Mowgli - History of the boy, filmization, quotes


Character History

Stories about the boy brought up by wild animals, familiar with most children of the post-Soviet space. Mowgli, whom the beasts called the little fraternity, conquered the hearts of the audience and readers in progressiveness and courage, a worthy adult.

History of creation

The first sketches of the works about the boy, fidgeted by the flocks of wolves, appeared near the Radyard Kipling long before the release of the jungle book. Initially, the stories about Mowgli were not intended for children. In the Cyling Cywood Cyling, "Little Brother" appeared before readers an adult married man who works as a scrubber and in his free time tells others about childhood in the forests of India.

Rudyard Kipling

Notes on wild animals fell into the hands of the children's writer Mary Meip Dodge. A woman fascinated the style of the story, and Dodge persuaded Kipling to write something like that for the younger generation. Mary Maip promised to accommodate a story in the children's magazine "Saint Nicholas".

After publishing the first stories, the topic was carried away by the writer, and after a year of small stories about the animal world, there was enough for the release of the book. Then another compilation was followed, in which other well-known works were present in addition to the adventures of Mowgli. But the greatest response was received by the adventures of a young savage.

Mary Maip Dodge.

In 2013, a letter of Radyard Kipling was put on the auction, in which the writer admits that the plugath is at the Jungle Book. Letter, whose addressee is unknown, dated 1895. The message was discovered in a buckinist store:

"It is very likely that I am resorted to borrowing, but now I don't remember whose stories I stole."

Story story about Mowgli

Little boy, the son of the woodcutter, is lost in the thick of the jungle. Aligning the smell of a person, the hunt is chosen by an evil and cunning tiger. A confused kid accidentally gets to a flock of wolves, which takes a child under protection.

Mowgli in childhood

This outcome of the case is unhappy with most animals, but who will dare to argue the leader of the flocks? On the council of the Panther's tribe pays redemption for the child, and the world reserves in the jungle.

Mowgli, who was named parents in honor of the frog, grows and develops with wolf brothers. However, Tiger Sherhan leaves no intention to eat a person. Predator attempts end in failure. In the final battle with the enemy Mowgli kills the tiger and forever wins the respect of the animal world.

Sherhan, Tobacco and Mowgli

Human nature takes his own. The young man who lived in the forest for many years, goes to people, gained lost human family. Walking with people seems to be a Mowgli is an impossible task. Over time, the young person gets used to a new life and meets the girl with whom the fate binds.

Friends and enemies

The main enemy of Mowgli in the "Jungle Book" from the first pages was the evil tiger Sherhan. The predator is dissatisfied that he was deprived of legitimate prey, and all sorts of means trying to destroy a person. At the pickle at the Grozny enemy there is a Shakala tobacco (in other sources - hyena), sometimes annoying even Sherhana:

"And we leave north! And we will leave north! When we return, there will be no one! And even a frog and his bones! "

A not less dangerous enemy becomes a flock of red pieces. Bloodthirsty animals are coming to the jungle, despicuous all alive on the way. The only chance to escape is to embark on the fight. Mowgli will combine animal forest around them, and gives fire by an enemy flock.

Mowgli and Monkey-Banderlog

On the way, monkey-banderlogs rose at the rustling Mowgli. A flock kidnates the hero, but the boy manage to escape. The image of noisy animals has a certain context. Kipling created a parody of the liberal intelligentsia despised by them:

"We are great! We are free! We deserve admiration! Decent admiration, like no people in the jungle! We all say so - it means that this is true! "

The main characters who are tuned to Mowgli friendly, mostly predators:

Mowgli and Panther Bagira

Black Panther Baghir - personification of a genuine warrior. An animal cares about the baby as his young. Panther finds the opportunity to stop the flock of flocks when Aquel decides to leave the boy in the jungle. Baghir is experiencing almost malagli love and protects him from dangers.

Bear Balu - the tutor of the baby, who belongs to the child with a decent care. The method of teaching the bear resembles the methods that are in demand in classical English schools. There is a theory that the ball is a collective image of Kipling teachers. Among the friends of the young savage, the bear is responsible for physical strength.

Bear ball and kaa

Kaa Kaa - a wise mentor, teaching Mowgli rules of life in a wild forest. The character is considered the oldest animals in the jungle. The boa with a mockery refers to the tricks of the boy and often saves his life. The slow boa is responsible in Trinity for wisdom.


The first appearance of Mowgli on the screen took place in 1942. In the Soviet film distribution, the film came out under the name "Jungle". The role of Mowgli fulfilled the American actor of Indian origin of Sabu. The picture is told by the adventures of a small savage, the adults of the hero are not affected.

Sabu in the role of Mowgli

The first cartoon, filmed in Kipiling, was released in 1967. The picture is complemented by musical fragments, but the plot line is not changed. The cartoon film is removed on "Walt Disney Productions". Walt Disney personally insisted that the illustrators do not read the original and created the heroes as good-natured and naive as possible.

Mowgli in Walt Disney cartoon

In 1973, a full-length Soviet version of the adventures of Mowgli was born. The cartoon illuminates the entire history of the young savage, affecting relationships with his parents. Later, the work of Soviet illustrators was shown in the United States. American roller rolls cut out of the Soviet interpretation most of the bloodthirsty scenes and replaced music.

Mowgli in the Soviet cartoon

The second attempt to remove the film about the Wolf boy took place in 1997. The tape is called "The Second Jungle Book: Mowgli and Ball." The creators of the paintings decided to significantly move away from the original idea, leaving unchanged only the main characters. The role of a small savage played James Williams.

James Williams as Mowgli

Another interpretation of the classical plot was lifted in 1998. This time the role of Mowgli tried on Brandon Baker. Film titled "Jungle Book: History Mowgli" - a kind family comedy, shot specifically for children.

Brandon Baker in the role of Mowgli

Fresh shielding is the "Jungle Book" of 2016. The film is removed using computer animation. Ribbon received Oscar for the best visual effects.

Nile network in the role of Mowgli

American actor Nil Network received a role, bypassing thousands of young artists on trials. The boy grew up in New York in the family of immigrants from India, so wonderful fit into the image.

Interesting Facts

  • In the original text of Bagira - a male representative. When transferring to Russian, the publishers decided to change the sexual belonging to the animal, since the word "Panther" is a female genus. Change eliminated unnecessary difficulties with the perception of a story.
  • Kipling wrote the continuation of the "Jungle book." In the second volume, the writer was dedicated to Mowgli 5 more stories.
  • Mowgli children exist in reality. 48 kids registered in the world, which raised wild animals.
Victor from Averon
  • The Frenchman Victor from Averon became the prototype of the main character of the Jungle book. The young man came out of the forest in 1797.
  • In 2010, a copy of the "Jungle Books" was found signed by the author. Great inscription reads: "This book belongs to Josephine Kipling, for which she was written by her father. May, 1884.


"We accept the fight!" "We are with you one blood - you and me!" "Last time I was challenged for the fact that I was. This time for the fact that I am a wolf. "People certainly need to place traps for other people, and without that they will all be unhappy." "It's true that I am a person, but now at night I said that I am a wolf. This is in my blood. I am a hunter of the free people, and stayed by him until the red dogs go. "

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