Mithong Chakraborti - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mithong Chakraborti - the famous Indian actor. Glory for the whole world he brought role in the film, which everyone knows on the phrase from the song "Jimmy, Jimmy, Acha, Acha". Today, the artist is considered one of the most popular and rich people in India.

Childhood and youth

Multimo-millionaidenia's favorite was born on June 16, 1950 in Calcutta, where the boy's family moved from Bengal. Mithun is a senior and only son. Three younger sisters also live in India, while one has become a hermit in the temple.

Already in childhood, Mithong Chakraborti surprised her mother with the father and teachers to acting talent, participating in amateur theatrical productions. After school, the young men's education continued in the Scottish Church College of Calcutta, where he studied in the specialty "Chemist".

Freedom-lithuance, openness and youthful maximalism led the young chakraborts in the ranks of the Caxalet - a Maoist political organization. In 1967, after the next loud uprising of extremists, many of the guy's comrades were arrested and sentenced to long years in prison. Thanks to the timely intervention of Father, Mithong escaped such a fate.

Now the place of residence of a young man has become Bombay, and the way to make a living is to life - the post of cosmetics distributor.

On the start of the set of students in the prestigious film institute of the city of Puna (160 km from Bombay) Mithong found out by chance. But the arrival of the guy was not without interfering with providence.

At first, no one is known, besides, not quite a trustworthy young man refused to accept. But bright appearance (high growth of 183 cm and weight 72 kg), congenital acting talent and charisma forced the examination commission to change the opinion and give a chance of Chakraborti to get an education. In fairness it is worth noting that he graduated from the institute with honors. The student saw in this profession the purpose, so it was 100% laid out.

Personal life

Mithong Chakraborti's first love met in a dance show in his youth. The chosen fashion model of Helena Luke became elected elected photo model. A couple went to the conjunction of the wedding bonds for a long time: the obstacle to happiness was lack of money. And only after the wedding lovers realized the fallacy of this solution. Family life couple turned out to be short.

The second marriage brought Mithun a happy personal life. The wife of Chakraborti became the actress of Jogit Bali, selflessly abandoned from the star career in favor of creating a strong marriage. Four children were born in the couple - three sons (two of whom went in the footsteps of the Father) and daughter. Girl - a non-rigid child of an artist. In the 90s, Mithong found a baby in a garbage collection container. Krocha lay and broke away from the scream, and people went by, and no one paid attention to her. Chakraborti picked up a child and attributed to the hospital.

The famous actor has not forgotten about the kid's saved. He told his wife about what happened, and the spouses returned with the desire to pick up the crumb to themselves. After collecting papers, the artist launched the girl. She was given the name of Dishani. She knows that the unfortunate daughter of the couple, but never felt in something disadvantaged. According to the girl, parents and brothers relate to her as a princess.

Despite the created image of the Hero-lover, Mithong Chakraborti turned out to be an exemplary family man. The impeccable qualities of a man as an excellent head of the family only once gave a small crack. The cause of the scandalous story was the passion for the star of the young actress Sridevi. But, despite provoking articles in the media, this novel did not destroy the family of Dancer Disco.

Now the celebrity, answering the questions of journalists, thanks the family for understanding and support. According to men, beauty and wisdom, the spouses help him not look at age and allow you to remain forever young and energetic, full of new creative plans.

Today, the source of Power Mithun Chakraborti in a strong marriage, and the main pride of his life is the success of children.

In 1995, FilmFare magazine recognized Mithun Chakraborti with a spectator vote the sexiest actor. In 1999, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as an artist, which played the maximum number of major roles - in 249 films (at that time).

Friends say that Mithong, despite the star status, remained a modest man. A man believes in fate and confident that it was famous for him to be destined.

In 2015, Chakraborti celebrated anniversary - 65 years. Solid age and periodically emerging health problems did not prevent the artist in the same year to appear in five pictures.

Celebrity has fans worldwide. It does not lead an account in the social network "Instagram", instead it makes fans.

The actors loved in the USSR, and today the Chakraborti spokesit about Russia. A man has repeatedly came to the Union and periodically visits Moscow within the framework of promotions of new films.

Often compare young Indian artists with it. Wide distribution on the Internet received a video meeting Mithun Chakraborti and Shahrukha Khan.


Acting career Mithun Chakraborti began with episodic roles in the years of student. But success came along with the first serious role in the film "Royal Hunting". The young actor managed to really bother into the image, for which he had to live for some time in the Santalian tribe, whose life narrated in the picture. For a bright game, the creative approach and realism of the Chakraborti received the first award - the Golden Lotos Indian Cinema Prize in the "Best Male Role" nomination.

Then followed the time of hard work. It happened that for the year he starred in the top ten films. Directors, both famous and beginners, tried to use a talented young actor to use the maximum. In this case, the ups are alternating with long stagnation.

Mithong Chakraborti tried to fully reveal the talent, giving the audience skill of the game and the polyhedra of talent. Today, the result of creativity is a huge filmography, which has hundreds of paintings.

In 1982, the Ribbon "Mnifey Holy" was published, where DeV Anand, Rati Agniotri, Padini Kolhapur and others were shot with Mithun. And in 1985, his filmography was replenished with film "Gang, your waters muddied," where he played a major role. The main female character went to Yasmin Joseph, who is more famous for fans under the pseudonym Mandakini. In the film "Oath to loyalty", where the actor appeared, the main female heroine performed Zina Aman.

A year before, Mithoon appeared in the babbar belt Subhash "Maternal Oath". It tells about the villain, which turned the life of a nephew in a nightmare. Wanting to bring the richness of a relative to his hands, he committed a crime, having arranged an attempt on his life and issuing a crime for suicide. The young wife of the widower remains alone with her son. Already a stupid boy walled to take revenge on the death of his father and restore justice.

In 1986, Chakraborti starred in another Indian film "Two Moments of Love" with Jay Prada, a beauty, with which Mithuna was attributed to the novel.

Many projects involving artist became world masterpieces. Among them are well-known Indian films "Dancer Disco", "Dance, Dance!", "Enemy", "Commandos", "Boxer", etc. These paintings made from him the World Education, photos of which were kept in the house of each amateur romantic stories Bollywood. No less popular was the film "Victim in the Name of Love", where the artist starred together with the famous Dimple Capadia.

A cute, slender man managed to reveal not only in the role of the romantic hero. Chakraborti equally masterfully managed roles of different character, including images of cruel criminal authorities.

Describing the identity of the actor, it is worth mentioning the hearing of Mithun, a voice and a congenital sense of rhythm. This is relevant for Bollywood cinema, producing which differ in abundance of music. The natural qualities of the artist, the audience managed to evaluate in the movies and clips with songs in his performance. In addition, the star plays on several musical instruments. Chakraborti is an excellent athlete, familiar with boxing, struggle, acrobatics and football.

By the end of the 1990s, Mithong Chakraborti was among the richest inhabitants of India. At that time, he tried himself as a businessman, founding a chain of hotels with the elegant name "Monarch". In addition to business, the artist acquired a football team and a team playing cricket.

True, Chakraborti could not say goodbye to the acting work. In 1989, he appeared in the movie "Quarter", along with him the main roles performed Madhuri Dixit and Sanji Dat. Mithun appeared in the image of Raji, who lives in his own small world. But one day the moment comes when he has to stand on the intersection of two roads and make a difficult choice.

The second millennium continued the list of paintings with the participation of the artist. The most successful projects should include the main roles in the films "Fight", "Heroes", "Heirs", "Vir - Hero of the People", "Eternal Love", "Guru", "Merry Fraudsters".

For a long time period, the actor heads the filmmatic trade union. Staying in this post, he tries to help the former stars and is actively engaged in charity.

More Mithoon regularly appears in front of the audience in the show "Dance, India, Dance!". He performed as a judge. At the same time, the actor himself can go on stage and please the public incendiary dance.

In 2014, Mithun Chakraborti nominated as a candidate for Parliament India. The artist accepted this proposal, but was not present at meetings on the state of health and constantly sent letters with apologies. Later, the actor asked for illness to remove the duties of the deputy from him.

In 2015, the performer appeared in the tape "Son Wind". The plot tells about the guy Shivi playing in the orchestra and hate study. The will of the case of a young man meets the unrecognized genius of the Physics of Shalt Ji. This meeting changes his life. In the future, people recognize Shivi as Sequar Bapaudge Talpad, who the first created the plane, allowing humanity to fly.

Together with Mithun in the film, Naman Jaina, Kratik Deo, Girava Dribii and others involved.

At the same time, Chakraborti was starred in the lead role in Naxal movie stairs and "watch for words".

In 2017, Mithun's cinematic biography was replenished with a central character in Hason Raja. 2018 brought the artist's main role in the militant "Villain".

In September of the same year, actor fans waited for the release of the film Bhaiyyaji Superhitt. Together with Mithun in the main characters, Jogit Bali, Sunny Deol, Arshad Warci, Amish Patel and others were reincarnated.

Then the work on the Traller Thetashkent Files began. In an interview, the artist noticed that in recent times it appears on the screen in the image of antagonists. The man even apologized to the country for the villains played by him.

Mithong Chakraborti now

Although Chakraborti is no longer removed - age makes himself felt, his son Namashi was preparing for the debut in Bollywood, the film premiere with whom was scheduled for 2020. Meanwhile, Mithoon is dedicated to the family time and already matured sons and daughters, because of the permanent filming, he could not fully educate children, and in her old age he appeared.

On "Youtyuba" there is a channel dedicated to the Bollywood actor. There fans publish the transfer and passages of films with his participation. As already mentioned, social networks Mithong does not lead, the latest news fans will learn through the Internet.


  • 1982 - "Dancer Disco"
  • 1984 - "Like three Musketeer"
  • 1986 - "Love Networks"
  • 1987 - "Dance, Dance"
  • 1988 - "Farewell"
  • 1989 - "Sentenced"
  • 1990 - "Enemy"
  • 1994 - "Anger and Justice"
  • 1996 - "Decisive Fight"
  • 1997 - "Fighting for Life"
  • 2005 - "Lucky. Not time for love "
  • 2008 - "Heroes"
  • 2010 - "Vir - Hero of the People"
  • 2015 - "Dreamers / Son Wind"
  • 2017 - Hason Raja
  • 2018 - "Villain"
  • 2018 - Bhaiyyaji Superhitt

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