Alexey Klimushkin - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Alexey Klimushkin is a Russian actor, DJ, one time worked at the Radio Modern, as a director director participated in the creation of the window "Window" project with Dmitry Nagiyev. Star of the TV series "Univer", "Sashatanya", where performs the role of Sylvester Sergeyev.

Childhood and youth

A future actor was born in Leningrad, where he lived with his parents. Like many Soviet boys of that time, Alyosha dreamed of becoming an astronaut and visited the usual secondary school.

Alexey Klimushkin in youth

The family of Klimushkin in Vladimir Prospekt lived, in the house number 15, directly opposite the Lensovet Theater. In those days, Alice Freundlich played there, young Mikhail Boyarsky, other famous actors. Alexey attended all the performances and revised the whole repertoire of the theater twice, the benefit of the counterpart was delivered to him a classmate, whose mother worked at a ticket office.

It was then that in the soul of young Lesha, a dream originated to tie life with acting profession. The guy attended theatrical courses and at the end of the school filed documents to the appropriate university, but did not enroll. In order not to upset the parents, he still decided to receive a higher education, he chose a long time between the University of Communications and the seaworthy school and eventually stopped in the first version.

Actor and Actor Alexey Klimushkin

I studied the year at the Railway Institute, Alexey realized that this was not his profession, and threw his studies. He settled to work in a youth theater, where at that time the director was V. A. Malyshichitsky. In the actors of a young man, naturally, they did not take, but he did not give up. Klimushkin managed to try out all the inventory professions, starting with the guard and ending with the illuminator until he was taken into the army.

After serving in a fleet, Alexey returned home and again filed documents to the theater Institute. In 1987, his dream was finally implemented. With the fourth attempt at Klimushkin entered LIGITMIK. At the Institute, he had a chance to learn from one course with Igor Lifanov and Dmitry Nagiyev. The guys were so tightly so far that classmates even came up with them a comic nickname - a trio "Red Hap". They participated together in student performances, cabbagers, sowing to preserve friendship and after graduating from the Institute in 1992.


Immediately after receiving a diploma (Alexey - a professional actor and director), the artist received a role in the film "Ticket to the Red Theater, or the death of the Gobachiyev" Amurbeka. Unfortunately, after this ribbon in the cinematic biography of the artist followed the nine-year-old break.

Actor Alexey Klimushkin

Friends invited Klimushkin on the radio. In those years, a network of independent musical and other radio stations began to develop, and one of the first stations after Europe Plus became the newly open "Radio Modern". Dmitry Nagiyev, Sergey Growth, Alla Tyttova and other DJs worked on his programs. Alexey himself went on the ether under the pseudonym Arkady Arnautsky.

After some time, Klimushkin left the "Modern" on the Nostalgie radio. A total of Alexei's shoulders about seven years of work DJ on the radio. At about the same time, Alexey, together with Egor, Druzhinin was engaged in the leadership of the Dance Collective of the St. Petersburg Restaurant "Valkhall".

Dmitry Nagiyev and Alexey Klimushkin

In 2001, Klimushkina was again invited to film. His second film was the "Black Raven" tape, after which other offers and projects followed. A year later, the artist starred in the role of a cellist in the detective series "Knife in the clouds". The Hero of Klimushkin was not lucky: he died in mysterious circumstances, being in one bed with the beauty of Varai Samarina (Olga Tereshin).

And in 2003, the audience was able to appreciate the actor's talent on the episodic role in the Special Forces 2, Alexander Baluyev, Vladislav Galkin, Alexey Kravchenko, Evgeny Sidikhin presented the main characters on the screen. Alexey - Igor Lifanov also participated in the project.

Alexey Klimushkin - actor Sitcoma

In total, the artist filmography includes 17 roles in movies, tits and TV shows.

In 2004, an actor whose biography at different stages continues to interstate with fellow students in Lirtmika, participated in the filming of the humorous series Nagiyev "Caution, assholes! Or the adventure of the ensign ", which was published on the Ren-TV channel. The framing of the brilliant game of the artist Main role was the stars of the screen of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Evelina Blonds, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Elena Sparrow, Yuri Galtsev, Olesya Zheleznyak.

The following years, Klimushkin still remains on episodic roles. With his participation, the fighter "Chervy", the criminal series "Gangster Petersburg-10" (payback), detective "Dozina of justice", the comedy "Wizard". Another appearance of Klimushkin on the screen is to participate in the lyrical comedy "I am not me", where Vladislav Galkin played, Victoria Tolstoganova, Ekaterina Guseva.

Alexey Klimushkin in the series

Then there was the main role in the "Great" Movie "Merchant" in 2009, where Renat Litvinova, Villa Haapasalo, Danata, Danil Kozlovsky, Ingeborg Dapkin, Alyona Babenko and Evgenia Dobrovolskaya. In the filmcoming, we went about the artists of the Trash genre, each of which is not easy for fate. Unfortunately, the film was falling out, and critics were about the picture of a low opinion.

In the form of a musical producer, the actor appeared in the criminal drama "fatal similarity", where his friends in the theater institute again gathered.

For a truly successful and brought by unprecedented popularity, Alexey Klimushkin became the role of Sylvester Andreevich in the series "Univer" and his Spin-Off, released in 2013 called Sashahatany.

The actor appears on the theater scene. So, together with partners in the "Univera", he is engaged in the play of the Theater Agency "Lecker" "Gorgeous Wedding". Alexey Klimushkin also plays in the productions of "our dear Madame" theater. V. F. Commissionerzhevskaya and "Favorite Month August" entrepreneurs them. Andrei Mironova. Together with a friend of youth, Dmitry Nagiyev Alexey is involved in the play of Lion Rakhlin "Kyya", which has been going on different sites for many years.

Alexey Klimushkin in Sitkom

In his youth, Alexey Klimushkin had to live 20 years in St. Petersburg communal, and then another 20 years in the hostel. Therefore, the laws of student life and student fraternity are familiar to him. The same can be said about the actor's character, whom he wrote off from typical representatives of the ninetie era - oligarchs in red jackets with cellular "tubes" surrounded by a shoulder bodyguard gangsters.

We can say that the actor found that Hero, whom he was destined to play. He so got into the role that he believes that he would lead himself in life in the same way as Sylvester Andreevich, whether he was in his place. And the money, condition and social position of the character in this case is far from the main thing. The main thing is that the Actor with the Comic Father Sasha, who is played by Andrei Gaidulan, is precisely sincere fatherly feelings. He is closely closely following the life of his appearance, in every possible way, he catches it and does not want to let go from under the parental wing.

Actor Alexey Klimushkin

Alexey Klimushkin says that on the set he has a surprisingly warm relationship with all the actors, including Andrei and Tatiana Arkhipov. With Tatiana, they have already been familiar for many years, since the time of the musical, in which Alexey was a director, and Tanya sang with a group of "Girls". With Andrei, they call each other "Father" and "Son" even in the interruptions between the filming, completely having mercy with the on-screen images.

When Andrei had cancer, his on-screen "dad" showed this father's care for him. Together with his family, Alexey Klimushkin came to a colleague in Munich, where the operation was carried out to remove the tumor. At the request of Andrei, the actor brought him buckwheat, because in Germany this cereal is not popular.

Actor and Actor Alexey Klimushkin

Meanwhile, the actor notes that work in serials and tapes requires high energy, time and creative potential. Many artists are for such proposals, considering their "dirty acting work", but, unfortunately, to play Hamlet or Othello is destined not to everyone. However, Klimushkin does not deny that theatrical layouts will attract it as before, and he still dreams of finding "his" loved or Tovstonogov, that director who would help him reveal.

Surprisingly, the "university" Alexey got at all accidentally. At that time, he was given to the director's work, there were about seven projects in the plans, and here the former classmate called, Czech director Vlad Lanne. Vlad suggested Klimushkin to come to the casting of the series, he agreed and immediately felt that the comic image of a lonely oligarch is his role.

Alexey Klimushkin in Sitkom

Review and popularity to the actor came after the first episodes of the Univers, and some time later the replica of Sylvester Andreevich was quoted at every corner.

After the start of work in the TV shows of the channel "TNT", Alexey Klimushkin became less common to appear in other projects. In 2014, a comedy was published with his participation "From March 8, Men!" About a spectacular blonde, which is famous for an extraordinary intelligence, and after the experience of stress begins to hear the thoughts of men. The film united on the same work site of the actors Maria Bersenev, Maxim Vitorgan, faith Alentov, Svetlana Ivanov, Mikhail Baskhatov. A year later, an episodic role in the artist's repertoire appeared in the Lyrian Kininomedy "Yurochka" about a wealthy businessman, who, under the terms of the bet goes to the city of his youth.

Personal life

Despite the suddenly filled glory, the details of the personal life of the artist are unknown even to omnipresent reporters. There is no information on the Personal Personal Page in "Instagram". Several photos, miser lines telling about where the actor lives and how old he is, and nothing else. In different sources of information, the actor's different growth parameters are reported - from 177 cm to 182 cm, and it is reported about the weight of Alexey - 82 kg.

Alexey Klimushkin does not advertise a personal life

Alexey is happy to be photographed with fans, distributes autographs, but questions about who his wife is answering evasively. About children, two adult sons, the star "Univer" also prefers not to spread. It is said that the artist invests salary into the education of the heirs, but they do not want acting career. The eldest son receives the second higher education, he chose the profession of the architect, and the younger became the operator.

Alexey Klimushkin leads his own profile in "Instagram". The actor intentionally does not spin the account, but happily communicates with fans and friends, telling from the journey page, new theatrical roles and projects. Social network Actor uses as an official website.

Alexey Klimushkin now

Now the actor continues to be filmed in the next season of Sashahatany Sitkom.

Alexey Klimushkin is removed in the continuation of the Sitkom

In February, Alexei Klimushkina struck the eye of the eyes: during his work, he received a burner of the corneal of the I degree, after which it was forced to go to the hospital of the eye clinic. Later in an interview with Alexey reported that his condition stabilized and he returns to work.


  • 1992 - "Ticket to a Red Theater, or the death of a grommet"
  • 2001 - "Black Raven"
  • 2002 - "Knife in the clouds"
  • 2004 - "Caution, asster!"
  • 2006 - "worm"
  • 2007 - "Dozen Justice"
  • 2008 - "Wizard"
  • 2008-2011 - "University"
  • 2009 - "Fatal similarity"
  • 2009 - "Merchant"
  • 2010 - "I'm not me"
  • 2013-N.V. - "Sashahatany"
  • 2014 - "From March 8, Men!"

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