Natalia Guseva - biography, personal life, photos, movies and last news 2021



Natalia Evgenievna Murashkevich (Guseva) - Born on February 15, 1972 in the city of Zvenigorod, Moscow region, in the usual Soviet family, which there were many. But despite this, the parents of the soul did not care in their daughter and were ready to go on everything for her successful future.

Natalia Guseva now

Her father Evgeny Alekseevich was a worker, and Galina Markovna's mother worked by a physician. A promising star grew in a family far from cinema. And Natasha did not dream dreams of the "blue screen". For her, it was infinitely interesting to look at the insects and various bugs. They were keen even more than communication with peers. To the question: "Who do you want to become?" Boldly answered: "Entomologist."

Natalia Guseva in childhood

In 1979, the family of Gusevy moves to a permanent residence of Zvenigorod to Moscow. In their plans, Natalia, being the only and beloved daughter, was to get a decent education in one of the best schools of the capital. In the same year, Natasha goes to the first class of school No. 692.

The years went, but the interest in studying insects did not fade, and insects from children's passion turned into a desire to associate life with it. The goal was to enter the prestigious MSU to the biological faculty. Understanding how much you need to know and make efforts for admission, she studied chemistry and biology hard and participated in the Olympics for the disciplines. She also did not lag in other subjects and was an excellent story.

Natalia Guseva in his youth

Natasha grew up with meek and humble girl. One school, where the future star studied, visited the director of the film studio named after Maxim Gorky and invited several girls who had excellent diction and did not hesitate to read poems. Due to the fact that Natasha Guseva was one of the best student, the teacher proposed her candidacy. By participating in samples, Natasha received a role in the short filler "Dangerous trifles".

Natalia Guseva in the film

By the time the film "Dangerous trifles" is released by the director of the fantastic film "Guest from the Future" P. Arsenov was in the search for the leading role. Once he saw Natalia in the process of visiting the recently shot short ribbon and became interested in it. Looking around, invited her to the famous all the role of Alice Spiece. Natalia, from childhood interested in fantastics, agreed, without hesitation.

"Guest from the Future"

The role of Alice, which Natasha received, according to the director, "was as if created for her." So organically she looked in the frame, literally born into the role. The actress itself in one of the interview admitted that she did not portray anything, just lived her life. Natalia responsibly approached the tasks of the director and even wanted to perform complex stuntful stunts herself.

Natalia Guseva in the film

Unlike other stars, the children who threw the studies, a small star, on the contrary, sought to catch everything and learn. The participants in the shooting process remembered how she had tutorials and notebooks with them. He taught between the oaks and scenes as soon as a free minute was issued. And everyone also did not leave ideas about the entomology classes.

Natalia Guseva on the set

Natasha was very cute and shy, despite the fact that was the main character of such a large-scale project. Senior colleagues on the workshop very much loved the girl. What you can not say about the peers. Almost all the girls have tried the main role that Natasha got. And, obviously, experienced a feeling of envy. And the boys were engaged in the "cinema" process.

And at the end of the shooting process, a stunning success came. Natalia overtook the burden of popularity - what she was not ready, as the actress itself was recognized in an interview. The fans lived with her parade, went to school and from school, wrote letters, with unprecedented addresses (they wrote "Alice Spiece"). Employees of mail stored letters in the department and after a certain time delivered them to the house of Gusev.

Natalia Guseva on the set

Natalia was forced to respond to a new name. Now she became Alice and Guest from the Future. Being a fragile girl of small growth, she became a "big" man of Soviet cinema. She knew and loved even outside the Soviet Union, her photo was printed in newspapers and magazines, on postcards, brands. She was able to career a big movie star, but it did not spoil her at all, the girl remained all the same restrained and not spoiled.

Natalia Guseva today

After the surviving film, she was involved in several projects: "Lilac ball", "Race of the Century" and "Willion of the Universe". But they were not claimed as "guest from the future." In the ribbon "Race of the Century" actress got a secondary role, and "the will of the Universe" remained unnoticed. Kinokarttina "Lilac ball", despite the fact that he also had a story about Alisa Seleznev, did not have already impressed.

Natalia Guseva in the film

Subsequently, already being a student of the Biological Faculty, Natalia Guseva offered to be filmed. There was an invitation to shoot in the film "Accident - Daughter of Ment", but the actress did not accept the proposal, due to the fact that this role was alien to her. She did not want to disappoint fans, pouring the bright image of Alice by the spleen.

Natalia Guseva in the film

The girl did not strive for a kinos star career. Enthusiastic entomology, receiving a school graduation certificate, she passed the exams in Mitcht them. M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Biotechnology. After completing the university successfully, it worked for several years in the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamalei.

Today, Ms. Guseva-Murashkevich is a co-founder of a diagnostic company in the field of infectious diseases.

Personal life

Being at the shooting in Belarus, the actress, being at the peak of popularity, met Denis Murashkevich. The young man, loved in Alisa Seleznev, wanted to meet her performer. For a spectacular appearance in front of the star, he came up with the idea with the "abduction" of the star, for this plan I needed a horse that could not be found.

Natalia Guseva and Denis Murashkevich

Then he came up with a new idea. The room in the hotel where Natasha lived, delivered boxes with a TV "Horizon". What was the surprise of a girl when she revealed him, and Denis appeared from there. He stood in front of her in a thin shirt, in jeans and socks, even without shoes. It is worth noting that everything happened in November, and there was a terrible rain outside the window. Natasha and Denis were in love with each other, were in a relationship, but for personal reasons were forced to part.

Natalia Guseva with family

Everyone lived his life: Natalia was engaged in science, Denis went to carry the service in the army. Demobilizing, he first came to his beloved girl, who could not forget. But Mom Natasha said that Natalia was married, thus deceiving the future son-in-law. After a while, the young man read in one of the newspapers that Natalia is free. The next day, he stood on the threshold of her apartment, and soon the lovers got married.

In 1996, their daughter Alesya was born. Denis himself wanted to call the daughter of fun because of their surprisingly developing relations with Natalia. Denis's mother offered the name of Alice. But both options were rejected.

In 2001, the couple broke up, but Natalia left the surname of her husband.

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