Larisa Mondrus - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Larisa Mondrus - Star of the Soviet pop of the late 60s - early 70s. Many remember the popular song "Blue Len" in its performance. The first success of the singer was that at a young age she was in the famous Riga estuary orchestra.

Childhood and youth

The birthday of the singers - November 15, 1943, place of birth - Jambul, the city of the Kazakh SSR, where the family of the newborn was in evacuation. The parents of the girls were Israel (Igor) Iosifovich Mondrus and Lydia Grigorievna Voztina.

Larisa Mondrus in youth

After the war, the family returned to Latvia. In Riga Larisa, without being the nationality of the Latvian, went to the Latvian kindergarten because of the lack of places in the Russian-language. But the school Mondrus graduated from Russian. The girl showed a tendency to the languages, so in the school years, mastered Polish, Italian, English and French.

At the end of high school, the girl enters the Riga Music School. In 1962, Larisa participates in the competition, wins him and begins to work in the orchestra. The talented performer immediately noticed the audience. Two years later, the singer leaves for Moscow. From the moment of moving to the capital of the USSR, a new creative period comes in its biography.


The singer is invited to the famous orchestras of Oleg Lundstrema and Eddie Rawner. Mondrus prefers Eddie Ignatievich, who headed one of the most famous teams in the Union. The new work has become a bridge integrating it into the metropolitan environment.

The Riga stage of that time was focused on the west and on the musical genre of the symphodja. In Moscow, against this liberty did not object. It was believed that bourgeois remnants believed in the Baltic countries, the exclement of their music over time would be outlived.

The creative motto of the Latvian artist was simply formulated: "Nothing Soviet!". This was the cause of her hidden confrontation with the authorities. "Is it really one for me" was her first hit. The song was intended for the movie, but in it there was already a popular Maya Kristalinskaya then, the director prefers her preference.

The fame of the union scale Larisa Mondrus received thanks to the speeches on the central TV. On the "New Year's Blue Light" of 1964, the singer won the love of the public, conquering her "lunar light" Eddie Rosner. She was invited to other television broadcasts. In the next "blue light" made Muslim Magomaev.

Their first joint clip was "bird conversation." A beautiful duet with "explanation in love", which there was no incredible Furior on our televisers. The popular singer became not because of the power of it, but contrary to. In Rosoncert, they argued that there were no applications for Mondrus, but it was often invited to concerts to the countries of the socialist community.

At the same years, popular movies are becoming popular, where Larisa Mondrus appears on the screen. First of all, this is a comedy "give a plaintive book", in which the artist gets an episodic role of the singer in the dandelion restaurant. In the film "In the first hour", she depicts a participant "Blue Light". Together with the Muslim Magomaev, the charming girl appears in the music film "Fairy Tales of the Russian Forest." In the popular comedy "Gentlemen of Good luck", Larisa performs a "wake up and sing" a hat.

Larisa Mondrus is considered to be the first performer of the songs of the Latvian composer Raimond Pauls. Among the hits of the musician, who fell into the repertoire of the singer was the "Million Scarlet Rose" hat (1970), who later sang Ayia Cukule and Alla Pugachev.

She sang about understandable feelings of ordinary people, her songs really liked the listeners. Officials from the Ministry of Culture strongly recommended use in the repertoire and "Civil Topic", to dilute it with the compositions of patriotic content. Sometimes the girl was on the compromise. The fate of the singer and her husband depended on her civil position.

Star of Soviet pop Larisa Mondrus

Larisa Mondrus does not stop on the achieved, tries himself in the Moscow Music Hall, with the troupe of which leaves the European countries of the Soviet camp. In 1968, the girl got an artist of Moskoncert. In this place, Larisa worked until 1972. But the last two years, the artist becomes non-rigging, despite the applications for her performances from abroad.

There were cases when without any reasons or under a funny pretext, they were removed from the solo concert. Larisa's growth and weight allowed a girl to wear bold outfits. Once the actress was accused of going to sing in a mini-dress. The conflict about the short skirt occurred in Larisa Mondrus after the record of the blue light of 1966, where the artist appeared in the company of Soviet heroes - the cosmonauts of Yuri Gagarin, Alexey Leonov, Pavel Belyaeva.

The next time it was excluded from the jubilee program for Maxi with elongated sleeves, which some of the leadership seemed similar to "rags". I did not like the leadership of the State Consorter and the innovation, who introduced the singer in everyday life: during the execution of the song, she did not hesitate to dance, which was not encouraged at the time.

Pop singer Larisa Mondrus

Mondrus aware of the love of the people, but at the same time she resisted aesthetics popularized on the Soviet stage. And this resistance in it continued to grow. The story that occurred on the art council when "hanged" her disk giant became the last straw. One of the composers did not like "pessimism" Larisa songs.

This case and subsequent forced it forced it to make a decision, radically changed fate. After changing the leadership of the State Committee on Radio and Television in 1971, when Sergey Lapin becomes the leader, and Vadim Mulemans deprive the exits in the television ether. Songs "In Good Hour", "Snowflake", "ran around the city of deer" and others continue to sound and please the fans of her talent.

Larisa Mondrus and her husband are resolved for traveling abroad. In March 1973, the USSR leaves without noise and delays. Before them, as well as other musicians, which be abroad, arises the issue of employment in the specialty.

A talented singer was able to start from scratch and achieve what could not think about in the USSR. Her family settled in the suburb of Munich - in Grunwald.

Larisa Mondrus emigrated to Germany

Larisa begins to be filmed on TV in the show of Ivan Risbar, concludes a contract with Polydor Records. In 1974, her album "Die Herzen Singen" in German.

In Germany, the discography of the singer was replenished with ten "album giants." Mondrus sings in five different languages. By 1977, the artist acquired incredible popularity in Europe. Her name, along with the names of Demis Russos, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra and other celebrities, entered the directory of popular performers.

Personal life

The personal life of the singer was happily. Larisa married composer Egila Schwartz in 1964. Both future spouse worked in the Riga Orchestra. The head of the team invited Egila to the position of conductor, lumbering his promise to acquaint him with a pretty singer. And later Larisa reported that Schwartz during one musical competition was sick for her. Together, young people made a beautiful couple.

Larisa Mondrus with her husband

The husband divided the fate of Larisa abroad. Together they are already more than forty years, represent an example of non-leaving love and affection for each other. In 1982, a desired child was born in the family.

After that, the singer went from the scene, became the owner of the store and sells shoes. The son of Lauren Schwartz had a musician's deposit, he received an education in a pianistic school, but ultimately chose science. Now he is headed by the Department at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Munich. He has Claudia's wife, a children's psychologist, and two twin children who were born in 2015. Laura and Emil became welcome grandchildren for Larisa Mondrus.

Larisa Mondrus with her husband in Moscow

For the first time after departure, Russia visited the singer in 2001 together with her husband. In 2005 speaking at the Jurmala Festival "New Wave".

Larisa Mondrus now

About the singer was removed the documentary "Save yourself. Larisa Mondrus ", built on her memories and interviews. The picture came out on the screens in 2009. Another documentary tape with Larisa Mondrus is "Lapin List. Forbidden stage "- was created in 2013. There are different photos on which Larisa Mondrus appears in youth and currently.

Singer Larisa Mondrus

In the Ekaterinburg Theater of the Music Comedy, a performance was created, dedicated to the work of the singer and its two colleagues, Nina Brodskaya and Aida Vedischeva, who also preferred life in the West by Soviet realities. For theatrical formulation, a lyrical clip was created, which includes frames of records of the 60s with performances of artist.

In 2017, the songs were released "really this me" and "may not, maybe yes" performed by Larisa Mondrus, who fell into the collection "Golden Collection".


  • 1963 - "For those who are waiting"
  • 1965 - "White Nights"
  • 1966 - "Spring Drops"
  • 1968 - "The one that I dream"
  • 1970 - "Blue Len"
  • 1972 - "Leaf Falls"

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