Anna Azarova - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news 2021



Anna Azarov is a famous actress in Russia, which at its 36 years managed to play in more than 14 films, to work as a model with the most famous fashion houses and become a large mother. Her biography is a living example of how an accident, an unexpected meeting on the street can completely flip all his life.

In his youth with Anna, there was a case that could also easily put a cross on her career. She fell from the balcony and crippled her arms and legs. For a long time after recovery, she was not solved to wear outdoor clothes, while once her friend did not throw away all her balachons.

Anna Azarov

By the time, when life just begins for many, Azarov managed to achieve incredible heights. Directed by Vasily Pichul somehow compared Azarov with the love of Orlova: "Anya is a wonderful actress, it seems to me with a big future. We have such beautiful actresses that can be dramatically playing, singing and dancing from the time of love with Orlova. "

Anna Azarov was born at the end of August 1980 in a simple Soviet family in Moscow. Her father worked at the factory, the mother was a housewife. In short, nothing in her childhood was preparing an unusual career.

Model Career

One day, an unfamiliar woman came out on the street to 15-year-old Anne, who introduced an employee of the model agency and suggested trying himself in the model business. The girl agreed and was engaged in the studio in Moscow for several months, and already at 16, accompanied by Mom went to conquer Paris. The road to the capital of fashion and accommodation paid agency. In France, Anna lived 8 years. This move had a huge impact on its formation as a person, and on the whole further life and career. Here she met her first love.

Anna Azarov on the podium

In one of the interviews, Anna told that her friends in France appeared on the first month after arrival, although she did not even know the language. At the third week of stay in Paris, a rich fan appeared. Nostalgia for Paris, his streets and cafe Anna does not leave until now.

In the world capital, she lived 8 years. Every day was painted a minute - that was required by contracts with the famous fashion houses, including Ras Rabanne, Armani, Comme Des Garcons. One of the contracts Azarov concluded with Marie Claire magazine. For several years of persistent work, Anna gained fame on the world podium. Part of the money earned, she sent her relatives.

Anna Azarov

However, in 2004 she had to return to Moscow, because the age of the model is a non-nucleus, and it was necessary to think about what to do in the future.


After returning to Moscow, Azarov continued to work as a model for some time, but soon her talents noticed representatives of cinema. At first she studied acting in the studio "Adedia", where the actors of Mkhat were taught. It was there that the acquaintances were offered to her first work in the cinema. Without thinking, she agreed to participate in the casting of the 60-serial series "Dear Masha Berezina" and won.

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According to Azarov's scenario, essentially played itself - the top model. Initially, the girl was great for himself in front of the camcorder, one thing - to pose in front of the photographer, the other is to reincarnate in another person. But then she managed to catch Rhythm, and shooting went like oil. The series loved the audience, and the actress began to regularly receive new roles. As it should be, at first there were small roles in the series, which allowed to gain experience and gain connection.

In the same 2004, another film was published with the participation of Anna - "Bachelor", in 2005 - "One on New Year's Eve" and "Young Wolfhounds". Almost every year she starred in 1-2 films of different genres. The filmography includes "Lizer", "Lord officers: save the emperor", "Alibi for two", "Service Roman. Our time "," Sibiryak ". One of the most popular pictures with the participation of Azarova is a comedy "Election Day", which came out on the screens 10 years ago.

Anna Azarov

In an interview with the actress once admitted that he would really like to play in the film about the war. "I would really like to play in such a genre, but not somewhere in the hospital, namely on the battlefield, in the trenches, so that you can play with a rifle on your shoulder," she said.

During the very short time, Azarov has developed as a diverse actress and was in demand not only from Russian, but also Ukrainian directors. She starred with such actors as Andrei Chadov, Alexander Loye, Lautomiras Lauzavicius, Oleg Fomin.

Not a movie one lived Azarov in the Russian capital. For 2 years she worked as lead and correspondent on the TV channel "Star", but she had to say goodbye to the journalistic career due to the fact that the work took too much time.

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Among the film projects in which Azarov took part should be called "ice dancing", where Evgeny fees were partner. The press wrote that they had a novel, and dancers did not try to dispel suspicion of journalists. But, as admitted later, the actress itself, they did not have close relationships.

The famous actress and model enjoyed in great demand among marketers. In different years, she represented Roshas cosmetics, Nivea, Yves Rocher, advertised "I" juice, water "Aqua Mineral, LG TVs, Nissan cars.

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Azarov's journalists said that she did not accept the shooting for himself nude. In bed scenes in the cinema instead of her dublershi. However, natural modesty, apparently, was silent for a while. A photo of Azarov in Bikini appeared on the cover of Play Boy magazine. In 2014, the issue of Maxim magazine with several frank actresses was released.

Personal life

The French beloved, with whom Azarov met immediately after moving to Paris, was Lionel's businessman, owner of the chain of restaurants and a family castle. Anna recalls these relations as a romantic fairy tale. Nevertheless, the couple was divided several times and converged. It was even announced the engagement, but as a result, Anna returned to Russia in 2001.

Anna Azarov and Pavel Tunner

In Moscow, she met Pavel Tower. For several years, they simply met and only in 2008 with the birth of children they had a real family. Pregnancy was given actress hard, she lay for a long time on the preservation. As a result of the cesarean section on March 25, 2008, the twin boys Dmitry and Grigory appeared on the world. For two years, Azarov went to the decret.

In 2012, between civilian spouses (officially marriage was not included) there was a major conflict. Azarov recognized that the cause of the gap was not treason of her husband. In November of the same year, she gave birth to her daughter Alexander and stated that this is a child from another man.

Anna Azarov with children

The press appeared the versions that this statement was made in the mouth of a quarrel, because the name of the real father of his daughter she keeps secret. Many Azarov fans do not know exactly how many children from the actress, because in recent years it is trying to not advertise this information. It is known that on December 13, 2015, she gave birth to a fourth child - Maul's daughter.

Anna Azarova

Recently, Azarov went into the shadows, the interview almost does not give, so it can be judged about her today's life, except for the photo in instagram. In 2016, almost all photos posted in the social network are a photo of her children. Together with my mother, they go to the theater, resting on the sea, learn to play the piano. Only in two photos there is a man, looks outwardly resembling Pavel Towne.

The secrets of Beauty Azarova

Anna admits that he loves to eat delicious. At the same time, she has a great figure. After the first pregnancy, she scored 25 kilograms, but she quickly managed to return to the form thanks to the diet and sport. Strict restrictions in nutrition actress avoids, because without food it falls in the mood.

Anna Azarova

The secret of her success is simple - among the week she tries not to eat sweet and flour. Relaxed only on weekends. "When I feel that I start to gain weight, I turn to lighter food for a while," the actress told reporters.

Anna joined the sport only after 34 years. She began to study yoga and walk to the gym. The effect is awesome, she says. From cosmetics, it does not use any exotic - only what is available to ordinary Russians. For example, in winter it makes a honey mask for lips.

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