Evgeny Menshov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death and the latest news



Menshov Evgeny Aleksandrovich was born in the city of Gorky on November 19, 1947. The name "Gorky" from 1932 to 1990 wore Nizhny Novgorod. All his childhood is a future television host spent in the Avtosta region, in a small wooden house. And the Father, and the mother of Eugene Meshshov worked on the automobile plant and were convinced that after the completion of school training, their son would also replenish the ranks of the Gaza employees and will collect new "Volga" (or will receive engineering education and will construct them).

Evgeny Menshov in youth

Meanwhile, Evgeny himself spent all his free time in a local dramatic circle. On weekdays, he left him evenings, and on the weekend disappeared on whole days. And after the eighth grade, the choice was made finally: Menshov-younger decided by all means becoming a popular actor. As it turned out, the talents of an ambitious young man was deprived: he was not worth much difficulty to pass numerous introductory tests for admission to the Gorky Theater School. Evgenia at that time was only 15 years old.

Evgeny Menshov in youth

Already then the young, energetic student often caused praise from his teachers. His classmates were jokingly called "which Brezhnev himself had seen" in case of the incident in which no one would believe. Due to the lack of money, Evgeny Meneshov had to overcome a part of the path to the school on foot, and in one of these trips, the young student saw the steward of the head of the USSR, who came to the automotive factory. In the fact that the guy really saw Brezhnev, classmates believed only after the release of the "time", which was told about the visit of Leonid Ilyich to Gorky.

Evgeny Menshov in youth

After graduating from school, Evgeny Aleksandrovich received invitations to work immediately from two theaters of Nizhny Novgorod: theater of the young viewer and the dramatic theater. From work in these theaters of the future TV presenter dissuaded Vitaly Lepsky, who worked in those days by the director of the Gorky Theater School and opened such talents, such as Evgeny Evstigneev and Lyudmila Kittyaeva. He advised the gifted guy to continue his studies, and not somewhere, but in Moscow. Menshov listened and passed the exams at the Studio School of MCAT.


After graduating from the university in 1971, Evgeny Alexandrovich received work at the Moscow Drama Theater named after N. V. Gogol. Without deductions, the actor received only 75 rubles a month, but, according to the longer, it was not worried about him. The most important thing was that his last name in the lists of the role distribution.

Evgeny Menshov

However, the All-Union (and then All-Russian) glory of Eugene received not due to the work in the theater, although all the characters played by him, beyond any doubt, were always worthy of ovations of the public. Fame Actor brought a duet with such a TV presenter as Angelina Vovk, and the joint leading of the popular transfer of the "Song of the Year".

Evgeny Menshov and Angelina Vovk

Theater actor. Gogol and the speaker of the Soviet Central Television led this program from 1988 to 2006, becoming its permanent symbols. For 18 years, he managed to open a lot of talents, as well as to travel within the framework of touring tours in Russia, Israel, Germany and even the United States.

Evgeny Menshov and Angelina Vovk

In 2006, Menshov and Vovka simultaneously left the show. It all started with the fact that the transfer was closed for a whole year. And then Igor Cool bought the rights to her, and from the leading it became a clear reading of their replicas on the script, without any improvisation. After the relationship of Igor cool with the leaders of the "Channel One" deteriorated, the transfer lost its regular monthly format and began to "jump" on different channels. And then Angelina and Eugene and at all asked to pronounce their replicas because of the Kulis, which became the last straw in the cup of their patience.


The static TV presenter, the growth of which was impressive for a person of his generation 182 cm, often attracted attention not only to beautiful ladies, but also filmmakers. Over the years of his creative career, Evgeny Menshov managed to distinguish between the participation of more than twenty films.

Evgeny Menshov in the film

The role of varying degrees of significance he received in such film stones as: "Coursework", "while there are mountains", "and dawns here are quiet", "one hundred first", "Where are you, love?", "Servant of sovereign" and a number of others.

Personal life

The first love and first wife Yevgeny Alexandrovich is Natalia Seliverstov, with which the TV host has lived eighteen years. With his future spouse, the actor met while studying at the Studio School MCAT: Eugene and Natalia studied at one course. Although the first marriage of Menshov and lasted almost twenty years, there were no children in this union.

Natalia Seliverstov

In 1988, a new love appeared in the TV presenter's life - Larisa Borushko, the actress of the Moscow Dramatic Theater. Gogol. He subsequently recalled Evgeny Menshov himself, he left the first wife, leaving everything to her, so they had to live in a small room in a communal apartment at first. At first, the newlyweds in the literal sense of the word slept on the floor, laying on the creaking boards of the newspaper.

Larisa Borushko

However, Career Larisa Borushko gradually went uphill, she was offered roles in various films, and Evgeny Menshov himself earned at the "song of the Year" and in cinema. In addition, friends were helped by each other, and after a while, a separate apartment had a detached lesser. I knew this family and such happiness as children: Larisa gave the TV presenter of his sole son Alexander.

Evgeny Menshov and Olga Grozny

Unfortunately, in part of the successfully folded career was the reason that Evgeny Alexandrovich's spouse did not bake his health too much. When the actress was only forty with a small years, she was diagnosed with "cervical cancer", and far from the first stage. Menshov sent his wife to the best doctors, looking for any ways to save her, but the disease was too launched. May 1, 2006 Larisa died at the age of 43.

After a year and a half, the third wife Yevgeny Alexandrovich, Olga Grozny, managed to breathe life in the widow killed. He became more active to work, and in the photo he smiled again and looked happy. Unfortunately, and this union was not destined to exist for many years: the obstacle was the obstacle of the spouses. TV presenter passed away in May 2015, the cause of death was prolonged kidney problems. The funeral of the artist was held at the Troyekovsky cemetery.

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