Blade (character) - photo, biography, marvel, movies, actor, ability


Character History

Stern view, leather raincoat and black glasses - Blade from the Universe "Marvel" easily cattures fear. It is rumored that a vampire hunter has returned to the creators sold in the heavy 90s. Film studio bought the rights to superhero and even plans to introduce Blade into the legendary Avengers team. Successfully will fit the gloomy character in a film about an unusual group - will show time.

History of character creation

Dark-skinned vampire hunter first appeared on comic pages in 1973. In the release dedicated to Dracula, the half-haul is assigned a secondary role. The creators of the series - Marlev Wolfman and Jin Cola - saw the potential in an unknown man. So Blade in the black raincoat and with a teaching Afro, fashionable in the 70s, got a place in the superhero universe.

In 1998, MarV Wolfman sued the publisher. The screenwriter argued that during the development of a new character was not listed by Marvel employee. Accordingly, the copyrights of the superhero belong only to him. Two-year-old litigation ended with loss for Wolfman.

In the release of Blade Vol.3 # 12, which was released in 2007, Jin Cola was the last time he painted Blade himself. To celebrate the 35th anniversary (the first character sketches were made in 1972), the illustrator temporarily returned the hunter with a suit and weapons from the 70s. Comic publishers allow you to restart the series about the gloomy warrior.

Biography and Blade Biography

The biography of the future murderer of the unclean begins in the public house of Great Britain. Pregnant Tara Brooks hides in the brothel from her husband's enemies, consisting in the secret society "Order of Tirana". During the fights, a woman becomes bad, and prostitutes cause a doctor. The doctor who came to the vampire, who kills the mother Blade. Eric (real name of the future character) miraculously remains alive. In the process of childbirth, the boy is transferred to some features of the vampire species.

In the future, Eric Brooks will show immunity to the uncens of the unclean, increased rumor and a unique opportunity to see in the dark. In a weakened state, for example, after the injury, Blade immunity to the bites weakens, and then the instincts of the vampire wake up in it, which he is forced to suppress the power of will. The dampier (so called people with the abilities of the vampire) is not reflected in the mirrors, it has such characteristics as a lightning reaction and force that allows lifting objects weighing in a ton. Silver and religious attributes do not act on the superhero. His reflexes are so perfect that he reacts to a dangerous situation earlier than he has time to analyze it.

After years, the child continues to live in the brothel Madame Vaniti. One of the evening walks leads a boy in the alley, where Eric saves from an angry company an old man. Saved man - a famous vampire hunter Jamal Afari. Seeing the ability of the future Blade, the old man decides to train a young man the basics of crafts.

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After the murder of the mentor, the uncertain Eric Brooks turns into a cold-blooded blade. The ruthless vampire hunter pursues enemies in England, Japan, USA (Edward Callen, be careful!) And France. Vurdalaks and people who have applied for vampire signs to harsh violence. A similar symbol means that a person serving a city predator, which means he deserves death.

A lone superhero does not like to associate itself with relations with people. Unions are temporary in the life of Blade. During the period of surveillance and hunting for powerful blood circulators, the Hero of Comics periodically enters alliances - Erica is a company of Spiderman, Wolverine, a ghostly racer and captain of Britain.

Friends and enemies

It is easy to guess that the vampires of all levels and ranks are the worst enemies of Blade. Among urban predators are allocated the following characters.

Deacon Frost - Mother's Killer Eric Brooks. In the past, the vampire held a scientist and was obsessed with the desire to find a cure for death. During experiments, the blood vampire fell on frost. The scientist is reincarnated to Vurdalaka. The goal of frost is to capture the world and bring tribesmen to domination. Blade devoted many years of his search and attempts to save the world from the vampire.

Jared Nomak - product of an unsuccessful genetic experiment. The vampire is not inferior to the strength and dexterity superhero. Unlike Blade, Vurdalak does not tolerate sunlight. Nomak equally hates people and vampires. As a carrier of a dangerous virus, the bloodstand offers Erica together to destroy the evil. But a single hero does not want to cooperate with Vurdalak.

Dracula is the main opponent Blade. A decade has continued between half-breed and the powerful vampire. Eric joined the Alliance with descendants of Wang Helsing and Harker to defeat the influential villain. Later, Xens are awaiting a defeated vampire, intending to defeat another enemy with his help. Such an act set the cross on the friendship of Blade with the mutant community.

Despite the closedness and cruelty, the vampire hunter will acquire several allies, which can be considered by the superhero friends.

Hannibal King is a former private owner who was affected by the actions of the Dyakon Frost. A man wakes up in the morgue and understands what has unusual abilities. The newly loved vampire is trying to find and kill his "father." The search for frost is facing King with Blade. The hunter is experiencing dual feelings to a new partner: hates the vampire in a man and respects the private owner.

Dr. Strøndzh - Supreme Magician of Earth. Superheroes combine the forces in the fight against Dracula. Joint efforts of men manage to restrain the visor, but the union breaks down. Despite the breakdown of friendly relations, Dr. Strange pulls out a hunter from psychiatric hospital, where Blade falls after an unsuccessful fight with a vampire.

Cheerful spiderman finds a common language with a few and uncommunicative blide. Heroes intersect in the main plot lines and are cooperating tightly in the alternative Universe "Marvel". Brutal hunter annoy the permanent jokes of a friend, but in difficult minutes, Erik comes to help Peter Packer.

The punisher is one of the superheroes who admires Blade. The paths of men rarely intersect, as Eric and Frank are struggling with different villains. The first meeting took place when the vampires concluded a deal with mafia representatives. Superheroes intersect on the roof and come into a fight, but an unexpected attack of enemies makes fighters to combine efforts.

Blade in films and games

The producers of the New Line Cinema did not pass by the characteristic character. The film "Blade" in the militant genre went to the rental in 1998. The main role was received by Wesley Snipes, which the film studio and the leadership of the film studio were approved unanimously. The actor offered the director of the paintings to cut the replicas of the main character, putting the image on facial expressions and gestures.

The amount of fees 3 times exceeded the budget of the picture, she quickly became a hit among comic fans and was divided into quotes. Therefore, the film about the night hunter turned into a franchise. Behind Blade followed "Blade 2" and "Blade: Trinity". For the second part of the actors who played the main roles were awarded the Taurus Award in the category "Best Combat Scene." In Russian dubbing of the main character, Viktor Bochon voiced.

In 2006, a premiere showing of the Blade series was held on the Spike TV TV channel. The role of Eric Brooks performed Rapper Kirk Sticky Fingaz Jones. According to chronology, the events of the series unfold after what happened in Trinity. The series was closed after the first season. The reason is low ratings and negative reviews of the audience.

In addition to movies, blade is a frequent guest of multiserial cartoons. The gloomy hero appears in several series of "man-spider", "Hulka and Agents U.D.A.R.", as well as Anime "Avengers: disk wars." Computer fans and Sega Mega Drive can feel like a harsh vampire hunter, choosing one of 10 video games.

The adventures of the hero are devoted to 2 games - Blade and Blade II. In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Blade can be unlocked by playing in the game with a lifting crane. He also appears in the "Ghost Racer" based on the film.

Interesting Facts

  • Encrypted organization "Sh.I.T." Used Blade's blood to create an army of vampire-soldiers. The hero did not give permission to such experiments, so defeated the laboratory and destroyed all the samples.
  • Vampire Hunter was born on October 24, 1929. On this day, the US Stock Exchange collapsed.
  • For some time the superhero was hiding from enemies under a spiderman mask. Suit "Hero-Spider" Blade stole in a masquerade store.
  • A brutal vampire hunter playfully plays a pipe. Jamal Afari not only taught him to kill, but also gave music lessons.
  • In 2015, the reboot of the film franchise "Blade" was announced. The main character will be the daughter of a vampire hunter - Fallon Gray.


I am a hunter. I am an instrument. That's what I do. This is in my blood. The world is only the top of the iceberg, the other is hidden under it - real. And they live there! If you want to survive in the battle, I'll die on the trigger! You are not immortal! Hundreds of your nasty tribesmen stated the same. And everyone denied the swearing sword Blade! Once I saved you life, but I do not plan it to be in habit.


  • 1994 - "Spiderman"
  • 1998 - "Blade"
  • 2002 - "Blade 2"
  • 2002 - "Blade: Trinity"
  • 2002 - "Blade" (serial)
  • 2010 - MARVEL ANIME
  • 2012 - "Perfect Spiderman"
  • 2013 - "Hulk and agents U.D.A.R."


  • 2000 - Blade.
  • 2002 - Blade II
  • 2007 - Ghost Rider
  • 2007 - SPIDER-MAN: Friend or Foe
  • 2009 - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
  • 2011 - Marvel Super Hero Squad Online
  • 2014 - Marvel Puzzle Quest
  • 2015 - Marvel Heroes Omega
  • 2015 - Marvel Contest of Champions

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