Elena Kazarinova - biography, personal life, photos, movies, cause of death and the latest news



Elena Kazarinova is an actress, singer, radio host, unfortunately, early left of life.

Lena was born in Perm on October 9, 1960, but the child's child spent in Zheleznogorsk Krasnoyarsk Territory. Then he was named Krasnoyarsk-26 and, like all the "closed" settlements of the Soviet Union, had a digital console to the usual name. In this small town, Lena, girls and the boys, with whom she studied in an ordinary high school remained.

Elena Kazarinova

Also, the girl graduated from the music school in the class of piano, which a lot helped her later. At the peak of his theater career, Elena Kazarinova became a real star of musicals, and her bright, juicy voice and exciting performance and today put in the example of young artists.

Family Lena again moved to Perm, but it was Krasnoyarsk-26 that the actress always considered her small birthplace, bored and recalling the city of childhood. After 36 years, she had a chance to visit Native Zheleznogorsk again, to meet with classmates. Unfortunately, this meeting was the last.

Elena Kazarinova

In Perm Kazarinov entered the Institute of Culture to the Directory Faculty, where he studied two years. Having mastered the basics of the director's profession, Elena decided to go to Moscow, in the Schukin school. And enrolled. A talented and bright girl already studied at the actress, on the course A. Buur.

Radioesters and children's program

Many people remember Elena Kazarin for her role in the children's program "ABVGDIKA" in 1983-1985. The solar and cheerful leading leading instantly loved the children who tried not to miss a single release of the program. At that time, Elena had a daughter of Lisa, born in 1983 (about the first marriage and this stage of the biography of Kazarin practically nothing is unknown), so actress is doubly interesting for the children's audience.

Elena Kazarinova B.

In 1990, Elena began to cooperate with the radio station "Echo of Moscow", later - with the radio "Arsenal", led the morning esters, transmission. Today, the morning show with jokes and laughter is the mandatory part of the ether of any radio station. In those years, it was a real breakthrough, innovation, and the voice of Elena Kazarinova knew and loved all the students of Echo. Moreover, her laughter employees of the advertising service inserted for many years to all commercials, so he was infectious and recognizable.

Elena Kazarinova on Radio

Her colleagues admit that all the most juicy, mischievous, cheerful and unusual advertising, screensavers and jokes on the radio of that period were made with the participation of Lena. However, helen's jokes and morning esters on the "Echo of Moscow" was not limited. Together with his comrades, she recorded radio spectacles, where he played in the full force of his acting talent.

Career in the theater

Work in the theater for Elena Kazarinova began with the famous theater on Taganka, then she played in the studio theater under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov, where he met her second husband, Igor Nefedov. After that, there were "contemporaries-2" and MCAT them. A.P. Chekhov, the first private non-state theaters - "Ulysses" and "Russian Globe" under the leadership of A. Yatsko.

Elena Kazarinova in the theater

In his youth, as in maturity, Elena Anatolyevna preferred to play characteristic roles, she was well given impulsive, spectacular images of the comedy and tragedy plan. In total, at about fifteen theatrical performances, including the "Blonde around the angle", Augean Stables, Ali Babu and forty robbers, Ivanov, Heinrich IV and others. Elena Kazarinova was fortunate enough to work with Oleg Tobacco, Oleg Efremov, Veniamina Stokhov.

Movies and musicals

Elena Kazarinova's filmography is quite extensive. By fifty years, she managed to play more than twenty paintings. There were among them and capital roles in films, and episodic, full-length ribbons and television series.

Elena Kazarinova

In the zenith of glory, the actress was especially powerful to her singing talent. Elena took part in several musicals that became legendary, performed on the metropolitan stage and went with touring throughout the country. With her game and singing Elena Kazarinov, the following musical shows were decorated:

  • "Nord-Ost";
  • "Funny boys";
  • "Cabaret";
  • Mamma Mia! ";
  • "Sounds of music".

Just amazing how Elena Anatolyevna has all time, combining personal life and work in the theater, on the radio, shooting in cinema, care for her daughter? With a photo, a cheerful, beautiful, self-sufficient woman looks at us, from which creative energy and warmth literally comes. Such was actually Elena Kazarinov, optimistic in life, good to those surrounding and believing inappropriate.

Personal life

If there are no mentions about the first spouse of Kazarin in the press, then her second husband, Igor Nefedov was a real star of Soviet theater and cinema. They met, working at Oleg Tabakov, played on the same stage, but there were no relationship to a certain point between actors.

Everyone it was known that Igor very longs in his first wife, who left him, so Elena initially did not perceive seriously the courting of the famous colleague. However, they began to meet, and on April 1, 1987 played a gorgeous wedding, as Igor said, "in a joke." At that time, the daughter of Lena, Liza, was already four years old.

Igor Nefedov

At first, the fate fagored to the newlyweds, they got a new apartment in Moscow, invited friends, lived on a wide leg. Nefedov took over the economy and care for the child, and Lisa called his dad. In general children, Igor and Lena were not. At the same time, Career Kazarin was in the mountain, and Igor, on the contrary, was somehow not lucky. He began to drink, dreaming of great roles, neglected work in the theater. Tobacco for a long time tolerance, late, drunkenness and finally removed from participation in performances.

The wife also could no longer demolish such a behavior of the spouse, and he left the family. It is saying that Elena had another man. Whatever it was, on December 2, 1993, Igor Nefedov committed suicide. The cause of death is a strangulation: the actors found heating themselves right on the stairs, in the house where Elena lived with his daughter.

Elena Kazarinova

Elena was very worried about the death of her husband, who by the way, repeatedly spoke about readiness for suicide. The spouse considered it a joke, posterity, how to draw attention. As it turned out, in vain.

Elena Kazarinova survived her husband for 20 years, died on March 14, 2013 in the Botkin Hospital of the capital. Death came as a result of acute leukemia, which developed from the actress a few months after the suffered stroke. She was only 52 years old.

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