Eric Davidovich (Кутушвиви) - photo, biography, personal life, news, released 2021



The name of Erica Chatuashvili is popular in the medium of video blocks and lovers of expensive cars. It is called the king of the Russian Internet, and the video cell himself considers himself one of those who made the Russian Internet. They know about Davidovich (he calls himself this way) and ordinary people in connection with the criminal case. After going to liberty, the author of the automotive canal continued to create rollers for subscribers, slightly changing their concept: Test drives Eric today does not spend in the capital, but in the regions of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Eric Davidovich, Georgian by nationality, was born in Moscow (according to another version - in Tbilisi). Parents David Wakhtangovich and Alla Viktorovna worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on Petrovka, 38. Childhood was prosperous. Blogger has a sister, now living with his mother.

Eric graduated from school number 265 in 1998, after which he served in the army. At this time, the father (died in 2015) left the service and engaged in business related to cars: repair and maintenance of elite machines, as well as sale and installation of alarm on them.

Returning from service, Eric also plunged into the car world. But the Russian cars did not interest him. He was engaged in selling, repairing car tuning. Quickly started dating among the owners of expensive cars. His main pride, dream, "chip" - Golden BMW X5, known to everyone who knows about Eric Davidovic. On this BMW, they stood with a noggano in the Moscow traffic jam, he is often noticeable on video.

In 2008, he participated in a single online project of motorists, but wanted his resource, with his ideas and readers. So the site "Watch" was opened. The name received from the observation deck on the sparrow mountains, where fans of speeds and cars were going. The goal is to combine lovers of expensive cars.

Cars and blog

Eric's car career began with the filing of father's business. At first there were races in Moscow with Sparrow Mountains, where the golden young people still hang out, as well as selling and repairs. Next, the site, its rapid development due to the activity of the organizer. In order to further expand the range of users, operated on the country were organized. Eric is a muster, who knows the most expensive brands, with money and friends, ignoring even a brick, became a cumome of young people. He was considered the leader of the night street racers.

The work was boiling. News about the world's world was filmed, information from the repair masters was given, a forum and blogs of those who had expensive foreign cars were introduced and was to communicate with the same owners in their own territory. Eric spent test drives and car reviews. At first it was simple videos on the phone, scenes from personal life, speed races street racers. The first 15-20 thousand readers of the site appeared. Only more they became more.

Later appears "YouTube" -canal, which quickly promoted. Bright rollers, interesting topics, scandals and provocations on the roads. Eric showed himself as a professional businessman who has succeeded on the network.

Since 2010, it began to organize the autocals in the country, passing races in orphanages with gifts and help. All this was laid out on the channel. So, Erica became a charity and acquired a lot of fans. April 10, 2010 was removed the first author's transfer of SMOTRA LIFE. Later there were other, for example, the scandalous, where Anton Collars spoke with an epic opponent.

With the rally from Moscow to Ekaterinburg in 2010, an incident was associated with Samara. There was a conflict with the administrator. The noisy company of men insulted a woman who did not recognize the Moscow celebrity and too long the filled paper at the reception. Apologies allegedly were, but I could not find confirmation, and the administrator quit from the hotel. This compromising, however, did not spoil Eric's life.

The emergence of its resource and his development gave a new pushing of a career: Davidovich learned far beyond its parties. Now the blogger rarely appears under the real name, and only patronymic uses. And information about the latest models, test drive expanded the circle of his acquaintances. So among them appeared Alexander Khrustalev, a person who was able to make a thriving holding from the middle construction company and passioned by helicopters.

Helicopters, like cars, became passion. He pianil them and on the site, and on a video channel, said how to rent them instead of limousine, for example. So violent activity did not remain unnoticed: Eric is invited to TV. It transmits about cars for Russia-1, makes programs for other channels.

Another situation was seriously affected by a career. In 2014, a gang of murderers, stopping cars, appeared on the M4 DONE. 17 people died before the bandits were caught. In the arrest they were also involved in the community of street racers under the leadership of Eric Davidovich.

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This episode people also consider two ways: activists, with weapons traveling along the road, stopping all and rudely treated with "colleagues" -lodians, were similar to gangsters than on Robingeuds. However, the gangsters were planted, the attacks stopped. And who knows, could reveal this case only the police, without the help of the Davidovich community. By the way, he was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the courageous act.

With the advent of the channel on YouTube, videos appeared on the operation of DPS employees. The series was called "Davidych on the hunt." And again the audience was divided in two: some believed that the noble person fights with a corrupt service. Others perceived it as provocation and rudeness Davidovich. The arguments appeared with that and from the other side.

For the year, about 300 employees violating the law were shown, complaints against extortion in the metropolitan region were shown. However, the manner of communication with employees, provocations, rudeness and offensive behavior do not very much to sympathize. Plus, a huge number of speakers of the channel perceived such a manner of behavior as due to communicating with government representatives.

In 2016, the Biography of the blogger changed sharply. February 20 (by police protocols - 21), Eric was arrested by a riot police, when DPS employees were stopped for checking documents. The accusation concerned the activities of 8 years ago: he was accused of fraud with motorways in the amount of 10 million rubles. During his stay, two more accusations appeared under arrest: an attempt on the President of Ingushetia in 2009 and slander to traffic police officers (Eric himself argues that the evidence of his words was stolen after arrest).

In the autumn of 2016, Davidovich wrote in "Instagram" that the European Court of Human Rights recognized the arguments about the illegal detention of convincing. Nevertheless, he had to serve in prison for 2 years, awaiting trial. During the absence of a blogger, his friends allowed rumors online, which he escaped from the SIZO and rides in Moscow with a gun.

All-Russian popularity divided motorists into two camps. Some considered Eric Davidovich man, boldly stuck for justice on the roads, launching the negative aspects of the world order in that service, which should be crystal and occasionally honest. Others were convinced that his actions resemble a PR person, ranking himself to the owners of life, which do not have any borders or bans, and money and power are in the first place.

Personal life

The main quality Eric is his irrepressible thirst for activity. While thinking about any enterprise, he did not stop until he sought his own. This excitement resulted in his youth to high-speed race through the streets of Moscow and the Moscow region with a violation of traffic rules.

Feeling ourselves the leader of the Russian Autodists, Eric Davidovich tried to be corrected: constantly showed how fastened, demanded the execution of traffic rules, spoke on the camera as important. However, a sharp handling of DPS employees and almost before the flow of reaching clashes on the road with other car owners interfered with the bright look of the hero-defender of the right case.

Active in life man, he planned to organize his own political party. The case has suspended due to the arrest of the blogger. In the question of the followers of Davidovich, young "majors" on "Gelendvagen", provoking traffic police officers to conflict and frankly above them, Eric disvenned:

"I ask not to associate the SMOTRA.RU car community with these characters."
Eric Davidovich and Anna Kagan

As for family life, Eric leaves her for the scenes. It is known that he has a civilian wife Anna Kagan, who was also arrested in 2016, after being searched. A photo of Kagan for bars fell into open access. When searching, the girl found papers that interested the consequence. In custody Anna was inclined to testify against Erika, but the spouse of the blogger refused to do it. There are no common children with a pair.

Despite a non-relative appearance (Eric weight with growth 179 cm is 120 kg), the blogger assures that today is capable of 1500 pushups and 1200 squats.

Eric Davidovich now

Eric came to freedom in December 2018. At the court, which took place 2 months before, he was sentenced to 4 years and 8 months of imprisonment in the case related to insurance fraud. Since according to the main episodes, the statute of limitations expired, Davidovich was released. The video block manager returned all seeded property.

Blogger immediately began to work. He decided to change locations and new video began to shoot not in the capital, but in the regions of Russia. Davidovich visited Tver, Tula, Irkutsk, Kazan, Dagestan. He dedicated the car driver's test drive in new realities, and then did a brief overview of the city. Eric spoke about this in an interview with Yuri Dudu, which was published in April 2019.

One of the topics of Davidovich with the subscribers of the channel was the rollers of another car video unit Dima Proud. He made a copy of the Golden BMW X5 Eric, which was used in his own video stars.

In February 2020, it became known that Davidych decided to master the new platform - television. Blider became a member of the project "The last hero. Spectators against the stars. " Erica Katuachvili was a company, Evgeny Papunaishvili, Alexey Voevod and other celebrities. The show fell out the honor of Yane Trojanova.

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