograd, but he resigned. After the revolution, Wrangel reunites with his family, which at that time settled in the Crimea.

Civil War

In February 1918, the Baron was arrested by sailors of the Black Sea Fleet. From the shooting he saves the intercession of his wife. During the occupation of Ukraine, German troops in Kiev held a meeting of Wrangel and the hetman of the Scopadian, who were previously colleagues.

Peter Wrangel

Peter Nikolaevich was disappointed with the Ukrainian nationalists surrounding the scorpin, as well as his dependence on the Germans. He goes to Kuban and joins General Denikin, who instructs him to curb one rebellious Cossack Division. Wrangel not only reassured the Cossacks, but also created a part with excellent discipline.

In winter, 1918-1919, he heads the Caucasian army, it takes the pool of Kuban and Terek, Rostov-on-Don, in June 1919 beings Tsaritsyn. Victory Wrangel confirm his talent. When hostilities, he maximally limited violence inevitable in such conditions, severely punished for robbery and looting. At the same time, the soldiers were very respected.

Peter Wrangel

In the summer of 1919, the three army of Denikin moved to Moscow, one of them was commanded by Wrangel. His army fell through Nizhny Novgorod and Saratov, but when taking Tsaritsyn suffered large losses. The Denikina Wrangel plan criticized and considered him losing. He was convinced that the attack on Moscow had to be held in one front.

As a result, the troops were broken by the Red Army. To prevent the disaster, Wrangel was sent to Kharkov, but on arrival he only made sure that the White Army was destroyed. The attempt of a conspiracy against Denikin failed, and Wrangel was again sent to Kuban.

White traffic

In March 1920, the White Army has new losses, as a result of which she hardly managed to cross in Crimea. Denikin was accused of defeat. In April, after his resignation, Wrangel becomes the new chief committee. "Russian Army" - such a name was received by white forces who continued the struggle against the Bolsheviks.

Peter Wrangel

Wrangel is looking for not only military solving problems, but also political. A temporary republican government was created in Crimea to unite the people disappointed in the Bolsheviks. The political program of Wrangel included the abstracts of Earth, which should belong to the people and provided employment guarantees for the population.

At that time, the white movement was no longer supported by the British, but Wrangel independently conducted the reorganization of the army, which appeals about 25 thousand soldiers. He hoped that the War of the Council of the Council of Pilsh, heaves the strength of the Red, and he could strengthen his position in the Crimea, after which, to start counteroffensive.

Peter Wrangel

The attack of the red on April 13 at the Perekop Isthmus was easily shot down. Wrangel went to the attack, reached Melitopol and captured the lands adjacent to the peninsula from the north. In July, the new onset of Bolsheviks was reflected, but in September, after the end of the war with Poland, the Communists sent reinforcements to Crimea.

Defeat and evacuation

The number of troops of the Red Army was 100 thousand infantry units and 33 thousand 600 units of the cavalry. The forces of the Bolsheviks four times exceeded the forces whites. I had to retreat for Perekop's shelters. The first attempt of the Red breakdown was stopped, but Wrangel realized that the offensive would resume. It was decided to prepare for evacuation.

Monument to Peter Wrangel

During the seven months, General Wrangel was at the head of the Crimea - the last Ottop of the Russian Earth, free from the Bolsheviks. November 7, 1920 troops under the command of Frunze broke into the Crimea. The civilian population was evacuated under the cover of the defense of the perk. While the enemy's head held back the troops of General Kuttov, Wrangel was engaged in the evacuation of the population. In the five Black Sea ports, landing was organized on 126 ships.

Family Peter Wrangel

Within three days, 146 thousand people were evacuated, of which 70 thousand soldiers. To help refugees who went to Turkey, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania, was sent to the French cornight "Valdek-Rousseau". Peter Nikolayevich was in Istanbul, then he settled in Belgrade. He led the white movement of emigrants, in 1924 he refused the leadership, having passed him to the Great Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich.

Personal life

In August 1907, Wrangel marries Olga Mikhailovna Ivanhenko - the daughter of Chamber and the Freillas of the Empress Yard. The wife accompanies him on the front, working the sister of mercy. By 1914, he already had three children, later born the fourth. Children Peter Nikolayevich and Olga Mikhailovna - Elena, Natalia, Peter and Alexey. The wife survived her husband for 40 years and died in 1968 in New York.

Peter Wrangel with his wife


Peter Nikolayevich died on April 25, 1928 in Brussels from tuberculosis infection. The family believed that he was poisoned by the secret agent GPU. October 6, 1929 His body was reburied in Belgrade in the Church of the Holy Trinity. After him, photos, notes, memoirs and memories, quotes from which can be found in the works of modern historians and biographers.

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