Vsevolod Abdulov - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news



Vsevolod Abdulov, actor of the Soviet cinema, the closest friend of Vladimir Vysotsky, was born in the theater family in 1942. His father - People's Artist Osip Abdulov, was an outstanding actor Mkat. The mother of the artist - Elizabeth Mettelskaya was also an actress. Subsequently, she was engaged in writing a play for the scene of the Children's Theater, as well as scenarios for radio spectacles. The boy was born in evacuation in Chisinau, where the composition of the theater after the start of the war was sent.

Vsevolod Abdulov in youth

The father left his life when Vsevolod was barely fulfilled eleven years old, but the boy was already in the back of Mkat, and later I studied at the studio school. His receipt cannot be called impeccable, since he did not accept him into the cherished university, and in Gitis or Schukinsky School, I did not want to study. And he undertook a second attempt. During the re-assault on the admission committee of the Young Appriter, a graduate of the Institute was noted - Vladimir Vysotsky, who, despite his employment in the state examinations, helped the young man to do.

All life friendship

From this point on, young actors became big friends. They spend all their time together, in noisy companies. During Parties, Vladimir writes poems and songs, which will later enter the golden piggy bank of the Soviet Bard. In the eyes of Seva, the acquaintance of Volodya and Marina Vlady, who ended with a rapid novel in length into life. Thanks to the efforts of Vsevolod Abdulov, the singer managed to keep for many years before the abyss of alcoholism.

Vsevolod Abdulov and Vladimir Vysotsky

After the death of Vladimir Vysotsky, his friend went to himself for a long time. Never and with anyone he discussed the facts of personal life of the poet. Later, he still left his memories in the form of an interview with the Son of Vysotsky, Nikita, who based on them created a biographical film about his father. In the film of the charming Vsevolod played the notorious Ivan Urgant. All anniversary of the death of Vladimir Vysotsky Vsevolod spent his friend on the grave, every time I mourning a loss.

Roles in the theater

After the completion of studies at the Institute, Vsevolod Abdulov, Alexander Abdulov named, is coming to serve in two theaters at once: MHAT and theater on Taganka. The legends of the old theater school are becoming partners of the young artist: Yashin, Mushrooms, Prudkin. In the performances of Efremova, he plays with an actress Irina Miroshnichenko at that moment. Together they represent a decent acting couple, which looked from the scene is no worse than the game of the older generation actors. The most memorable performances with his participation were "solo for hours with a fight", "three fatty".

Vsevolod Abdulov and Irina Miroshnichenko

Vsevolod Abdulov - Master of the Art Word. Among the authors who were especially fond of the actor, Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Pasternak, Anna Akhmatova. Plates with records of reading verses Abdulov are still considered the best samples of poetic skills. The artist, together with Vladimir Vysotsky, toured a lot around the country with concerts, in which Vladimir sang his songs, and Vsevolod read poems.


The Kinebut of Vsevolod Abdulov is considered his youthful work "Waiting Letters." But truly talent revealed the director Stanislav Govorukhin. Abdulov starred in his films such as "smuggling", the "adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn." The most significant focus, created by Vsevolod, is considered to be his role of a unwell guard of order from the film "The meeting place is impossible".

Vsevolod Abdulov in the film

1977 marked for Vsevolod Abdulov's terrible tragedy: while touring in Azerbaijan, he broke on the car. The car, behind the wheel was the actor, turned over six times after the front suspension exploded. Abdulov was then miraculously survived, but at the same time he fell into a whom, in which he was three weeks. Contrary to the forecasts of doctors, the actor not only overcame disability, but also worked for a long time, the truth is no longer on the scene.

Vsevolod Abdulov in the film

His area of ​​activity after the accident was the work at the auditching studio. Voice Abdulova is talking to the heroes of many popular film, TV series, cartoons. The roles of Dumbledore from Harry Potter, Barliman from the "Lord of the Rings", Professor Pakoli from the "fifth element" are the most popular. Vsevolod Abdulov took part in the voicing of more than 300 tapes, as well as about 200 cartoons of Russian and American production.

Personal life

In life, Vsevolod Abdulov has heard a big lover of women. Having barely enrolled at the first year of the school, he immediately acquired his family. His chosen was Natalia Grigorieva, a student of the Bauman Institute. Soon they had a daughter of Julia. More from Vsevolod children was not. In total, he had five official wives and many unofficial.

Vsevolod Abdulov

For his last wife, the actor called Olga girl, a young waitress, with whom he managed to live only six months. The cause of the death of the actor was a rare disease: an esophagus infarction. He died in 2002 after the next anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky.

Filmography Vsevolod Abdulov

  • "No and yes" - (1966)
  • "I am his bride" - (1969)
  • "Circus lights lights" - (1972)
  • "Three bachelors lived" - (1973)
  • "Smuggling" - (1974)
  • "Military fortieth" - (1975)
  • "Between heaven and land" - (1975)
  • "Lion left home" - (1977)
  • "The meeting place is impossible" - (1979)
  • "Long path in Maze" - (1981)
  • "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn" - (1981)
  • "Hi from Front" - (1983)
  • "Instead of me" - (2000)

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