Andrei Leonov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, son Evgeny Leonova, wife, films 2021



Andrei Leonov is the Soviet and Russian actor of the theater and cinema, a worthy representative of the creative dynasty. Success to the artist came already in adulthood. Today, he is called "deserved dad of Russia." He received such status after execution of the lead role in the rating series.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Evgenievich Leonov was born on June 15, 1959 in Moscow in a creative family. By the sign of the zodiac, the boy turned out to be a twin. Andrei is the only son of Evgenia Leonov, the popular Soviet and Russian actor, glorified in the comedy role.

From the famous Father, he inherited charming appearance and a kind of performing skill. In the photo taken at about the same age, it can be seen as the eldest and youngest Leon. The profession of Mother Andrei was also associated with art, she served in the literary part of the Lenk theater.

From early childhood, the boy spent a lot of time on the set and was fascinated by Movie magic. Watching amazing acting reincarnations, Andrei and dreamed of trying his hand. He began to perform in school productions and a circle of acting.

Finally chose the profession of Leonov after his film. At the age of 13, he starred in the episode in the film "Racers", where his father participated. On the shooting area, the film guy did not lose time with the gift, passing the car along the way.

In 1976, Andrei Leonov was enrolled in Schukinsky Theater School (Kazan Course). Wanting to go in the footsteps of the Father, he often came to Lenk. Watching the genius game Evgeny Pavlovich, he gradually honed his skills, repeating the memorable acting models involuntarily.

Unlike many famous children, Andrei gave the duty to his homeland and served 1.5 years in the army. This decision aroused a considerable surprise at the family, he was trying to dissuade everything, including the father. But even though the young man and grew up in the "greenhouse" conditions, he never regretted his decision.


In 1978, Leonov appeared in the popular Telekartine "Ordinary Miracle." Andrey played the role of a student of the hunter. However, he managed not to get lost among the whole placer stars of the Soviet cinema and worthy to show his opportunities for creative growth recognized theatrical matraces.

After a few months, the applied hope of the artist called for listening to the famous "Lenk". After receiving theatrical education in 1979, he became an equal participant in the famous troupe, where he played in many popular performances.

In the 80-90s, the actor was almost not shot in the cinema. The filmography of this period includes only 4 roles of the second plan, which are considered rather exceptions. In the family saga Vladimir Basova "Time and Family of Conway" Andrei Evgenievich played one of the leading characters by Alan in his youth, which also reincarnated Evgeny Leonov. Representatives of famous acting dynasties appeared in the film: Oleg Tabakov and Anton Tabakov, Irina Skobseva and Alena Bondarchuk and others.

Andrei Leonov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, son Evgeny Leonova, wife, films 2021 18213_1

In 1990, Andrei Evgenievich starred in popular at that time a fantasy film "Witch Dungeon" directed by Yuri Moroz, where he played an episodic role of the pilot. The painting about the mysterious planet Evur and its inhabitants gathered the lady of the stars of the screen. Sergey Zhigunov starred here, Marina Levutova, Nikolai Karachentsov.

After leaving the life in 1994, Evgenia Leonov, His Son became one of the leading Lenkomov actors, as well as a lively continuation of the theater. He did not have a shortage of honor and respect the viewers, so more than 20 years almost did not leave the theatrical scene and was able to earn a name in the profession. His merits were appreciated. In 1997, he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

The 2000s became for the creative biography of the actor of the return of return to the film. He starred immediately in several popular TV shows. In a detective, "female logic", where the main role was performed by Alisa Freindlich, he played the investigator. Already in this image showed features of a characteristic role.

The role of a friend of the Great Poet got Andrei Leonov in the biographical project "Yesenin". The film was filmed in several cities of Russia: in Yaroslavl, Ryazan, St. Petersburg. Part of the scenes were created in Venice and Odessa.

In addition to television serials, he appeared in advertising, conducted the transfer of "disease - no" on the TV channel "Capital". Later, another project about health appeared in the TV presenter's piggy bank - "On the most important thing."

With the participation of the actor, the drama was published about the life of the tigers of the Tiger "Margarita Nazarov". Andrei Evgenievich appeared in the frame in the form of his father. Despite the fact that the film was criticized, the picture was awarded the Golden Eagle premium.

Another work of Leonov in the biographical drama - "Zorge" - appeared on the screens in 2019. The authors of the project did not hide that many plot lines and heroes were invented during the creation of the series. Shots went in Moscow and Shanghai, authentic scenery were recreated, props and wartime clothing were used.

The legendary commentator Nikolai Ozerov Andrei Evgenievich was embodied in Bayopic "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams. " The premiere of the sports drama was timed to the 90th anniversary of the birthday of the great athlete.

"Father's daughters"

Andrei Leonov was the real "star", after the fulfillment of the role of a large father Sergey Vasnetsov in the television series "Daddy's daughters". The project became superpopular in Russia almost overnight.

The loved series brought Andrei Leonov the nomination of the TEFI-2008 award and the Ukrainian award of "TV star". However, despite international recognition, in 2008 the actor reported that he leaves the project. The reason was a strong load, since the shooting was conducted by an accelerated pace, which could not not affect the quality of the material.

In 2010, the producer was lucky to convince the actor to continue shooting in the 14th season declared the last. But the love of viewers to the heroes of an extraordinary setting caused a storm of feedback with desires to see the continuation. In 2012, the long-awaited project "Papine daughter. Supernests. "

Personal life

In the youth of Leonov survived a speed romance with Tatiana Kravchenko. According to the actress, these relations were distinguished by romanticity. But the young artist did not come to the courtyard in the star family: Andrei's parents were against this connection. Soon the couple broke up.

The first time Andrei Leonov married the Chilean Girl Maria Alejandre Cuevas, the daughter of a political emigrant. His chosen was working as a pediatrician in a Morozovskaya hospital. In 1987, they had a son who received the name of Eugene in honor of the grandfather.

In the late 1990s, the couple broke up. Aleukandra moved with her son to Sweden, but Andrei Evgenievich did not want to leave his homeland. Gradually, the feeling of love was reborn between spouses in friendship. Evgeny Leonov - the youngest managed to adapt in a new place. According to the family tradition, became an actor, graduating from the Stockholm Theater Institute. Today, he writes scripts and music to theatrical productions, it itself turns out the copyright on the scene. In 2019, he presented the famous father of his grandson. Boy called Mio.

After parting with the first spouse in the personal life of Andrei Leonov, a 15-year-old pause was occurring. All this time, the artist devoted to his beloved business. Family happiness brought Andrei Evgenievich role in the rating series "Papine daughter".

Anastasia Tarasova from the first episodes watched the film only because of the performer of the main character, so it challenged Andrei Leonov from the screen. After a random meeting in "Lenkom", the first date was held, followed by a semi-annual period of friendship and calamity. Only in the spring of 2008, Anastasia said the chief "Yes", but the wedding took place later. On April 27, 2010, Anastasia became the second wife of Andrei Leonov.

The difference in the age of spouses was 13 years old, but this did not prevent Leonov and Tarasovoy quickly find a common language. The companion was coming from the hereditary family of musicians. Her father is a composer and pianist Igor Yakushenko, in collaboration with Mikael Tariverdiev, participated in writing musical accompaniment to the film "Welcome, or an extraneous entry is prohibited." Anastasia went to the footsteps of the Father and graduated from the Conductor Branch of the Conservatory, after which it got to work with the sound operator. Later, Tarasova retrained into producer.

In marriage, two children are brought up. In April 2010, Anastasia's wife presented his wife to her daughter Anna, and in 2013 the son of Mikhail was born. The girl visits ballet lessons at the dance school on the basis of the Bolshoi Theater. Andrei Leonov does not forget to visit the eldest son in Sweden. The first spouse and Eugene were happy for the Father, when he said that he marries Anastasia.

Andrei Leonov is not a commitment to communicate with fans and friends through social networks. The actor prefers to spend time on live communication, and not to lad out posts in "Instagram". With the participation of the actor and his home in 2014, the release of the transfer "While all at home" was published, and a year later, the artist became a guest of the Tok show of Julia Little "alone with everyone", where he gave a detailed interview about the family and work.

Another transmission, on which Andrei Evgenievich visited, along with his wife and daughter Anna Leonova, - talk show "About love." A married couple revealed secrets of living together. According to Anastasia, with her husband she often happens in the pool. Commitment to Sport allows the actor to maintain physical form. Today, with growth, 166 cm its weight is 85 kg.

Andrei Evgenievich survived another family tragedy: on the 86th year of life in May 2021, his mother Vanda Vladimirovna Leonova died. A few months before that she fell into intensive care due to a sharp drop in pressure.

Andrei Leonov Now

On the stage of Lenkoma, Andrei Leonov debuted in the play "Memory Prayer", where Tevier's character played. At one time, this role in the formulation of Gregory Gorina and Mark Zakharov embodied on stage His father Yevgeny Leonov. Alexander Lazarev spoke director of recovery.

Now Andrei Evgenievich continues to expand his repertoire in the cinema. He appeared as a veterinarian in the TV series "Ivanov-Ivanov."

The artist is still not refusing from the roles of the second plan, stating itself as an episode master. An example of a bright work was the image that Leonov embodied in a mystical detective "Certificate Calling".


  • 1978 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1984 - "Time and family of Conway"
  • 1990 - "Witch Dungeon"
  • 2002 - "Women's Logic"
  • 2005 - "Yesenin"
  • 2007-2013 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2007 - "One Love for Million"
  • 2010 - "Marry Millionaire!"
  • 2015 - "12 months. New fairy tale
  • 2015 - "Date blindly"
  • 2015 - "Lyudmila Gurchenko"
  • 2015 - "The reverse side of the moon 2"
  • 2017 - "Vasilisa"
  • 2018 - "Zorge"
  • 2018 - "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams "
  • 2020 - "Anatomy of Murder-3"
  • 2020 - "Equation with unknowns. Today you will die "
  • 2020 - "Equation with unknowns. Chemistry killing
  • 2020 - "Frameless vocation"
  • 2021 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"

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