Elena Metelkin - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news 2021



Elena Vladimirovna Metekina - Soviet and Russian film actress, a mannequin, one of the heroines of the TV show "Fashion sentence". The greatest fame acquired due to the roles in the pictures taken on the works of Kira Boylchev.

Elena Metykina was born on October 23, 1953 in Moscow in the family of a military engineer. The girl grew up very obedient and quiet, spent a lot of time at home reading, was a good and calm. Helena's father passed the whole war, was a participant in the battle near Stalingrad, had seven inventions in the field of construction and engineering.

Elena Metelkin in youth

At the beginning of the eighties, Vladimir Metekina was drawn into a scandal with embezzlement, and he left his life, hit himself in the heart of the corticle. After the death of Father, Metkin began to reside constantly together with his mother, having assumed the responsibilities of the head of the family.


Elena Metykina tried twice to enroll in the theater university. The dream to become an actress pursued her from early adolescence, when the girl suddenly turned into an attractive young person from the ugly duckling. Elena's first attempt was made in 1972, when he came to audition in Pike. It didn't work out to enter the theater institute, but it was noticed and offered to play in the cinema in an episodic role. So took place by the debut of the Mispel in the movies. She got a small role in the 1973 painting called "Berega".

Elena Metelkin in the film

Elena did not lose hope of getting acting education and in a year tried to enter VGIK. The girl again failed the sample, after which he decided to work as a mannequin. In 1980, the film was released on the screens "through thorns to the stars", in which the Metpelkina had the main role. In the frame she got through her extraordinary appearance.

At the time when the filmmakers were looking for an actress on the role of an alien girl, the photo Elena was decorated with fashionable clothes catalogs. For several years, the girl became a successful mannequin. Her unusual appearance was noticed and invited to samples. After several months of consideration of options, the creators of the picture stopped their choice on Metekina. Thus, the mannequin received the role of Niya, who brought her fame. The film looked at more than twenty million people, and the young actress began to recognize in the subway, on the street, in the store.

Elena Metelkin in the film

On the set, Elena became friends with Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, who is more famous as Kira Boylchev. Three years after the release of the painting "Through thorns to the stars", Metkina again received a role in the adaptation based on the works of the famous Soviet writer.

Elena played Polina - employee of the Institute of Time in the Guest Ribbon from the Future. She was the most distant and inaccessible beauty that appeared to pick up Alice at her time. The painting "Guest from the Future" was published in 1984, in the same year, Elena had another noticeable work in the cinema. She starred in the comedy Evgenia Gerasimov "Very important person."

Elena Metelkin in the film

The actress worked on one set with Yuri Nazarov, Nina Ruslanova, Vyacheslav innocent and Nikolai Parfenov. Interestingly, Evgeny Gerasimov, who was a director of this picture, also starred in a small role in the Guest Ribbon from the Future, he played the robot of the verte.

Further acting career Elena Metekina did not work out. She appeared in a small role in the tension "Touch" in 1992, in the episode of the Drama "War" in 2002, starred in the short film "Simple Women's Happiness" in 2013.

Career model

Elena was a very successful model and a mannequin of the mid-seventies. It was the photos in catalogs of knitted and stitched clothes, they became her pass to the world of cinema. Father Metwekina was against his daughter to become a mannequin, but after several unsuccessful attempts to enter the Theater Institute, Elena settled in the public-union house of clothing models.

Elena Metelkin

At that time, the girl worked as a librarian, but its height and weight corresponded to model parameters, and the appearance was original. Elena was noticed and invited to work the model for filming the magazine "Models of the season" freelance. The girl quickly entered the taste and found his place of the mannequin in the demonstration hall of the GUM.

Elena Metelkin

For filming in the film "Through thorns to the stars" she had to refuse not only from the hair, but also from work, she was without regrets from the department store. After completing the picture, Elena returned to the profession of the mannequin. Metekina got a job in the Moscow House of Models.

Model Elena Metelkin

After the restructuring, Elena moved to work in the showroom, Mila Nadashchi, but the project was commercially unprofitable. During the work of Helen, the mannequer often had to be filmed for journals and books on knitting and sewing. Her photos in youth can be found in a repeatedly reprinted Soviet book "ABC knitting".

Personal life

During filming in 1980, Elena met in Crimea with a young man named Sergey. She was fascinated by gallant courtesies and very soon fell in love. In Moscow, after graduation, the girl returned with the cavalier. Parents put before the fact that he was going to marry.

Elena Metelkin

Elena and Sergey signed without delay. The young husband had a daughter from her previous relationship and was dissatisfied when Metwekina became pregnant. Elena responded with a refusal to make an abortion, and disagreements began in the family. Pregnancy was complicated, the woman lay on the preservation for a long time. During this time, the husband found a new beloved. After the birth of the son Alexander, the spouse finally left the family.

Elena Metelkin

Parting with her husband was aggravated by the fact that he turned out to be a marriage sweat and tried to sue the apartments of their apartment. During this period, the father of the mannequin turned out to be drawn into a scandal with embezzlement and, without causing pressure, committed suicide. The court proceedings went for several years, but ultimately the apartment was able to defend, and the marriage was recognized as valid.

The next time Elena heard about the husband only in 1996, when law enforcement officers came to her house. They asked for a certificate that the tenant was discharged from the apartment, and did not apply to the reason for their appearance.

Elena Metelkin

Once Elena turned to the fortuneteller, since the pain from the betrayal of her husband did not subside for a long time. She was told that the former spouse died terrible death. Elena realized that he could share the fate of her husband if they did not part.

Heavy life tests of the mannequins led her to despondent and pushed to search for responses to eternal questions. Metekina became a very religious person. At first she attended the temple, then traveled to pilgrimage through the holy places, later found a spiritual mentor represented by Father Mikhail Titov.

Elena Metelkin and Son

Son Elena Metekina graduated from the Institute of International Relations. But the work in the specialty preferred an autoslemer career. Alexander dreams of creating his own business.

Elena Metykina believes that personal life is not yet written by the head in the book of her life, and she will still meet a decent Christian, with whom will be happy.

Elena Metekina now

Elena Vladimirovna could work the mannequin all his life, but her profession outlived herself due to the mass appearance of shops of finished clothes. Model career woman graduated at the age of 46.

Elena Metelkin now

Metvekina worked as a secretary referent, the saleswoman and shoes, the teacher at the boarding school, a customer service manager and even a cleaner. According to some sources, now Metwekina works in an icon shop and sings in the choir of the parish church in Moscow.


  • 1973 - Shore
  • 1981 - Through thorns to the stars
  • 1984 - Very important person
  • 1984 - Guest from the Future
  • 1992 - Touch
  • 2002 - War
  • 2011 - Simple Women's Happiness

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