Pippa Middleton - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Children, Wedding, Pregnant, Second Child 2021



Pippa Middleton is the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge. She was propheted unenviable fate, because it was believed that she was in the shadows because of the older sister. But Pippa did not agree to the role of the second plan and did everything in order for her to know and remembered. Daily in the news for various reasons mentioned her name: she released a new book, he took up charity, it broke up with a boyfriend and was already seen already with a new one.

Childhood and youth

Philip Charlotte Middleton (real name Pippi) was born on September 6, 1983 in a family that did not belong to British nobility. Pippi has a sister - Duchess Kate Middleton - and Brother James Middleton. Pippi's father took place from the middle class, and the mother is from the vintage kind of coalsels. They worked in civil aviation: father - air traffic controller, and Mother is a stewardess.

When Pippa has reached the age of 4 years, parents founded a parcel trade company called Party Pieces. At the British market, this company fruitfully developed and brought unprecedented wealth to the family, while making millions.

After a while, the Middleton family allowed themselves to buy a house in the Ash Standa district and move there. In a new place, the girls went to a special women's school, where they received a sports scholarship. After graduating from school, Pippa entered the Malboro College, where he studied for a short time, moving closer to her sister to Scotland.

Here Pippa chose a study of literature for himself and after receiving education managed to work in a private company, which was engaged in promoting luxury items. After leaving the company, Pippa took care of the holidays. As you know, she was engaged in organizing a party, which took place behind the wedding of her sister. Later, Pippa still went out of this sphere and found a job from the parents.


It is known that Pippa became famous primarily due to the sister - Kate Middleton. One moment about this family learned the whole world. And although they did not disagree, about such states, as now, speeches did not go.

From the wedding of Kate and Prince William on Pippa drew attention to the whole world. Thanks to an accurate figure, a slender leg and a beautifully selected sister's sister, the bride became the object of attention.

As you know, Pippa loves to hold various kinds of events and is engaged in this activity and now. In addition, the biography of the sister of Duchess Cambridge is connected with charity, she is engaged in the editment of the magazine, writes culinary books, leads business and is fond of sports. How all this has time for a young lady - it is not clear. Middleton also produces exclusive bags and clothing line. It seems that she covered all classes that can only be.

For a long time, Pippa is an ambassador of the British Heart Foundation, where helps to collect money to people who need expensive operations. She presented a cookbook, while all the means from her sale went to help with sick children. She also exposes things on charity auctions.

About the events of the life of Pippa daily reports on its own page in "Instagram". After reviewing her photos, it can be understood that the beauty leads an active lifestyle, itifies correctly, engaged in sports and has a refined taste.

Pippa often becomes an object of attention due to scandalous actions. What is only standing by her candid photos, where she removes a swimsuit, dancing semi-digging in the company of a man or shoots a dress, while wrapping into paper. By the way, the last anticipation was the boiling point of her failed alex of Alex Louden.

Personal life

Personal life from Pippi Middleton is stormy from the young age. In his youth, she spun a novel with George Percy, who is the son of Duke Northumberland. The young man possesses the title and at one point he will inherit any little £ 500 million from the Father. This is one of the demanded and desired grooms. Their novel was stormy, but fleeting. But Pippa sake him neglected relationships with the previous rejected, with whom he spent 3 years.

In 2008, Pippa has brought an affair with Billy by Maorma Nebitt, an outcomes from the Scottish aristocracy. But soon broke with him. After him was the heir to the diamond empire - Simon Youngman. This candidacy satisfied Middleton, but the man himself was not ready for a serious relationship.

At the same time, he chose between such candidates as Alexander Spencer Churchill and Charlie Gilks. The first is the nephew of the Duke of Malboro and the relative of Winston Churchill, the second - Playboy, the owner of the nightclub.

Pippa would have chosen a satellite, if one day he did not fall in love with the guy named Alex Louuden.

He was from a simple family and could not offer anything supernatural. But the beauty did not pay any attention to it. All friends and relatives in the voice said that this couple would not last long, but after 1.5 years of Pippa's relationship led a young man to the sister's wedding as a satellite.

It is rumored that the guy has already prepared to make an offer, but at the Kate wedding they were so much collapsed that all the plans were broken. The reason was too frank Flirt Pippi with Prince Harry. Having cooled from emotions, the girl wanted to make up his beloved, but he turned out to be a man of words. Among the beloved Pippi was also listed Tom Kingston, Niko Jackson, Chaise Crawford.

Pippi's personal life Middleton has developed. Her husband is the financier James Matthew. He is good and incredibly rich, which willingly demonstrate. On the engagement of the bridegroom presented the beloved diamond ring worth £ 250 thousand. The wedding was scheduled for 20 May 2017.

2 weeks before the solemn event, the pair appeared at the Charitable Party of Parasnow Ball. Public activity was in a blue dress with open shoulders from Erdem. Journalists appreciated not so much the proportion of the Middleton body (height - 166 cm, and the weight is 53 kg), how many impressive biceps for the girl. The audience noted that Pippa is enthusiastically preparing for the wedding and moved with the campaigns to the gym and a diet.

Nevertheless, nothing prevented the future wedding. On May 20, 2017, Pippa Middleton married James Mattheus. The wedding of the beloved passed in the English County Berkshire - Pippa and James married in the Anglican Church of St. Mark on the territory of the private estate of Englfield, after which a banquet in Middleton's estate took place.

Attention deserves a wedding dress Pippi. The lace outfit, the author of which became the British fashion designer Giles Dicon, seemed created without a single seam. The bride's hairstyle decorated a miniature pearl tiara from Robinson Pelham.

Among the guests, there were many celebrities at the event, but the journalists did not notice the companions of Prince Harry, Megan Okle, with whom Pippi, to put it mildly, did not make up relations. There were rumors that the chief of the Royal Sibling is a copy of the sister of Princess Cambridge, to which the young man was not indifferent.

On October 15, 2018, the Son of Arthur Michael William Mattyuz was born in the spouses. Becoming Mother, the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge briefly went into the shadow. Nevertheless, in an interview with Waitrose Kitchen, she mentioned that during the pregnancy period he was engaged in sports, which will continue to attract children.

The fact that Pippa is pregnant with the second child, the public found out in December 2020 from an insider interview with the publication of the Page Six. And on March 15, 2021, the news appeared that she gave birth to a daughter.

Girl weighing 2.9 kg appeared early in the morning. The newborn gave the name Grace Elizabeth Jane Mattieuz. According to friends of the Middleton family, the young mother feels 100%. This light event decorated so complicated year.

The public was divided into two camps: Some imitate Pippe Middleton, others do not understand why she gained such popularity. Fans willingly watch the changes in her life, copy its outfits, hairstyles, hair color. Some even turn to plastic surgeons to make a "ass like Pippi." Opponents also notice how sometimes the celebrity looks slightly, see problems with taste and style.

Pippa Middleton now

News related to the name of Pippi Middleton, because of its motherhood more connected with fashion. On the pages of the British media appear photos of the writer, walking in London. Interest causes outfits that choose the sister of the Duchess of Cambridge to enter light or shopping.

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