Zoya Fedorova - biography, personal life, cause of death, photos, movies and the latest news



The biography of the Great Soviet actress Zoe Fedorova is similar to Kinodramma. It was all: success and glory, big love and romantic relationship with a foreigner, happiness of motherhood, arrest, torture in prison and death from the hands of a cold-blooded killer.

Zoya Fedorova was born in pre-revolutionary Russia, in St. Petersburg, in 1909, December 21. Her father Alexei Fedorov was a worker worker. Ekaterina Fedorova's mother was engaged in raising three daughters and son. The family lived in a large apartment and did not know.

Zoya Fedorov in youth

After the events of 1917, large changes occur in Fedorov's life. The father of Zoe by all soul takes the revolution and is actively involved in it, makes a rapid career in the Bolsheviks party. In 1918, the family was in Moscow. In the capital of the Father appointed by the head of the passport service in the Kremlin.

From early childhood, Zoya attended the drama and dreamed of becoming an actress. The father did not like his daughter's passion. After school at the age of 17, Zoya went to work in the State Streets. The service did not bring the slightest satisfaction, the artistic nature of the girl rebelled and found a repell in the dance she attended after work.

Accusing espionage

At the part of Zoya meets the military with Cyril. Delicate feelings flas out between young people. In the autumn of 1927, the lover suddenly arrest as an English spy. Fedorov fell in custody after him. She is suspected of awareness of a foreign spy.

Zoya Fedorov in youth

In November of the same year, the case was closed for insufficient evidence confirming the accusation. The situation is quite atypical for those times. Whether the providence has come for Zoya, whether the OGPU had some plans to her. Whatever it was, the creative biography of Zoe Fedorova could not take place.

Carier start

Despite the protests of the Father, in 1930 the girl enters the School in the Theater of the Revolution. While study, it gets an episodic role in the ribbon "counter". Relatives came to the premiere of the picture, but Fedorov did not appear on the screen. The episode with it was cut when mounting. Zoya is getting acquainted with the operator Vladimir Rapporte, which married.

Zoya Fedorova in the film

The first debut on the screen will be the role in the musical film "Harmon", released in 1933. After the exit of the tape, the talented actress receives many offers from directors. One after another are paintings with her participation. Huge success and all-union fame brings her a "girlfriend" film, released in 1936. The actress is in demand, famous, life is beautiful, but there is a difficult period associated with the arrest of the Father.

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The Kremlin worker who personally knew Lenin, became a victim of slander. The cause of arrest could be his free statements to the leadership of the country. His detention and imprisonment for 10 years were like a thunder among the clear sky. To help your father, Zoya was recorded at the reception to the Lavrentation of Beria. Fixed weakness to beautiful actresses, he invites her to mansion. Father was released in the summer of 1941, and Zoe received the right at any time to contact Beria for help.

Zoya Fedorov in youth

After the arrest of his father, the status of the daughter's "enemy of the people" is enshrined. Surprisingly, this does not affect the fate of the actress, Fedorov continues to shoot. During ten years, her career was shot by 22 films with her participation. Most of them, she starred. For films "Music History" (1940) and "Front Girlfriends" (1941) Actress received the highest award at the time - the Stalinist Prize.


Zoya Fedorova is one of the most popular actresses of Soviet cinema. She admire, she loves, films with her participation are successful. But by the end of the 46th above her head, clouds are condensed, in December, the actress is arrested. She is accused of conducting hostile agitation, creating an anti-Soviet group, evil attacks against the Soviet government and even in readiness to execute terrorist acts against leadership.

Zoya Fedorov in youth

The actress appeals for help to Beria, but she fails to avoid monstrous charges and a serious sentence. Zoyy Fedorov sentences to 25 years of reinforced camp regime. All its property is confiscated, and the family is sent to the link. The little daughter turns out to be relatives in Kazakhstan, in the village of Sea Dino.

In 1955, Zoyy Fedorov rehabilitates, and after a time to remove the charges completely. She reunited with his 9-year-old daughter, returns to cinema and removes a lot. The roles in the movie she get small, but characteristic and memorable.

Personal life

The first husband was the reporter Vladimir Rappoport, in the late 1930s their marriage gave a crack. The second husband is the pilot of Ivan Klezchev - takes war. At the same time, another Ivan dies - her brother.

Jackson Teit.

The third love of the actresses to the American military brought the happiness of motherhood and other events that changed her life. In the fall of 1942, at the exhibition of American cinema in Moscow, the actress is getting acquainted with the correspondent "United Press" Henry Chapiro, among whose friends was Jackson Tate. He was the deputy head of the Maritime Section of the American Military Mission. Tate invites the actress to the restaurant. So began a beautiful story of love of the Soviet actress and the American military.

Rumors about her went different. According to some sources, the actress, which was an agent of the KGB, was introduced into the society of American diplomats. Whatever it was, Zoya fell in love, got pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, about which Krasavets-Captain found out after many years. At the end of the war, the former allies became enemies, so the connection of Fedorova and Tayte could not have a happy conclusion.

Zoya Fedorova with his daughter

In July 1945, Zoya unexpectedly sent on tour to the Crimea, and Tita is expelled outside the USSR for forty-eight hours. After returning to Moscow, he did not find his beloved Zoya. He writes letters and sends requests, but to no avail. When there was no hope, an anonymous letter came to his name, which reported that Fedorov was married to a kind of composer, and they had two children.

Zoya Fedorova with his daughter

The share of truth in this message was. In 1946, the actresses had a daughter. At the same time, there is a decree on the punishment of single mothers. To protect the root from the next trouble, who familiar with her since the 40s, the composer Alexander Ryazanov offered to sign. With Jackson Tayte, she met in 1976, when she was allowed to leave abroad.

Zoya Fedorov

Daughter Victoria inherited the mother's talent and became an actress. In his youth, when she lived in Moscow, her friends and shooting partners were Oleg Yankovsky, Valentin Smirnitsky and Boris Khmelnitsky. Then she went to America, where he also starred. On 66 he left life due to the incurable disease.


In 1981, on December 11, the actress discovered in the apartment dead. The cause of death is a shot. Who shot Zoyy Fedorov, is unknown, the mystery of death remained undisclosed.

Zoya Fedorov

Versions existed several. According to one of them, she was killed by the Agent of the KGB, as she was going to leave for permanent residence in America, where her daughter had previously moved. On the other hand, she gave life for diamonds, as he entered the "diamond mafia," which were kids and wives of the Kremlin figures, among them were Galina Brezhnev.


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  • "Foreign"
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  • "Tale of the lost time"
  • "Scarlet Sails"
  • "Wedding"
  • "Miners"
  • "Big wings"
  • "Marriage"
  • "Pilots"
  • "Girlfriends"

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