Victoria Litvinenko-Yasinovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, filmography, TV shows, "Instagram" 2021



Victoria Litvinenko-Yasinovskaya - famous Ukrainian theater and film actress. The roles played by her, found a place in the hearts of the audience not only in the homeland of the artist, but also outside the country. Now Victoria works fruitfully in several projects.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Litvinenko was born on January 16, 1986 in the small town of Fastov Kiev region. At 5 years of age, parents (Ukrainians by nationality) gave daughter to a ballet school. All his conscious life, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, and relatives approved this decision.

The first 9 classes of Young Ukrainian took himself in his hometown at school number 9. In 2001, the family moved to Kiev, so the secondary education of the future star of the screen was already obtained in Kiev School No. 317. In 2003, an apprentice with an extraordinary appearance easily enrolled in KNU THEATER, Cinema and television them. I. Karpenko-Karoy. She was enrolled on the course of Lesya Tanyuk, who student successfully graduated in 2007. Since 2003, Victoria began working in the center of modern art "Dah" in Kiev.


The creator of the "Dah" theater Vladislav Troitsky, famous for ambiguous directing decisions, noticed the talent of a young actress and invited to enter the troupe. Soon a beginner performer began to receive the main roles in performances based on the works of Russian and foreign classics.

Spectators managed to appreciate the bright, unique artist game. Each victorian heroine played remained unique: For any character, the actress knew how to choose the characteristic techniques that allowed to make an image more embossed, spectacular, deep. The concepts of Troitsky turned out to be close to the understanding of Litvinenko, and gradually the creator of theater introduced the Ukrainian to all the repertoire.

Vladislav Yur'evich came up with his own "brainchild" not only the original name, but also a memorable emblem - a snail creeping to the top of Fuji. "Dah" the director called the prototype of spiritual principles laid down by children's memories of Buddhist Buryatia.

Having created an organic creative tandem with the director, Victoria played in author's scenic projects, representing free interpretations of dramatic and epic essays. Among them, "" Almost a performance is almost in Pyrandendel, or the dance of death, "" Ukrainian Decameron "," Death of Gogol "," Negreakness. Detailing. Evening for people with disturbed posture "and others.


Litvinenko made his debut in the cinema in the episode of the series "Tomorrow will be tomorrow." The first major work in the creative biography of Victoria, immediately bringing her recognition of fans, is a 100-serial melodramatic tape "Only love". In the picture, the performer got a complex and interesting character, the main antagonist is a treacherous albin, which by all truths and inconsistencies is fighting for the love of the wealthy architect-widow.

According to the actress, shooting began not easy - on Litvinenko's samples broke her hand. Nevertheless, she managed to defeat in a complex casting. To the question of how she appreciates his heroine, Victoria replied that he did not consider Albin the villain, rather a desperate wrestler for love. Such qualities are manifested by many women fighting for chosen. What bribes is the openness of the heroine and the ability to go across. She first makes, and then only assesses his actions and their consequences.

The celebrity was also admitted to journalists that work in the project last time was given hard. Endless shooting from morning to night changed the rhythm of life and forced to sacrifice many for the sake of role. Initially, Victoria did not realize what the amount of work would be to, but when success came, then I didn't want to change something.

Victoria Litvinenko-Yasinovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, filmography, TV shows,

Another successful work Litvinenko is the 60-serial series "Grekanka", whose premiere was successfully held at the beginning of 2017 on the Russian Channel. In the film, Victoria appeared in front of the audience as a mistress of the chief hero, who wants to destroy the marriage of a promising man to become his wife himself.

In subsequent years, Litvinenko often appeared in the film projects in the role of fatal beauty: its external data was perfect for the images "Fam Fatal". In 2016, the Ukrainian filmography was replenished at once in three new pictures. In the military molodrama "on the line of life" on serious trials falling on the role of physicians of the hospital for military personnel, the artist received the role of psychotherapist Olga Velichko.

No less bright in the work of Victoria was the films "Ask for the Autumn" and "Photo on the unkind memory." Fruitful for her was the 2017, which brought the artist of work in the TV series "Up Tormashkami" (played the director of the clinic), "contrary to fate" (embodied the image of Natalia, the second wife of the novel on the screen).

We fell in love with viewers and multi-ribbons "Testament Princess" and "Sniper". In the first heroine Victoria turned out to be involved in the network of palace intrigues and the search for an old treasure. The action unfolded in the Saint Lumiere state added the plot of mystery and romance. In the second project, Litvinenko got the main role of faith, an elite prostitute.

Next year, work was added to the creative piggy bank of the actress in the series "According to the laws of military time - 2" (embodied on the screen, the image of Olga, the senior dispatcher of the railway station) and "testing for strength" (played by Milosov). In addition, the celebrity appeared in the "Badges of Fate" (appeared before fans as Margarita Lozovskaya, Viktor's wife) and "Muhabbat operations".

Successful in Victoria filmography and 2019, which brought the main role in the dramatic series "The first swallows", telling about the life of difficult adolescents. According to the story of Heroine Litvinenko, the investigator Olga Evgenievna Makarova, is engaged in clarifying the causes of the death of a schoolgirl. Also, the "List" of Ukrainian women replenished work in the projects "Companion" and "Other".

Personal life

Having become a wife of a fellow worker and colleagues at work in the theater of Roman Yasinovsky, Victoria changed the last name for double and began to be called Litvinenko-Yasinovskaya. On April 25, 2012, the creative couple was born a daughter called Barbara.

In one of the interviews, Victoria frankly shared that her husband lacks attention and time they spend together. After all, the actress is very in demand and spends a lot of time on the set. Another negative point she called that the spouse is painfully reacting to candid scenes in which his wife is forced to be filmed. Probably all this and served as a reason for parting. Some time after the divorce Victoria remained alone, but soon her personal life changed.

On the shooting of the criminal drama "Vladimirsky, 15" Litvinenko, who performed a major role, met with the popular Ukrainian actor Sergey Strelnikov. Between them ran spark, soon grew into a flame novel. After a period of romantic courtius, Sergey made a beloved sentence of his hand and hearts.

And in early 2019, the son of Sylvester Sergeevich was born in the family (this is how parents called the baby in an interview, as well as in instagram posts). In the account, the actresses often appear photos with a grazing daughter and a second child.

If possible, the celebrity tries to engage in loved ones, although it is catastrophically hard to paint the time in a dense cinematic graph. Loves horseback walks, mountain hiking with a tent. Among the hobbies of Ukrainian women - skating on a snowmobile, snowboarding, bicycle, scooter, quad bike.

With pleasure, Victoria travels around the world. On the Actresses page in the "Instagram" often encourage photos of the planet. Stunning landscapes of exotic countries are even more identified by the exquisite beauty of Ukrainian.

Victoria Litvinenko-Yasinovskaya now

In 2020, the celebrity continued to film. The fans managed to evaluate the talented game of Victoria in the TV series "Two over the Possy" (embodied the image of the main heroine of Rita on the screen), "The first swallows" (played Kiru Zotov). In 2021, she continued shooting in the "swallows" who loved the audience. The working moments of the series are captured in the photo, which Yasinovskaya lays out in "Instagram".


  • 2006 - "Best Girlfriend"
  • 2008 - "New Year's Rod"
  • 2010 - "Only love"
  • 2012 - "gunpowder and fraction"
  • 2013 - "Female Doctor-2"
  • 2014 - "Grekanka"
  • 2015 - "Immorter"
  • 2016 - "Ask the Autumn"
  • 2016 - "Photos on the unkind memory"
  • 2017 - "Sniper"
  • 2018 - "Operation Muhabbat"
  • 2018 - "According to the laws of wartime-2"
  • 2019 - "Viys of Fate"
  • 2019 - "The first swallows"
  • 2020 - "Two over the abyss"
  • 2020 - "Women's Secrets"
  • 2020 - "Passion Color"

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