Melinda Gates - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Bill Gates, Charitable Foundation, in Youth 2021



Melinda Gates - Philanthrop, business woman, ex-wife of the richest owner of the state of Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. Now the American is among the most influential women in the world, leading public projects.

Childhood and youth

Melinda Ann Frenc was born on August 15, 1964. It happened this significant event in Dallas in the family of Raymond Joseph Franch, an aerospace engineer, and Elaine Agnes Emerland, a housewife. In addition to the girl, in the family, three more children are two younger brothers and older sister. Parents led a small business (rental housing), and the heirs helped the elders (removed in the rooms, counted costs and profits).

An American received a strict Catholic, but at the same time brilliant education. As a child, she studied at the Sacred Monica School, he graduated from the Duke Luxury University in North Carolina.

For 5 years of study, Melind managed to get a bachelor's degree immediately in two specialties: economics and programming - as well as the MBA degree. The girl reduced the term of study for a year to quickly go to the construction of a career. According to Susan's sister, in the youth, the future business woman firmly knew what he wanted, and went to the intended goal.


In 1987, Melinda got a job in Microsoft on the advice of a friend. He prompted the programmer to pay attention to this rapidly developing concern. As a result, American became the head of the sales department. She was responsible for multi-million-dollar contracts of applications such as Encarta, Publisher, Microsoft Bob, Expedia and held the post of staff from hundreds of staff. In 1996, Melinda dismissed director of information products and closely took up charitable projects in the framework of the cursing of the Fund's activities.

Social activity

In 1993, together with Gates, Melind went to Zanzibar. Seen himself unpleasantly struck American. The position of local women who are forced to educate children without the help of men and to engage in severe physical work seemed terrifying. Later in an interview, the public figure admitted that he was already thinking about helping needy. In 1994, the William Gates Foundation appeared, which in 1999 replaced the name on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The main task of the company was supporting and improving health care in distorting countries. The organization regularly translated money for the development and supply of in Africa and India vaccines for the treatment of tuberculosis, polio, malaria and other serious diseases. The project appeared the official website, on which the owners laid out information on the activities of their brainchild.

And if in Microsoft between billionaire and an American reigned a strict hierarchy, then in the affairs of the charity company they became equal partners. Melinda regularly advocated reports on health development issues in backward countries.

In 2012, being a believer Catholic, Gates committed an act, which caused the conviction of the official Vatican. The lady openly declared that he would devote the remaining life to creating a system of available contraception for third-world countries. In 2015, the entrepreneur became the founder of the Pivalotal Ventures project, which supported the rights of women, their business, entrepreneurial undertakings.

In conversations with journalists, the American recognized that over the years, the problems associated with the position of weak gender became particularly relevant. This allowed to speak freely about physical violence, Harasmen and other society phenomena, which were previously preferred not to mention openly. In 2019, he released the book "The moment of take-off", in which he told how came to feminism.

During the period of appearance and distribution of COVID-19, Melinda and Bill participated in the program to combat the virus. The Charitable Foundation sent funding for the development of Vaccines Moderna and Astrazeneca.

Personal life

Attractive American has been successful at the opposite sex since student times. Acquaintance with Bill Gates in 1987 did not foreshadow the cardinal change in the personal life of Melinda. Fitting on a date with a future husband, the girl continued to take care from other fans - after all, Bill walked by an avid bachelor and spent his free time at work.

However, there was a lot of general among young people - hobbies, views on life, which led to the beginning of a serious novel. Meanwhile, to make a sentence of a beloved future billionaire was in no hurry - later the lady admitted that to make a decisive choice of the owner of Microsoft helped the list "For" and "Against". The wedding took place in 1994.

The ceremony was held in Hawaii in a narrow circle of relatives and close friends: Gates bought tickets for charter flights so that the young people are not disturbed. In the wedding trip, newlyweds went to Alaska, traded the hot climate of the exotic islands on a 30-degree frost and skating on dog sledding. Soon the spouse gave Gates of three heirs: two daughters, Jennifer Catarin and Phoebe Adel, and the son of Rory John.

For a long time, the marriage of the billionaire and his chosen was considered exemplary. Therefore, like thunder among the clear sky, the news about the divorce of the pair in early May 2021 was. Spouses lived together for 27 years, but decided to part, as reported by the same posts on twitter accounts. After that, the press appeared in the press appeared articles-revelations from loved ones, speaking that in recent years, the pair relationships were far from harmonious.

The causes of the divorce remained hidden, the tabloids called the lady the initiator of the gap. Gates assured the public that parting will not be an obstacle to continuing the Foundation. At the same time, the media has become known that the spouses did not sign the marriage contract, so Melinda had the right to get half the state of her husband. This allowed journalists to paint the billionaire divorce by one of the most expensive in history.

Melind Gates now

In 2021, Melinda continued to conduct charitable projects, which was divided with subscribers in social networks. On International Women's Day, March 8, in "Instagram" Gates appeared post with a photo in which a public figure called 5 women seeking to change their lives for the better.

In connection with the divorce of the couples, the journalists put forward predictions that the rating of the Microsoft owner could fall, while the ex-wife of the billionaire - will grow at times.

Awards and achievements

  • 2005 - Melind Gates, Bill Gates and Bono became people of the year according to Time magazine.
  • 2006 - Prince Asturian Prize
  • 2006 - Order of the Aztec Eagle
  • 2006 - 12th place in the list of 100 most influential women according to Forbes magazine
  • 2013 - University California Medal in San Francisco
  • 2014, 2017 - 3rd place in the list of 100 most influential women according to Forbes magazine
  • 2015 - Civil Award Padma Bhushan (India)
  • 2016 - Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama
  • 2017 - Order of the Honorary Legion (France)
  • 2017 - World Medal Otto Khan from the United Nations Association of Germany
  • 2017 - 12th place in the list of the 200 most influential philanthropists in the world


  • 2019 - "Moment takeoff"

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