Belyuly - Bigraphy of Russian Gypsies, Actors and Roles, Quotes


Character History

The history of the life and love of the Russified Roma Romanov was based on the book of Anatoly Kalinin. Readers got acquainted with the charismatic hero at the beginning of the 60s of the last century. Kinorol Budaaly experienced three actors, but finally conquered the hearts of millions of Soviet spectators managed to the charming Moldovan Mihai Volontar.

History of creation

Above the novel "Gypsy" Writer Anatoly Kalinin worked for a very long time - the work took 14 years. At first the author conceived the literary brainchild in the form of a story, the head of which appeared in the early 1960s in the magazine "Spark". The plot and the characters were so much like the readers that the editorial was flooded with letters demanding to tell the future fate. So the light saw the second and third parts about the intricacies of the destroyer of the Don Cossacks of Claudia and the noble gypsy. The last one - ninth - published in 2011, after the death of the writer.

Writer Anatoly Kalinin

The work glorified Kalinin to the whole world, books were produced with huge circles in England, Yugoslavia, China, France and even Vietnam.

Belyulya is far from the fruit of Anatoly Veniaminovich. The character had quite concrete prototypes from among the representatives of the nomadic of the Nationality. In the war years, the author of the Roman met the gypsy-intelligence officer Ishchenko (until now, researchers do not find out the name and patronymic), which for military merit was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Belyuly in Kuznice

Chase on the military trails, the writer once saw a confused gypsy kibitu and heard the story that a young Ukrainian took the baby surviving in her. And one of the farms on Don, where Kalinin settled, was famous for Gypsy-blacksmith with golden hands. The younger brother of a man wore the name of the future - it attracted the writer with melodiousness. From these pieces and the image of a book character and the main storyline.

The daughter of the writer Natalia Kalinina recalled:

"None of his works by Father wrote with such a passionate and selfless self-dedication, like a novel about Claudia and Bulaway."

Critics, evaluating the work, noted the writer a deep knowledge of the mistake of the life of Russians. He turned out to be realistic to convey the life and "soul" of the people. But as for the Gypsy Being, here Kalinin walked along the tops using the stamps of perception. But the unconditional merit of Anatoly Veniaminovich in creating the image of Gypsy Frontovik. He was talented and brightly wrote about the role of this nation on the way to victory over the fascists.

Biography and plot

The Military Biography of Flavor echoes Ishchenko's service: Gypsy with a lung of a writer also turned into a scout who participated in the liberation of Rostov-on-Don and take Budapest. In a personal life, the hero survived the tragedy - in 1942 he lost his wife. Before the war, he worked for the Kuznets, and after some time wandered on immense Russia, until he was donkey in the Don Farm. In the vicinity of this farm and was crushed by the Gypsy cystic kibitka, in which his spouse rushed.

Belyuly and Vanya

Friendship with a boy named Vanya wakes up in Bulat Father's feelings. Later, the main character meets his adopted mother of Claudia, and love flashes between them. At the beginning of the war, Claudius took from a broken cystic of the Gypsy baby and brought up as native with his daughter. The secret of the appearance of Vanya knew only a neighbor, constantly blackmailing a woman.

With the advent of the future in the village of the measured life of the heroine changes. Claudia is breaking between delicate feelings to Roma and the fear of losing peace and peace in the family, because the real father can deprive her son. As a result, I will decide to leave the farm.

Foily and Claudia

In the adaptation of the Roman Belyulyu is deprived of memory as a result of brutal beating by bandits. Create the past helps Vanya, who told the truth of birth. Proud Tsygan manages to take revenge on the offenders, stubbing them behind the grille. After that, future returns to the village Verbnoe to peacefully fervent the remainder of the century with Claudia.

Films and roles

The plot of the novel Anatoly Kalinina in the cinema moved three director. Opened a list of Evgeny Matveyev produces in 1967. The Soviet spectator saw the picture of the "Gypsy", where the director himself played the main role. The image of the beloved Tsygan embodied Lyudmila Kittyaeva. Readers familiar with the work of Anatoly Veniaminovich, with delight accepted the tape - the premiere was waiting for an allchlag.

Evgeny Matveyev in the role of future

However, a greater sympathy of the Soviet spectator penetrated to Beula, which appeared in 1979 on the screens in the mini-series of Alexander Blanca "Gypsy". Former scout, who lost his family, appeared in the face of Moldovan artist Micah Volontir. He managed to form an image of a bold and noble representative of his nation. The actor was so harmoniously born in the role that in the future the connoisseurs of cinema called it simply by Fule, forgetting the real name.

But the volunteer hit the set of a happy accident. The production of the painting was constantly postponed - did not give "good" to the higher authorities, and the authors were looking for a suitable man for the role of future. The tests came to the actors Nikolai Slichenko and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, but the director did not suit the director.

Put the point in the search for Clara is Great, which was to play Claudia. At the preliminary distribution of roles, Anatoly Kalinin was present - the writer saw his heroin only in the face of Clara Stepanovna. Actress was worth showing the director of a volunteer photographing, as the fate of the outlined series immediately decided. By the way, Clara and Miham had warm friendly relations, launched until the end of life.

Mihai Volontir in the role of future

"Gypsy" is a rare filmmaker, which can be safe to put in one row with a book version, confident fans of Kalinin's creativity. And leap and volunteer after the release of the film covered the wave of the audience adoration. Indeed, the tape turned out to be kind, shrill and incredibly sincere.

According to the scenario, Beulai died, but the actor, presentation, what kind of success is waiting for the film, suggested overpowering the final. And, oddly enough, the author of the novel supported Micah. So the picture gained the open finale, and six years later, in 1985, Soviet centers received the continuation of the adventures of Roma Return "Returning" with the same actors in the lead roles.

Otar Megvinhuhuzesi in the role of future

The third actor, analyzing the image of the character of Kalinin's book, became Otar Megvinhuhuzesi. Alexander Fenko's four-steria film "Bewula, who is not waiting" to removed in 1993. As a basis, they took the elements of the novel by changing important promises. For example, Gypsy returns to the Don village not from the front, but after 10 years in prison. Claudia played Irina Kompanko.

Interesting Facts

  • The meaning of the Belyulyu - "Full Moon". The name has Arab roots, often meets at the Tatar.
  • For the filming of the wedding of Gypsy Nastya (actress Matlub Alimova) with Russian chauffeur, the authors of the film invited residents of this Tabor. Chose 20 colorful personalities, however, 100 people came and settled with a squash to the hotel. When shooting ended, and Roma was departed home, the creators of the paintings showed an account on a round sum - after the device, the hotel administration did not take place towels, sheets, glasses and other little things.
Matluba Alimova in the role of Gypsy Nastya
  • In memory, Michaya volunteer, who left his life in 2015, a touching video called "Belyuly will not return will no longer". It consists of photographs of the creative path of the talented actor.
  • Bucually dyed at the Moldavian theater, where volunteer served, the opportunity to act as the actor in the "Roma". The leaders of the Temple of Melpomen did not want to let him go - the whole repertoire was held on Mihai. Then Clara Stepanovna personally arrived in Moldova and convinced the theater representatives in the fact that the volunteer participation in tape of such content and scale gloves their country.
  • The spectators were confused by Mica Volonitorter with the Binchitsky, popular in the early 1980s, who fulfilled the main role in the film "Narchar".
Mihai Volontir and Jerzy Binchitsky
  • Natural in the appearance of the character of the volonetime remained only a mustache. Hair and beard accounted for each time to increase and curl curling.
  • The Moldovan actor was offended by the creators of the film for the fact that the fee was appointed at a minimum rate - 7 rubles (while Clara was leaping 40 rubles per shooting day). Mihai with the words: "I don't need feed", "I decided to work for free. Money still got, but after the premiere of the tape.
  • According to the script of Claudia, it turned 40 years old, and the 50-year-old frontier crossed himself. However, the spectators did not guesses about the real age - so ideally Clara Stepanovna burned in the role of heroine.
  • In 1992, Gukeko and Volontir again met on the set, playing her husband and wife in the picture "Is I guilty?"


Movies about the Gypsies, filmed by Alexander Blank, stood in a row with the most cited pictures of Soviet cinema: "White Sun of the Desert", "Beware of the car", "Gentlemen of good luck" and others.

"If the respected Tamila said the" cover "means" cover "." Do you want songs? I have them! "" You're old, being. I dance to you by the fire, and you don't even look. "" The bad man, Kirushi ... Sleak. "" Tell the Gypsy mail, that his wife and son are waiting. "" The land can not be tired of going. Tear anger, disbelief, despair and loneliness. If only there was ahead, what they want to seek, if only it would not be behind, something in a hurry. "" Do not regret myself, do not. No one else can pass your way. Only you yourself. "

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