Vladimir Shansky - biography, personal life, photos, songs, cause of death



Perhaps, there is no man in our country, who, with the name "Vladimir Shainsky", would not smile, did not remember the genome with Cheburashka, about the clouds, about the composer himself, the cheerful ball of galloping on stage. Yes, he was such a cheerful, active, clockwork, unrestrainedly hooligan and frisky. He himself said that he was not known as happy, and the date of death was not known to him. But how did Shainsky remained so living 92 years old?

Childhood and youth

The indigenous Kievman was born on December 12, 1925, from 9 years he studied to play a violin at the Poland of Pioneers, and after a year it turned out to be in the 4th grade in special schools at the Kiev Conservatory, although parents were far from music: Father - Chemist, mother - biologist .

Vladimir Shainsky

During the Great Patriotic War, the family was evacuated to Tashkent. Vladimir Yakovlevich continued his studies in the Tashkent Conservatory, and in 1943 he went to the Red Army, served in Central Asia, in the regiment of communication. There, the first song I composed, on the poems of my friend - about military relations.

In 1945, the Moscow Conservatory, the Orchestral Faculty, then worked for three years with Rockovy in his orchestra, later taught the violin in the music school. And did not cease to compose music, because his admission was logical in 1962 to the composer faculty to Conservatory Baku. After graduating, returned to Moscow. Here, his composer biography was steeply rushed: wrote more than 400 songs for famous performers, and the meaning of the song for children is difficult to overestimate. Shainsky for all kids of our country for more than 40 years and remains as important as Barto, Marshak, Chukovsky.

Vladimir Shainsky

Since 2000, the life of Vladimir Shainsky began with several states: he lived in Israel, he received the citizenship of the country, moved to the south of the United States, to the city of San Diego, had a residence permit, while he often came to Russia and spoke to Ukraine with Nostalgia.

Oncology was manifested several years ago, but it did not bother Shahinsky to remain a cheerful and sociable person, as throughout his musical life.


Student in the conservatory, in 1963, Vladimir Yakovlevich Shainsky wrote his first string quartet, and in two years - symphony. He always loved creativity P.I. Tchaikovsky and tried to guess the secret of his music, he wanted success in the field of classics.

Vladimir Shainsky

Vladimir Shainsky has repeatedly spoke about what he considers himself a part of Jewish culture, and his music was born from the motives of Klezer - folk Jewish melodics. There were songs written for execution on Yiddish. Although the composer's serious classic works felt the tradition of European school. But in the key of driving in love, the passion for mischief, the love of child children and the irrepressible temperament replaced all his efforts to be serious.

Vladimir Shainsky

Once, having come to the studio of gramzapsy "Melody", in the Symphonic Music Department, Shainsky so actively demanded the studio director that the frightened head of the department complained to him by Yuri Entina, at that time, the head of the children's editorial office. He went to get acquainted with such a strange composer. It was a historical meeting. Shainsky claimed the role of a classic writer and immediately, for 5 minutes, hit the enthina on his poems about the boys Antoshka funny song.

With her, they went to the studio "Soyuzmultfilm", where they did the well-known magnitude magician "Carousel". Yes, and the screensaver to the magazine was also invented by Shainsky! So the first children's songs appeared and his growth began as a composer. Later, since the 1970s, the Opera "Troy V Ag. against Marabuca", the musicals "Az, Buki, Ardients", "Journey Niels" and other great musical works were written for children.

Vladimir Shainsky

But Shainsky would not be Shainsky, if it stopped on something one. He, like his grasshopper, was in a hurry to live and enjoy life in music, making noticeably happier the life of small listeners. Vladimir Yakovlevich wrote music for cartoons: "Cheburashka", "Shapoklyak", "Catering", "Crazy Raccoon", "Shake! Hello!" And many others. I still remember the molded melodies: "Aniskin and Phantomas", "Breakfast on the grass", "School Waltz", "Finist - Clear Falcon."

Shain's temperament forced him to live on full power: listen to his inner voice, write songs for children and adults, perform at concerts, play, albeit episodic, but still roles ("DBM" for example). Even the photo of the musician reflects his cheerfulness, and video from concerts demonstrate to their business enthusiasm.

Vladimir Shainsky

Shainsky was a member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR and many other organizations, including the United Russia party.

Vladimir Shainsky was awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of IV degree, the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship, the breast name "For Merit to Polish Culture" (Poland, 1974). He received the USSR State Prize, the Lenin Komsomol Prize, the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, Honored Artist of the Arts of the RSFSR and many others.

Personal life

In his youth, Shainsky tried to become a successful composer. But in life in everyday life or family was completely not adapted, remaining a big child. He could work out not one concert a day, but did not know how to nail her nails or prepare his lunch. Perfectly laid with boys and girls of any age, and their children appeared late. If a tool came next to him, after a couple of minutes, a noisy company turned into a friendly choir, guessing the song of the composer in the first notes, and he himself had fun at the same time.

Vladimir Shansky with children

He married very late, at 46 years old, and on a very young girl Natalia, 25 years younger than himself. The son of Joseph appeared (born in 1971). Unfortunately, the family did not work out, but the Son tries to keep in touch with his father. Now he will already grow up his children - the granddaughter of the composer Alice and the grandson, born in 2015. Joseph Vladimirovich graduated from the Institute of Radioelectronics, lives in Israel and is quite distant from music.

When a personal life made another steep turn, and the musician married the second time, in 58 years old, all relatives were in amazement - Svetlana's wife turned out to be under 41 years old! And here the family of many years of life did not proper, but it turned out quite the opposite: more than 30 years in marriage, two children.

Vladimir Shainsky with his wife

The second son of Shainsky - Vyacheslav (1987) - he studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art, became a sound engineer, now lives in Moscow, teaches courses of the theory of music and its creation in the audio school, but did not become the composer himself. Daughter - Anna (1991) - went to America along with his parents, there finished the college first, then California University, received a profession related to computers. It is likely to be a composer, and even the one who loves children is the most sensitive listeners, is a gift that not every person gets.

The young wife was not only a wise and loyal, but also an excellent husband's assistant - she became his translator (Shainsky did not want to learn another language in a very childish), his director, solving all the problems, and they arose, and more than once; Its nutritionist and nurse in the difficult times of operations and rehabilitation, when he almost died, but managed to dig out of the head of severe illness.

Vladimir Shainsky with family

Last years, Vladimir Shansky and his wife lived more often in his home in San Diego, came to Moscow, willingly responded to invitations around the country, meeting with young admirers of his music, and he always played, even on an upset instrument, charged his room.


When Health was allowed, Vladimir Shansky rode skiing, skating, bike, a lot of floated, even in the hole, always loved to have fun in a friendly company, and it doesn't matter, adults are either children. And I said about myself as it will only say a very cheerful and wise man:

"Yes, I am happy. The youth kept in the framework, and now - do what you want. I am old at all, I can! "

Vladimir Shainsky died on December 26, 2017 in the United States on the 93th year of life. A couple of years ago, doctors set him a disappointing diagnosis of stomach cancer. However, the operation made in 2015 by American oncologists made it possible to slightly extend the life of Vladimir Yakovlevich.

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