Clara Rumanova - Biography, Personal Life, Voice, Photos, Film and Latest News



Actress of Soviet cinema Clara Blinumanova was born in 1929 in the city of Leningrad. As a child, the ideal for a little Clara was Orlova's love, so when the question arose about choosing a place of study, she did not hesitate for a minute. Having survived the war and blockade, at the end of the fortieth, the girl goes to Moscow for admission to the cinematic institute.

Clara Rumanova in childhood

The competition was great, the applicants arrived from different parts of the country. But beautiful and purposeful Clara reached the end, withstanding the test. True, almost immediately she stole all the savings, and the girl was forced to starve. From this on the third round, she lost consciousness right during the speech, after which the master to whom she did, heed her hot tea with sweets.

Youth and education

Sergey Gerasimov's student rate and Tamara Makarova appeared very strong. Together with a blush on the stream, Nikolai Rybnikov, Alla Larionova, Vadim Zakharchenko. Nicholas Rybnikov immediately fell in love with the first beauty of the course. He began to take care of the girl, what Clara constantly answered the refusal.

Clara Blumanova and Anatoly Papanov

Once a young actress even rejected the dear gift of his beloved, the golden clock, which he copied the money for two months. This emotional episode was used in the film "The Girl", when the Hero of Rybnikov is remaping the clock rejected by Tusay.

Tragedy and Dar.

In his youth, the actress's voice was very low, dense and strong. But on the 2nd year, after a trip to the collective farm, the girl was very strong and fell ill with inflammation of the lungs. After recovery it turned out that the voice of Clara completely disappeared. This meant the collapse of all hopes. Sergey Gerasimov took the young student to a specialist in the treatment of ligaments, but he could not help the artist. It remained only to wait and hope for a miracle. And incredible happened: after several months of complete silence, the voice to Rushane returned completely, but acquired another timbre color. After this case, the actress discovered that he could talk to a very high voice.

Clara Blumanova in the film

Already in the first films, in which Clara Rumanova, her amazing voice abilities were shown. In the scene, where the heroine blush becomes mother, the baby was supposed to cry out loud. But by the time of the dub, he fell asleep with a strong sleep. In order to save the situation of the actress, herself influenced the children's cry, which was subsequently entering the film. Despite the unexpectedly manifested talent, the actress was still not solved on the sound of fabulous characters. She considered himself an exclusively dramatic actress.

Film work

At the beginning of the career, the proposals from the director were actually entered by Clara Rushane from all sides, but she was very selective and once made a mistake that was worth the film directions. In 1954, the head of Mosfilm, Ivan Pyriev, suggested a young actress in his new film "Test of Loyalty". But, barely after reading the script, Clara categorically refused the proposal, speaking at this expense in the office at the head. After that, Ivan Pyriev forbade the bold actress to appear at the studio.

Clara Blumanova in the film

Therefore, the promising Clara rushed never happened to become a real screen of the screen. Of the most famous her filmmakes, the most famous roles in films "They were the first", "Resurrection", "Time, Forward!", Twelve Chairs. The main roles in her acting fate did not happen. After some time, the actress agreed to try himself at Soyuzmultfilm, where he made his debut in 1962 in the voicing of the cartoon "Wonderful Garden".

Career in Soymultfilm

The years of the Brezhnev era were marked for an actress approach in creative life. She finally found herself in the sphere of voicing. Thanks to her voice, the images of the heroes of Cartoons "Cheburashka", "Well, wait!", "Kid and Carlson", "Rica Tika-Tavi". For three decades, more than 300 cartoons were shot at the studio of creating animated films with the participation of the actress. In the photo of these years, you can often see Clara Rushane in the company of other stars, actors of voicing: Anatoly Papanova, George Vicin, Vasily Livanova, Faina Ranevskaya.

Clara Blumanova in Studio

In addition, Rumanova became the only and unique performer of children's songs, which the whole country knows: "What is the new year", "smile", "clouds". At the beginning of the 80s, her record of songs "There are many fairy tales" in the world, which diverged multimillion edition. The actress also engaged a lot about the sounding of children's domestic films, as well as a dubbing of foreign TV shows.

Personal life

The first time Clara Rumanova married, barely finished school. But the marriage with the same young musician lasted only more than two months, until she had to go to the university. The young spouse put an ultimatum: either family or cinema, after which Clara broke all relationships with her husband. At that moment she was pregnant, and in the rustling of despair secretly made an abortion. After that, she had never had children for her life.

Anatoly Somodurov

The second time the actress tried to create a family with a famous actor Anatoly Sichodurov. He was the best friend of Sergey Bondarchuk, and he even made the young wife Anatoly an original gift for the wedding: he suggested to be held in the picture "War and Peace". But because of the smoke manner of the young artist, the director was forced to remove it with the role. In the mid-60s, the somadov stopped shooting in the cinema, from which he sharply washed. Rumyanov fought for a long time with the ailment of the spouse, but still surrendered and filed for a divorce.

Clara Rumanova

Personal life Actress was not easy. Despite the fact that a beautiful woman attracted the attention of famous men, really happy in relations she was never. The third attempt to find family happiness was the marriage of actresses with captain of far swimming. Unfortunately, the husband was very jealous, and I got to Clara with unreasonable suspicions. Therefore, Blumanova in three years of such torment divorced him. All the remaining years she spent alone.

Last years and death

After the collapse of the Soviet state, many actors did not go away, they were forced to adapt to new survival conditions. But Clara Rumanova remained faithful to the ideals of communism. Despite the abundance of proposals for the sounding of advertising, she never came with his principles and was engaged exclusively by art. And when this opportunity did not introduce it, Clara was taken for writing a cycle of plays dedicated to the fate of great compatriots. Conducting all days in the libraries, it created 11 works for the scene under the general name "Name I am a woman."

Clara Rumanova

The last few years of life blush were overshadowed with severe disease. Ultimately, the cause of death actress has become the progressive form of cancer. In 2004, Clara Rumyanov left his life. Her body was subjected to cremation, and the dust is buried at the Moscow Cemetery.

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