Jordan Brewster - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Paul Walker, Furious, Films, Swimsuit 2021



Jordan Brewster stepped into the magical world of blue screens even in gentle age, but still continues to attend acting courses and improve other skills. The artist calls himself a "botany", which scrupulously prepares for each new shooting.

Childhood and youth

Jordan was born in 1980, April 26th. The joyful event occurred in Panama, in the family of an American investment banker Elden Brewster and the Brazilian mannequin Mary João. Mother, who endowed the daughter with sultry beauty and strong character, is known in the homeland and in the United States. A couple of months after the advent of the girl, Brewster moved to London.

When Jordan turned 6 years old, parents with a child moved from the UK to Rio de Janeiro, to Mary's Motherland. Already in Brazil, Izabella's younger sister was born. There, the future actress first came out on stage, playing the first role in the child's dance show. In the United Kingdom, Brewster learned to speak English, in Brazil - in Portuguese.

After 4 years, the family went to America, settling already finally in New York, in Manhattan. Here Jordan received a brilliant education, learning in prestigious schools. At first, the artist studied at the Catholic School Convent of The Sacred Heart, then graduated from Professional Children's School.

At school age, the girl participated in amateur time, played in theatrical productions, and once Brewster even had to portray Jesus Christ. In an interview, Jordan repeatedly recalled that her dream about an acting career in her childhood. The cumiers of the performer were Demi Moore and Debra Winger.

Carier start

The first role of Brewster played in 15 years, in the episode of the popular television series "All my children" in 1995. The long-playing "soap opera" served as a springboard in a big movie for many young actipers. I did not exception and Jordan, who then played Nikki Manson in the ribbon "how the world rotates." For the work of the schoolgirl nominated for the award "digesting soap operas."

The turning point in the biography of Brewster turned out to be the film Robert Rodriguez "Faculty" in 1998. In the adolescent fantastic thriller, Jordan was in the company of already held and future celebrities, including Robert Patrick, Famke Jansen, Salma Hayek, Eliju Wood and other actors. Following the picture, shot in Tommy Hilfiger commercials with almost all castes and other tempting offers.

In his youth, in parallel with roles in the series and the full meter, Jordan did not forget about their studies, because I promised my parents that shooting would not prevent a decent education. The actress simply could not afford it: the whole family was proud of grandfather in the father's line, Kingman, Brewster, Jr., who was 14 years old by the president of Yale.

The star "Faculty" attended acting courses and entered the university (naturally, in Yale), who successfully graduated in 2003 with the Bachelor of Bachelor's Diploma.


Real Glory came to Jordan while studying in Yale. Having finished on time with television projects, in 2001, Brewster played a key character in the adaptation of the sensational book "Invisible Circus" along with Cameron Diaz and Christopher Eccleston. Cash taxes of drama in the United States amounted to $ 77.5 thousand.

The next role was decisive in a quarry. The young actress did not dream that the 1st part of the "Fastreata", where Jordan was filmed on the 2nd year of the university, will bring not only huge fees, but also a loud fantast of the whole composition. Brewster did not believe that success will be accompanied by the name of the tape. The performer liked the working version of Redline ("Red Line").

The 2nd and 3rd parts of the franchise girl missed, not wanting a career to prevent their studies. But the rest of the legendary film about the racers again starred with the participation of Brewster, playing charming Toretto Mija. We can say that Jordan has grown together with the project. Over the years in the years, the artist has managed not just come true with colleagues along the set. Michelle Rodriguez, Win Diesel and Paul Walker became a star as relatives, so closely knew each other for a long time.

In 2004, a romantic comedy "Spies" filmography. The actress got the image of a seductive villainage-lesbian, which even managed to fire a special division agent (Sarah Foster). The tape and the creators were marked by a number of prestigious awards, among which the prize of the Berlin Film Festival.

In 2006, Jordan performed one of the main roles in Slashehre "Texas Renalar Massaw: the beginning" - a remake of the 2003 thriller. The picture did not repeat the cash success of the previous project, but the overall world fees showed an excellent result, exceeding $ 51 million.

From 2012 to 2014, Brewster worked in the television series of the TNT channel "Dallas". Due to the tragic event, the creators had to make changes to the plot line of the 2nd season. From cancer, actor Larry Hagman died, starring in the tape to the end. By giving tribute to the late, the scripts developed a new episode with the death of Hagman Hero. For the sake of personnel kill, they had to resort to computer graphics.

Another noticeable film with the participation of Jordan is "American Robbery". Russian-American fighter Salik Andreasyana received mainly negative feedback. On the Aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the rating of the painting is 14%.

Personal life

Jordan attributed a novel with a screen partner Walker, however, the relations of colleagues did not go beyond friendly. Brewster deeply shocked the car accident, which took the floor of the floor in 2013. Like many other familiar celebrities, Jordan expressed sad thoughts about the death of Paul Walker on social networks.

Brewster never hid a love relationship, rightly consider that novels only contribute to the growth of popularity and recognition. So, a lot of noise has made an affair with Mark Wahlberg. The couple met 2 with more than a year, one time even walked rumors that Jordan was pregnant, but the information was not confirmed.

In 2005, on the shooting of the thriller "Texas chainsaw: Beginning", Brewster met the producer Andrew forms, who later became a husband of the artist. In May 2007, Jordan married the chosen one in the Bahamas, and in 2013 the son of Julian appeared per light. The second son of Star Spouses Rowan was born in September 2016. Children came to this world due to surrogate motherhood.

In the summer of 2020, the fans of the couple were upset when they learned that Brewster was submitted for divorce. But the true fans of the actress soon pleased with the changes in the personal life of the idol when they saw a happy Jordana photo in the press, walking along the beach in the company of a new boyfriend. The Satellite was the general director of the major investment company Mason Morphite. Now lovers often spend time together.

Jordan Brewster is now

In May 2021, the premiere of the 9th part of the Furious franchise was held with Brewster. For the rear plan of the militant, the creators involved urban and natural landscapes of the USA, Great Britain, Thailand and Georgia. But not the scale of filming, the attention of journalists and spectators.

Already after acquaintance with the film trailer, it became clear that considerable time in the new tape was allotted with feminine characters. In addition to familiar fans, the paintings of the fair sex, such celebrities appeared on the screen as Helen Mirren, Charlize Theron and Cardi Bi. According to Jordan, the new part had to move more than usual.

Partly such changes occurred thanks to Parriguez. Even earlier, the actress forced producers to change the image of Letty Ortis, making from the "trophy girlfriend" an independent member of the gang.


  • 1956-2010 - "How the world rotates"
  • 1970-2011 - "All my children"
  • 1998 - "Faculty"
  • 2001 - "Invisible Circus"
  • 2001 - "Fast and Furious"
  • 2004 - "Spies"
  • 2005 - "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"
  • 2006 - "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Start"
  • 2009 - "Fast and Furious 4"
  • 2011 - "Fast and Furious 5"
  • 2013 - "Fast and Furious 6"
  • 2014 - "Robbery in American"
  • 2015 - "Fast and Furious 7"
  • 2016 - "American Crime History"
  • 2018-2020 - "Private Detective Magnum"
  • 2021 - "Fast and Furious 9"

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