Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov - biography, personal life, photo, news, lost weight, nationality, TNT, producer, wife, KVN 2021



Dusmukhametov Vyacheslav is a former member of the KVN-Movement, and today a well-known producer and a kinostenerist. Behind Vyacheslav, work on the most rating Russian comedy serials and shows. Any project to which the master's hand touches, is gaining popularity, and performers of major roles are a career takeoff. But Dusmukhametov himself prefers to remain in the shade.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Zarlakanovich is from the Chelyabinsk region, Kazakh by nationality. Born on April 27, 1978 in the village of Chernigov. Mom is a foreign language teacher at school, his father led the Agapovsky District Sport Committee, but in the past, she also worked as a school teacher.

In school, Vyacheslav showed creative abilities: wrote scenarios of New Year holidays, autumn balls, matinees and jokes for the School team KVN. In addition, the boy did sports progress. Love for sport glory instilled his father, and after graduating from the Dusmukhametov-younger school, they were invited to enter without examinations to the Institute of Physical Education.

In the family of teachers, the child studied a lot, so Glory graduated from school with a gold medal. After school, Dusmukhametov decided to enter the State Medical Academy of Chelyabinsk. The profession of a doctor's doctor chose after the grandmother fell into the hospital, and the doctor saved his life relative.

Vyacheslav also wanted to benefit people, so in the last grades began to study chemistry and engage in a tutor, which had to go to Magnitogorsk, for 60 km from the native village, and only spend on the road for 2 hours a day.


However, simply comprehend the Aza of Healing in the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy, Vyacheslav seemed a little, and Dusmukhametov decided to try forces in KVN. From the first attempt to the future producer in the team did not take, after which Glory began to pay more attention to basketball, and often attending the Cavencecomb competitions noticed the student and still took the team.

The young man did not like to go to the public, but the jokes of Vyacheslav turned out well, so the screenwriter was in demand in the bright team of KVN "County City", and after - "Persons of the Ural Nationality" ("Moon"). Love for humor in Dosmukhametova - Family trait, since the father liked to joke, keeping the stone expression of the face, and all the village laughed from grandmother anecdot.

The talent of the young author did not remain unnoticed, and the glory was invited to Moscow. By this time he graduated from the Academy in the specialty of family medicine and hospital therapy and in 2002 he entered the internship, which was completed in a year. In the internship, I had to combine the practice from KVN, and at that moment Dusmukhametov decided to give preference to the second and forever tied with medicine.

The fact that medicine is not his calling, Vyacheslav realized a long time ago, but did not want to upset the parents who believed that the profession of the doctor would ensure income and demand. At that time, loved ones did not understand what the son and grandson are engaged in KVN and how the art of mixing people will turn into a source of livelihood.

Although Dusmukhameov has long been not connected with the "club of merry and resourceful", the screenwriter remained grateful to Alexander Maslyakov, which was divided into an interview with the Russian edition of The Hollywood Reporter. Vyacheslav believes that KVN is the best school in Russia for humorists. However, today the former participant is a direct rival of club. According to Ksenia Sobchak, very soon Dosmukhametov Show will lead to the death of KVN, which is not able to compete in modern realities.


Since 2002, Vyacheslav settled in Moscow, after 2 years he has already worked as a creative producer of the Ren TV TV channel, and later passed to a similar position on the STS. At that time, Dusmukhametov created the first rating and popular projects: "Daddy's daughters" and "6 frames". For the "father's daughters", the author received the Thafi Prize, as the series recognized the best santom of the year. The award became the first significant in the creative biography.

Working on the STS, in 2006, Vyacheslav made one of the ideological inspirations of the TNT Channel Show "Our Russia". Answering the question of the journalist "Living Kuban", as it happened so that the creation of people from the "club cheerful and resourceful" spectators disappear on the quotes, Dusmukhametov explained that "our Russia" is a reality mirror. Fans recognize themselves in the heroes of themselves and acquaintances. Therefore, fun phrases are easily located in life.

In 2008, Dusmukhametov left the CTC and, together with another Cavanecher, Semyon Slepakov opened the company "7Art", specializing in the production of the product for TV channels. Arthur Janibekyan also entered the number of organizers. Soon "7Art" released original Sitkoms, scripts and jokes of which were written in person by Vyacheslav and the team. For Russian television, it was innovation, because there were previously the series filmed according to adapted foreign analogues.

An important role in the life of Dusmukhametov and Slepakov played the "University" tape. Remembering how the idea was born, the partners are joking that the decision to create a new series came after co-drinking alcohol. At first, the picture was not very profitable. In those days, Semyon and Vyacheslav were not too versed in business, took a permissive loan. But as a result, luck smiled humorists - the project won the hearts of young people in the entire post-Soviet space.

The screenwriter also put the soul in the "Interns". Despite the fact that the idea of ​​Russians took from the overall colleagues, the adapted version shows the personal experience of the former medical student. For the sake of high-quality plot, the creators viewed thousands of applicants for key roles before collecting the team to become Ivan Okhlobystin. The picture brought the authors to the next national award "Teffi" in the nomination "Television Multi-Series Comedy / Sitkom".

Thanks to these TV shows, the Dusmukhametov team made contributing to the creation of a high TNT rating. If in the early 2000th the audience of the channel was only 2-3% of the total number of television viewers, then by the end of the TNT period, the status of the best entertainment channel of the country was obtained.

In 2010, a transaction was a transaction for the transfer of 74% of the Shares of "7Art" of Comedy Club Roduction. The remaining part was divided by Slepakov and Dusmukhamov. And since 2012, Vyacheslav began to fulfill the responsibilities of the Creative Production of Comedy Club Roduction.

Among the TV projects who created Dusmukhamov, the show "Dances" stands out. Here the author had to show skills and a subtle psychologist. Only years later, Layisan Utyashev admitted that it was Vyacheslav who persuaded the star suffering from the postpartum depression to act as a TV presenter.

Another transmission of Dosmukhametov, who addressed attention, - "Where is the logic?". The program started in 2015 and immediately found its viewer. But even then Vyacheslav realized that the TV audience was constantly declining that it was impossible to ignore. A year later, the screenwriter made the first serious step in the direction of the network - entered into the ranks of the founders of the MEDIUM QUALITY, which takes off the show for Yutiuba. Among your favorite project users - "inside Lapenko".

In 2017, Vyacheslav Zarlakanovich oversees the shooting of a full-length PTT-comedy "Zomboyel". The film in which the artists "Comedy Club were busy, went on screens in early 2018. For six months, the film rental brought $ 3 million creators.

Then Dusmukhametov took the post of general producer TNT. The scope of activities included control quality content, determination and development of priority media formats. But a year later, Vyacheslav switched to the closer position of the creative producer of the TV channel.

Balancing between the Internet and television, Dusmukhametov made the producer of the show "What happened next?", Which came out on the Yutiub-Channel Labelcom and quickly attracted millions of subscribers. The screenwriter turns away from large screens, it is not yet about, but the network brings a considerable income to Vyacheslav and partners. For 2020, only on advertising Labelcom earned about $ 3.5 million.

Personal life

Dusmukhamov does not like an excessive publicity. A man tries not to appear in public, with the exception of moments when presence is necessary in status and scenario, in an interview rarely talks about himself. For this reason, the films and projects of Vyacheslav know everything, and few people saw in the face of the author.

About the personal life of the producer is known a little. Dusmukhametov married in June 2010. Maria Shiryaeva became the chosen, which was also related to KVN. The girl was listed in the group support group "County City" and was responsible for organizational work with fans. Modest celebration took place on the shore of the Khimki reservoir. Guests of the event made a colleague of newlyweds, fellow students on CGM and close relatives.

By the time the wedding, the couple was familiar with 10 years. Vyacheslav believes that his wife was lucky, as Masha can be trusted in all matters. The beloved is a wonderful sense of humor and attractive appearance. Now Maria Dusmukhametova is engaged in the organization of charitable events.

In December 2011, the Son was born in the family, which Timur was called. And in January 2018, the daughter of Asya appeared. Parents do not want to attract excessive attention to heirs, so in instagram accounts of Vyacheslav and spouses do not meet the pictures of children.

The silence, which dushametov is observed, protecting the family hearth, gives a reason for woven. Journalists refuse to believe that such an influential and wealthy person costs without mistresses. The press attributes Vyacheslav novels with Yulia Ahmedova and other colleagues.

Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov now

The list of projects, the life of which dushametov presented, is growing markedly every year. The turn is arranged to the producer from those who want to introduce the idea of ​​a new show, a series or film. And in 2021, Vyacheslav became interested in the new work - the creation of The Hole video standardization platform. According to the idea, the service will make it easier for users to view the Youtyub Show from the mobile device.


  • 2008-2011 - "Univer"
  • 2010-2017 - "Interns"
  • 2011-2018 - "University. New dorm
  • 2013-2021 - Sashahatany
  • 2015 - "concerned, or love evil"
  • 2016 - "Borodach"
  • 2017 - "Zomboyashik"
  • 2017 - "Buy me"
  • 2018 - "Year of Culture"
  • 2018 - "Home Arrest"
  • 2018 - "Lights from the Light"
  • 2019 - "Two girls on Mel"
  • 2019 - "Eduard stern. Brighton tears
  • 2019 - "Beetles"
  • 2019 - "Triad"
  • 2019 - "Hop"
  • 2020 - "Hussar"
  • 2020 - "Comfort Zone"
  • 2021 - "Two girls on Meli-2"
  • 2021 - "Girls with Makarov"
  • 2021 - "Beetles-2"
  • 2021 - "Vacation"


  • 2009-2018 - Comedy Woman
  • 2010-2018 - "Comedy Battle"
  • 2013-2018 - Stand Up
  • 2014-2018 - "Dancing"
  • 2014-2018 - "Once in Russia"
  • 2015-2018 - "Where is the logic?"
  • 2016-2018 - "Improvisation"
  • 2017-2018 - "Studio Soyuz"
  • 2020 - "What happened next?"

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