Mikhail Zharov - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news



Mikhail Ivanovich Zharov was born in Moscow in the family of an employee of the printed printing house of Ivan Zharov and the former peasantry of Anna Semenovna Drozdova in 1899. The history of the emergence of the father of the future actor is unknown, as he was a podlidishche of the Nikolaev shelter. The name Ivan received from his nanny from the children's institution.

Heads lived poorly, since childhood the little Misha went to help his father in the printing house. But at the same time he did not forget to stitch in the yard and arrange the presentation for his friends.

Mikhail Zharov in youth

At 15, the young man went to work in Opera S.I. Zimina, where at first carried out minor instructions of the director, and then the lanky boy was determined by the role of the statists. A year later, Misha was fortunate enough to play in the first film in the crowd. The main role in the "Pskovityank" then Fedor Shalyapin himself was performed.

The dream of a real acting career, Mikhail Zharov, is attempting to enter the theatrical school, but he did not take him into one of the Moscow schools.

Mikhail Zharov

After working for the mid-20s in several theatrical groups, Mikhail Zharov is determined to Meyerhold Theater, where his comedy talent is fully revealed. After that, Mikhail Zharov changed several other theaters, including chamber, and found his place in a small dramatic theater, where he served until the end of his life.

In the memory of fans, Mikhail Zharov remained as a performer of the roles of Murzavetsky in the formulation of "Wolves and Sheep", Governing in the "Revolution", Prokhor in "Vassa Zheleznova", Innokence's drunkard in the play "Heart is not a stone" and wild in the "thunderstorm".


The triumphant debut in the sound of the movie was the role of Zigan in the film Nikolai Ekka "Pourevka to Life", after that role Mikhail began to recognize even the bandits on the streets, which immediately took it for their own. Then followed the films of Trauberga and Kozintseva "Youth Maxim" and "Vyborg Side", where the heat brilliantly performed the episodic role of the smack. Songs "I changed women like gloves" and "fried chicken" performed by Mikhail Ivanovich glorified the actor to the entire Soviet Union.

But the artist was offered not only the roles of representatives of the criminal world, he also played a historical character: Prince Menshikov in the film "Peter First", for which he was awarded the Stalinist Prize. Before the war, Mikhail Zharov becomes one of the most famous and demanded actors, so it is clear that during bloody fights it is with his participation that a comedy is being created about the weekdays of war.

At the end of the 50s in Cinema Mikhail Zharov, Mikhail Zharov passes on age-related roles in films like "Anna on the neck", "Girl with a guitar", "Red leaves", "Attention! In the city of the Wizard! "," Elder Sister ".

Mikhail Zharov in the film

The master of the episode in the late 60s creates a real masterpiece - the image of the village policeman Aniskina, a man already at the age of the philosopher and, as it turned out, a talented detective. After the first two films "Rustic Detective" and "Divorce of Narymski", in which Mikhail Zharov plays the main role of Fyodor Ivanovich, the actor decides to act as director of the next series of film to the rustic detective, despite its already unimportant health. So the ribbons "Aniskin and Phantom" and "And again Aniskin" appear.

Personal life

In total, Mikhail Zharov had four wives. With the beginning of the revolution, which the 18-year-old young man met with enthusiasm, he goes to the Eastern Front with the Bolshevik Mobile Theater. From a peculiar tour, Mikhail Zharov returned with the first wife of Dina, who turned out to be over two years older. Parents of the future comedians met the daughter-in-law, but subsequently began to consider it with their daughter. Three years later, the young people appear - Eugene, who in the future became the artist of the Leningrad Theater.

Mikhail Zharov in youth

In the late 1920s, Mikhail Zharov marries the second time in Lyudmila Polyanskaya. In the second marriage he had two sons who died in infancy. After strong experiences, Lucia fell into depression and began to distance from her husband, despite the fact that he had already achieved a lot and even got an apartment on Tver Boulevard. The marriage existed for 14 years, after which it was collapsed.

Mikhail Zharov and Lyudmila Tselikovskaya

The beautiful partner in the film "Night Carrying" Mikhail became the star of the screen Lyudmila Celikovskaya, which was 20 years younger than Zharov. The age difference did not interfere with the emergence of a stormy novel.

After filming lovers played a wedding. The heat filled with an elevated sense of heat knocks the role for the spouse in the movie S. M. Eisenstein "Ivan Grozny", where they played together. Then he writes the script of the film "Restless farm", which was published after the victory over fascism. Unfortunately, the star marriage collapsed in 7 years. The cause of the divorce was a new passion for the artist architect Caro Alalala, who was at that time their neighbor in the staircase.

Mikhail Zharov and Lyudmila Tselikovskaya

Mikhail Zharov suffered from a microinsult disorder, after which he went to the sanatorium on the ticket. But the bachelor life of the legend of the screen continued shortly. In the boarding house, he became acquainted with the intelligent reading doctors of Jewish origin of the Hinda and Eliazar Hilsteins, who rested with daughters Maya and Vika.

The fascinated by the youth and beauty of Maya Mikhail falls in love with the girl, and that gives him reciprocity. After a while, having received the approval of the father of the family, the lovers played a wedding. Newlyweds were born two children - Girls Anna and Elizabeth. It was the last and most durable marriage of the actor, he gained his happiness in his personal life.

Mikhail Zharov with his wife

At the beginning of the 50s, the repressions on the case of doctors begin. The process affected Maya's parents: they are sent to the camp. Vika, the younger sister of his wife, Mikhail sheltered at his apartment. In connection with these events, Mikhail Zharov cease to shoot in the cinema and cease to give roles in the theater. This state of affairs continued to death of the leader.

Mikhail Zharov with children

The actor himself did not like journalists, and always, having reviewed the material of his interview, refused him and forbade it to print. Therefore, the heat wrote his biography himself. His memoirs "Life. Theater. Cinema "and" My meetings with time and people ", which were issued in the last decade of the actor's life, are two volumes of memories of his work with genius representatives of theater and cinema.

The actor died at the end of 1981 in the hospital, where he was to examine the heart. But the cause of his death was peritonitis, which was viewed by doctors. His Last Maja's wife was very worried about the care of his beloved husband. She died 16 years after his death.


  • Road to happiness - (1925)
  • A ticket to life - (1931)
  • Twenty Six Baku Commissioners - (1932)
  • Painting - (1933)
  • Thunderstorm - (1934)
  • Love and Hate - (1935)
  • Three Comrades - (1935)
  • Maxim return - (1937)
  • Peter first - (1937)
  • Vyborg side - (1938)
  • Bear - (1938)
  • Kochin engineer error - (1939)
  • Stepan Razin - (1939)
  • Man in a case - (1939)
  • Bogdan Khmelnitsky - (1941)
  • Secretary of Raycoma - (1942)
  • Air cab driver - (1943)
  • Young Fritz - (1943)
  • Ivan Grozny - (1944 - 1945)
  • Restless farm - (1946)
  • Michurin - (1948)
  • Happy flight - (1949)
  • Anna on the neck - (1954)
  • Girl with a guitar - (1958)
  • Elder sister - (1966)
  • Rustic Detective - (1968)
  • Divorce in Narymski - (1972)
  • Aniskin and Fantomas - (1973)
  • And again Aniskin - (1978)

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