Elena Kondubilan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, In Youth, Films 2021



Elena Kondubilan - Soviet and Russian actress, Patriotic Marilyn Monroe, Estrada Artist. At the time when the leadership of the country instilled in the culture to everyone, she was the first to appear on the screens naked, thereby fixing the title of the first sex symbol of the USSR.

Childhood and youth

Sunset of the Soviet Empire was marked by the appearance of the first sex symbol in the country, which actress Elena Kondubinen became. A spectacular blonde in the village of Toksovo Leningrad region was born in 1958, in early April. According to the sign of the zodiac, she is Aries.

By nationality, her parents were ethnic Finns. Representatives of this nation lived in the very edge. Due to the tense political situation in a state related to the recent war between the USSR and Finland, many of them changed the names of the Russians.

However, the father of the future actress Ivan Kondubilan was not like that. He did not hide the origin and even proud of them. For honesty and hardworking, the authorities did not touch his family. Although the locals still treated with contempt for a little Lena and often shouted to her after the offensive nicknames. Therefore, since childhood, she grew up without friends.

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The girl loved nature, cared for pets, and also attended music school. Parents, seeing how passionate to their daughter with music, sent it after graduating from school in the northern capital, where she entered the Institute of Music and Cinema, choosing a specialty choir conductor.

Elena would take place as a musician, but one case intervened in her fate and radically changed his life path. On one cabbaged, Kondylain played in humorous formulation the role of Marlene Dietrich. The image created by it turned out to be convincing, so the teaching staff advised it to translate to the theater faculty of the university.

Thinking a little, the student did it. Her leader was George Tovstonogov, and then Arkady Katzman and Lion Domin, under the leadership of which the girl successfully graduated from studying in 1983.

Personal life

Personal life from Elena Kondubilan saturated: Actress was married 4 times. In the youth, in addition to frequent marriages, she led a free lifestyle.

The first husband, by profession, the teacher was older Elena. Roman developed rapidly. But even the birth of the firstborn could not prevent divorce. The couple broke up. With a second husband, businessman Sergey, in which the soul artist did not care, they even married. Another child appeared in the family - Son Mikhail. In total, Condubinen has two children. Now her sons build a career, the eldest is happily married.

Unfortunately, soon and this marriage collapsed. Elena has long worried a divorce. In her life there was a crisis that was marked by the death of the mother, and its own disease (the disease of the thyroid gland), and the emergence of health problems with the son of Alexander. For a while, the celebrity left the profession. During this period, she communicated only with close friends. The end of the heavy strip in the life of Elena Ivanovna was the third marriage, but he did not last long.

In 52, the actress once again married the entrepreneur Dmitry, who is twice as long as it, but the relationship was soon ended. With former husbands, the artist tries to maintain friendly relations.

In an interview with Kondubilan, somehow mentioned that he was not off and for the third time to become a mother.

Elena Ivanovna often appeared on television. So, in 2010, she starred in the program "Fashion sentence" as a defendant. On the air of the first channel, the actress tried to change the image of the fatal beauty on the style of a true lady. A new haircut was shocked for her: stylists cut off her long curls without pity and turned the hairstyle into elegant kara, while leaving the light-colored shade of hair.

The actress owns a 3-room apartment in the center of Moscow. Once she was mentioned that he always felt a real estate veil, and in Soviet times he even conducted a deal on the exchange, in which 18 apartments participated. In 2012, Kondubinen was attacked at the entrance, after which the security reasons were forced to move to the hotel. At one time, the actress lived in the hotel, which completely satisfied it.

There were actresses in life, in addition to spouses, and other men. At the festival "Scarlet Sails" Elena met with a colleague Oleg Kameshchikov, who struck her by vocal talent. After talking, the artists decided to create a musical duet "Cocon", which turned out to be in demand among the public. In the way, rumors about the novel of Elena and Oleg got along, especially since their joint photo of a compromising character began to appear in "Instagram" and other social networks.

A year later, in the fall of 2017, the actors became the heroes of the program of Dmitry Shepelev "in fact," during which it was found that Masonicians are not free. He met with a 22-year-old teacher of English Daria neighbor. During the ether with the help of a detector, lies were proven, Elena and Oleg had a relationship. But Kondubinen led a double game, while meeting Vadim Kupriyanov. The young man also came to the transmission.

And in the fall of 2018, in the program of Andrei Malakhov "Hello, Andrei!", She appeared in the studio together with Bogdan Titomir, who in the 90s was a popular performer, and now he is engaged in producing. The audience worried the question of what was between Elena and Bogdan. Conduinlane replied to this that "everything was", and the Titomyr confirmed her words, saying that while the whole world with the lust was looking at the photo of the artist, he saw her in one after night.


After graduating from studying, Elena began to film. One of the memorable works of that time was the film "Rus Primary", where the starting actress convincingly played the Russian girl Mlavu.

For filming in the Soviet cinema, Kondublana, on the advice of older colleagues, was named after the titles and pseudonym Ivanov, and later Rusova. In the Soviet Union, at the beginning of the 80s, it was not quite calmly relate to non-Russian names and surnames. Soon this situation has changed, because with the arrival of a new government and a new building in Russia appeared fashion for all foreign ones.

The lack of censorship has liberated cinematographers, and films with provocative scenes began to appear on the screen. The first such work in the filmography of actresses, where she starred nude was the picture of the director Hussein Erkenov "One hundred days before the order." Most of all viewers remembered the scene with Elena in the pool, where she, completely undressed, swims.

The film was not shown on the big screen, but the title of sex symbol of the country was fixed behind the artist. After this film director, the director was invited to Elena Kondubilan in the tape of this plan.

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The actress itself was not shyling this image, explaining that by what she, as anyone else, manages to be filmed in the "nidget" beautifully. After the first erotic role, Elena starred in the films "Bolotnaya Street, or a medium against sex", "Daphnis and Chloe", which were saturated in unambiguous frames.

In erotic scenes of that time a lot of actors were filmed, it was the norm, a kind of challenge society. Stars such as Mikhail Pugovkin, Stas Sadalsky, Boris Khimchev, did not consider this art to be acknowledged.

In 1993, against the background of rapidly unfolding events in Russia, Elena created the political movement of the "Love Party" by success in cinema. In the patriotic impulse, it was supported by many representatives of the intelligentsia of that time - Maria Arbatov, Alexander Pankratov-Black, Mikhail Zvezdinsky, Alexey Glousin. The party had separate factions "Love for Brunettes", "Love for Blondes", the fraction of former womanists.

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One of the decent works in the biography of Elena Kondubilan of this period is considered to be created by it the beauty of the beautiful Judith Hatter in the adventure Kinolent Andrei Rostotsky "Zvertoy". The film has gained popularity among viewers for many years due to beautiful tricky scenes, an interesting plot and spectacular heroines. In addition to Elena, another beauty of that time Olga Mashenna starred in the picture.

One of the main roles went to Kondosilan in the Soviet criminal melodrame "Luxury number" for a general with a girl. " History tells about the Cat's card Shooter, which in the image of General goes to Yalta, where Lyuska becomes his fellow traveler, Vyacheslav Character played. Elena got the image of the heroine named Alka.

There was a celebrity and in a relatively new for Russian cinema militant genre. The film was called "Caravan of Death". The plot is based on the real events that occurred during the Afghan war. Alexander Pankratsky, Black, Boris Khmelnitsky, Victor Pavlov became partners of Kondra.

Gradually, the place of shocking heroine of Cinema Elena inferior to younger artists. Since 1995, the Theater of the Moon appeared in her life, in which she played in many famous performances. Having a good acting school and scenic magnetism, Kondubilan became a real decoration of the work of the director Sergei Prokhanov "Lips", "Travel of amateurs" and "Night". Then played in this theater in the play "Kazanova".

With the beginning of the 2000s, Elena Ivanovna reappeared on the screen, but already in the series. In addition to the grotesque painting of Ivan Okhlobystin, "Down House", she played in the Ukrainian multi-metering film "Thank you for all you." It was lit in the Russian Sitkom "Interns", where the role of the former wife of the Cupist, Mercantile and Sexual Operations was sparkling. According to the actress, she came to the shooting of this episode from the soul.

In 2002, Kondubinen assigned the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation". She became famous not only by acting talent. In 2005, the former student of the conducting department remembered the musical vocation and created the album "Lonely Wolf", songs from which became popular. In addition to the fact that the singer performed his own hits, the "Sea" composition fell into the repertoire of the famous Arrow pop group.


In his youth, creating an image of a sex symbol, Elena continued to stick to him throughout the entire time on the screens. To access public events, it carefully selects outfits, and not all of them differ modesty. Often, the celebrity chooses short dresses, opening her legs, or sweaters with a deep neckline.

There are no tattoos on the body of Elena Ivanovna. When height 170 cm its weight is 60 kg. Such parameters, it calls itself, confirming the words of the abundance of a provocative samples.

In Stagram, Kondubilan has no personal account, but her photo in Nude style appears on the pages of friends and fans. For example, resting with the last spouse in the Maldives, the woman repeated the feat of Anastasia Volochkova, starring almost naked against the background of the southern seaside. A lot of its photos in a swimsuit spreads in the network, on which the actress demonstrates forms. She arranged the next photo session on the beach of Greece: appearing in the form of Aphrodite, posed almost topless, sticking the chest with hand and long overhead strands of the hair.

In 2012, Kondubinen appeared on the ether of the program "We speak and show" on the NTV channel, which was devoted to the topic of plastic surgery. There were other actors telling about numerous operations to change the appearance. But Elena Ivanovna, despite the opinion of the expert, stated that the plastic was never done. She decided to demonstrate his face without cosmetics, removing the whole makeup. Looking at a colleague, Elena Dogileva did not restrain and stated that he doubts the words of the actress, because I am sure that she fell down under the surgeon's knife.

And in another release of the Program, Kondubinen told the leading Leonid Zakoshansky, which anorexia was sick in young years, but he managed to overcome the disease.

Elena Kondubilan now

In recent years, the actress has become less work. If earlier on the day she went to the stage 3-4 times and participated in eight entrepreneurs, now she pays more time to rest. There is probably the same age. The actress does not adhere to diets, but excluded sunflower oil from the diet, fried meat and potatoes. Also, the celebrity has become a regular visitor to the cosmetology cabinet.

On July 24, 2020, Elena dineded in the company of friends in the metropolitan restaurant "Seasons", when he felt bad. The artist began to complain about the headache, and the surrounding noticed her changed speech and caused ambulance. The actress was hospitalized to the Moscow hospital, sent to intensive care where, after the examination, a disappointing diagnosis was made - stroke.

Colleagues on the theater of the Moon said that the state of Elena Ivanovna remains stable, and after 4 days it became known that she became worse. In addition to the acute violation of the brain circulation and the vascular brain damage, the artist continued to observe the inhibition of speech. Doctors reported that they do not yet see positive dynamics.


  • 1979 - "Travel to another city"
  • 1985 - "Rus Primary"
  • 1990 - "One hundred days before order"
  • 1990 - "St. John's wort"
  • 1991 - "Caravan of Death"
  • 1991 - "Bolt Street, or a Means against Sex"
  • 1993 - "Daphnis and Chloe"
  • 2001 - "Down House"
  • 2005 - "Thank you for all you"
  • 2012 - "8 first dates"
  • 2012 - "Father's instinct"
  • 2012 - "Interns"
  • 2013 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2014 - "Traffic light"
  • 2014 - "Freud-2 method"
  • 2014 - "Winters will not"
  • 2018 - "Cop"
  • 2019 - "Sklifosovsky (Season 7)"

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