Arthur Sargsyan - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The modern possibilities of the Internet allow the audience, without leaving the house, discover new popular artists, Russian pop stars. And talented artists, thanks to the abilities and publications in the global virtual web, increase the ratings and popularity without cooperation with the famous producers. A striking example of the popularity of the singer can be considered artist Arthur Sargsyan, Armenian by nationality.

Childhood and youth

He was born in Armavir at the end of April 1993. It is known that Armenians are very musical, literally at the genetic level. Since childhood, the boy stretched to music, his parents gave him to a music school. Having finished it with good results, Arthur did not stop doing art. He took the lessons of vocal, compositions and art of arrangements. Junior All this managed easily, as the singing and the composition of popular melodies became the meaning of Sargsyan's life, and he absorbed the specific Armenian manner of intonation with Mother's milk.

Singer Arthur Sargsyan

Arthur's creative way began with the fact that he has fermented other people's songs, working in cafes and restaurants. At the same time, the young man also tried to write his own songs. The musical compositions of the artist with delight were accepted by the public. So the creative biography of Arthur Sargsyan began. The artist attracts the public with his charm. His height is 172, and the weight is within 75 kg.


In 2011, a young musician, painted by the first success, starts promoting his songs in the Internet space. A lot of video and audio recordings of their performance, he publishes on the network. Talented compositions quickly acquire popularity. In the same year, Arthur creates the first Disc "Divine Love", which records on recording studios in his hometown.

Arthur Sargsyan is a frequent guest on corporate parties and weddings. In addition to representatives of the Armenian diaspora, a charming singer with a strong and noble voice invite Russians, Ossetians, Georgians. The artist goes with concerts throughout the southern district of Russia, visiting the city of the Southern District - Krasnodar, Stavropol, Sochi, Pyatigorsk. Everywhere he is met by devotees and friends.

Another Armavir singer Azwar Melik-Pashaven is becoming a close friend, companion and partner on the scene. Together they create a series of songs and remove clips on them. Popularity in the listeners enjoyed their joint song "Sleep of Love". The second album of the singer was his disk "My Bride", in which the musical compositions "My Girl", "Christina", "Son", "I love you". The work turned out to be autobiographical.

In music and verses, Sargsyan melted simple, but important values ​​for every person - love, family, paternity. This Disk Arthur dedicated a young spouse.

In 2015, a new artist album called "Crazy" appears on the Internet. The musical language of new compositions becomes more honed, bold. The album entered the songs "Daring", "crazy", "betrayed", "deceiver", "I am not an angel".

For many songs, Artur Sargsyan created clips based on family and working video. The main muse of artist's creativity was His wife Christina.

By the beginning of 2016, work was completed on the criminal series "Beyond the Edge of the Hearts" director from Pyatigorsk Aruta Tevosyan. The unusual story about the love of the hired killer to his victim was already seen the light on several channels of Armenian television. Soundtrack called "Deceiver" to this film was created by Arthur Sargsyan. To create a clip to this song, frames were used from the film. In the work, Arthur Sargsyan is confidently moving towards new horizons, which can be seen at an ever-increasing number of fans.

In collaboration with Marat Melik-Fedigin, Arthur Sargsyan recorded the song "Mountains", the release of the clip for which was held in December 2016. Popular became the clip on the song Arthur Sargsyan "betrayed", which appeared on the screens in early 2017.

Personal life

In 2011, Arthur marries Christine's girl, and at the age of 20 he becomes his father. The spouse gave Arthur Son Samvel. The artist seriously treated the creation of a family. Together with his wife, they not only painted, but also married in one of the Orthodox churches of Armavir.

Arthur Sargsyan with his wife

Arthur Sargsyan loves children and hopes that soon their family will increase again. Now the personal life of the artist and his spouses make up happily, testimony to what are regular photos and video from the family archive regularly.

Until now, the Couple Arthur and Christina causes family friends and fans of the artist only warm feelings. For fans of creativity Sargsyan, young became an example for imitation.

Arthur Sargsyan now

In 2017, the artist released another video for the song "Killer of Love." The singer Karina Bagdasarova also participated in Hita. The story of the clip was based on the story of a love triangle. Hero Arthur Sargsyan could not hold back jealousy and went to a crime. In October, Arthur Sargsyan was pleased with the fans with the new hit "Relax", who performed in a duet with an arti musician. Music to a dance hits with elements of the style of Indian music wrote Artak Arahamyan.

Artist Arthur Sargsyan

Another premiere of the year is the song "Infection", which became the favorite hit of the artist fans. In the plot of the video, Arthur appeared in the role of homeless, who falls in love with a rich and attractive girl. The feeling turns out to be mutual. The track was created with the participation of Marat Melik-Fedhan. Together with the previous songs, this track entered the new album Arthur "betrayed."

In 2018, Youtube hosting was posted a clip "Repost" performed by Arthur Sargsyan. A & S Furs Fur Fur Fur Fur Fur Fur Fur Sponsor. The company's products were used by an artist in the frame. Sargsyan's song dedicated to communication people in social networks. In his work, Arthur is often referring to the theme of the love of the son to the mother. In 2017, the artist quail hit Aram Asatryan "Mirika", who dedicated to all mothers, but above all his mother.

Arthur is still touring a lot. Together with Albina Avetisova, Sargsyan visits the city of North Caucasus - Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, where every time artists are waiting for grateful fans.

A favorite event of the showman remains weddings, not only Armenian. Photo and video from celebrations fall on the personal page of the singer in "Instagram".


  • 2011 - "Divine Love"
  • 2015 - "Crazy"
  • 2017 - "betrayed"

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