Tatyana God - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news 2021



The actress of the Soviet cinema Tatyana Andreevna God was born in the family of a railway worker and a housewife in 1957 in Moscow. In the family she was the youngest daughter and sixth child. Since childhood, Tanya not only studied well, but also fond of theatrical art: she went to the drama of the Poland of Pioneers on Shabolovka.

At the age of 15 in the studio, it was noticed by the Assistants of the film "Every day Dr. Kalinikova" film and invited Tatiana on the shooting. This filmmaker became the debut in the film engineer of the young actress.


In Drama Viktor Titova, dedicated to the work and scientific discoveries of Dr. Ilizarova, Tatyana God played the role of patient Tanechi. Its partners in the workshop were the famous artists of Jia Savvina, Valery Zolotukhin, Alexander Kalyagin, Olga Gobzeva, Igor Yasulovich.

Tatyana God in youth

The photo of Young Tatyana fell into a map of Mosfilm, and immediately after the first work, the young artist followed a proposal from Sergey Bondarchuk himself, who picked up the cast for his tape "They fought for their homeland." A low growth girl, with great eyes and subtle voice, was approved for the role of nurses in the epic drama of the master.

After a well-executed role, Sergey Bondarchuk invites Tatyana God to study in his workshop in Vgik, which he leads together with his wife Irina Skobtseva. Since his students have already reappeted 1 year, the girl take immediately on the 2nd course without exams.

Tatyana God in youth

Due to its businesswoman appearance even matured and already married actress often got the roles of young people. This is barely completed by the Institute of Young Teachers ("The Adventures of Petrova and Vashechkin", "Citizens of the Universe", "Caution, Vasilek!"), And the pioneermenities ("Yelash", "the opposite"), and young secretaries or telephones ("Fitil" ). Each role, played by Tatiana God, was quickly remembered to the audience due to its reincarnation.

After the end of the Institute, actresses can be held in the comedy "Ladies invite Cavaliers," where she played a major role. Its partners in the scenic platform were made by the time the actors Marina Neelova and Leonid Kuravlev.

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The 23-year-old inexperienced Graduate of Vgika at first somewhat complexed, but her partner supported the girl and often gave wise tips on working on the way. And Leonid Kuravlev very gently and in retratically reacted to the young artist. It happened that on the set in another city, he even faded it with delicious reserves. Until now, Tatiana God has a good relationship with him.

Another significant work of the early period was its role of Masha from the movie "Lonely Hostel". And again, Tatyana God hits the company of the famous stars of Soviet cinema: Natalia Gundareva, Alexandra Mikhailova, Tamara Semina, Frunzik Mkrtchyan. The main role of the actress also performed in Kinolent Arnold Agababov "There, for the Seven Mountains", about the love of a Russian girl from the Siberian Wilderness and a Native Caucasian, Armenian from Yerevan.

Tatyana God and Fedor Fedor

Her work in films for children and Almanae "Yelash", in which she starred for 30 years since 1973 was especially memorable roles of actress. Many fans often thought that Tatyana God is Mom Feda Stukova, an actor who played Tom Sawyer. But in the life of the actress is not a relative of Fyodor.

Even the episodic appearance of Tatiana God's god in the frame was remembered to the audience. And her phrase "also me, James Bond was found!" From the Skyopopie "Guest from the Future", where she played Mama Kolya, became a winged expression.

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One of the popular role actresses are the roles of teachers. This is often naive, cuited persons who can suffer from their scattering and indecision. Such teachers in the execution of Tatiana of God can be found in the children's films "Adventures of Petrova and Vashekina", "Caution, Vasilek!". And for the role of the teacher in the film "Citizens of the Universe" Tatyana God, even awarded a prize for the best female role at the Moscow Festival of Young Cinematographers in 1984.


In the period of stagnation in Russian cinema Tatiana, Tatyana, the Goddock switched to work on the sounding of cartoons and foreign movies. At first she enjoyed her voice, which she was given by nature. High, almost children's timbre allowed her to voice amusing carters, as well as children. But for adult roles Tatiana Andreevna, it was necessary to change their voice, making it lower.

Tatyana Bozhok

From the popular Hollywood films, in the dubbing of Tatiana, it is possible to note "Beethoven", "Batman", "Prince Egypt", the series "Captive Passion". From the animated films of the "Dragon Tilly", "Pepper Peppe", especially memorable.

Personal life

Tatyana God rarely gives interviews and does not appear at all at public events. Of the few printed sources, only a few facts from her personal life are known. As Tatiana herself says, she often refused the proposals of directors, as it could not leave far on shooting because of her parents' illness. Giving your child debt, she cared for the elderly father and mother.

Tatyana God and Son Sergey

Unlike his heroines, which often had problems with marriage, Tatiana itself is still happy in marriage. The story of her love is amazing. Together with her future husband, she met in the first grade. And since childhood they did not part. After school, the spouse actresses graduated from the Institute of Physical Education and became a teacher at school. In the 90s heavy for cinema, he became a real family support and largely supported his spouse.

Tatyana God now

According to Tatiana, her husband is a modest family man, he never gave her colors that she was a little bitten. But once after the performance, he met Tatiana with a big package, opening which, wife discovered a bouquet.

In the friendly family, the actress in the mid-80s appeared the only son Sergey. The boy received two higher education: after the Institute of Physical Education and Sports, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics. Now the young man works in the sports club. And he has the opportunity to often give his beloved mother's flowers.


  • Every day Dr. Kalinikova - (1973)
  • They fought for their homeland - (1976)
  • 12 chairs - (1976)
  • Front behind the front line - (1977)
  • Adult Son - (1979)
  • Wedding Day will have to clarify - (1979)
  • There, for the Seven Mountains - (1980)
  • Ladies invite cavaliers - (1980)
  • All the opposite - (1981)
  • Alarm Sunday - (1983)
  • Lonely Hostel - (1983)
  • Adventures of Petrova and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible - (1983)
  • Guest from the Future - (1984)
  • Caution, Vasilek! - (1985)
  • Edge - (1989)
  • From the life of Fedor Kuzkina - (1989)
  • Swamp Street, or Means against Sex - (1991)

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