Alex - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, singer, "instagram", age, "Star Factory" 2021



Singer Alex participated in the fourth season of the show "Star Factory" and immediately conquered the hearts of the project fans. A pretty girl managed to try himself as a model, to go to the best Russian producers and release several albums. Romantic relationships with Timati and experiments with appearance forced thousands of fans and press to monitor every step of the star.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Chvikov (Pseudonym - Alex) was born on September 4, 1988 in the city of Donetsk (Ukraine). Its family can not be called the most common. If the mother's mother was a simple housewife and sat with three children, then his father Alexander Chvikov engaged in business and headed the major company Energosbytprom. The girl was called in honor of the Father, and gradually close began to call her just Alex.

From the young age, the girl demonstrated creative deposits, and parents put the maximum effort to contribute to the development of the daughter's talents. Alexandra engaged in singing and dancing, herself wrote poems. The secondary school she graduated from external.

Carier start

Back in school years, the girl participated in the musical competitions of the hometown and the country. A beautiful face and high growth allowed Alex, from 11 years to get to the model business. It has become recognized by advertising billboards.

Model business has become a preparatory stage for the girl to the world of show business. Here she learned to confidently stay in front of the cameras and work with people.

Since 2001, the musical biography of Alexandra began to actively develop. This year, thanks to the financial assistance of the Father, she released her first song called "Air Kiss", which could be heard on popular radio stations in Ukraine. Then the same video appeared on the music channels, and at the end of the year, Alex presented a debut plate.

After Sasha finally spreads goodbye to the school, she decided to completely surrender to the creative process. Alex went to conquer Moscow, where he collaborated with different producers. It was in the capital that a promising performer saw a new opportunity for the development of a career and decided to use his chance.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, the singer went to the casting of the music teleproject "Star Factory" and passed a tough competitive selection. In a psychological plan, it was a rather difficult task.

The young star was fighting in vain with surging depression and even asked producers to let her go for a while in Donetsk. But her requests did not comply with the requirements of the project, and therefore 16-year-old Alex had to cope with his problem independently.

Alexandra decided the situation with the most romantic way - she fell in love. The project has a relationship with Raper Timati. New feelings gave confidence in themselves and allowed to demonstrate the maximum of their abilities on the show. As a result, Alex went to the finals of the project "Star Factory" and perfectly performed two beautiful songs within the nominations: "Moonpath" and "Where are you." But the prize-winner did not have been able to become.

Music and appearance

At the end of the Alex project, the contract has signed a contract with a famous producer and composer Igor Cool, who has helped a beginner star for a long time. But after a while the performer suddenly disappeared from the TV channels.

The star Alexa again rushed only in 2007, after the release of the song "When you're near", filled with Timati. This composition sounded for a long time on all music channels, increasing its performers ratings. Then the singer collaborated for some time with Yana Rudkovskaya, and later signed a contract with Alexander Rantzov.

The main adviser and mentor Alexans always remained her father. In 2007, the discography of the singer was replenished with the album "My Vendetta", and in 2011 - "invented world". In addition, the star released several music clips, but they did not bring her great success.

After that, the performer began to make less music and fascinated by experiments with his appearance. Alexa significantly increased her lips, which caused negative feedback from fans who called the star victim of plastics. Also noted a change in the forms of the nose and cheekbones. On the network, pictures made in the youth and after surgery. In the signatures, fans expressed regret on the loss of "natural beauty" and individuality.

Alexandra corrected his "mistakes" in changing the appearance, applied by injuries of beauty, and her lips again acquired natural appeal.

For a while in the media, persistent information was broadcast that Alex is sick anorexia - fans embarrassed photos on which she looked too thin.

Later, the singer began to work with the appearance of the experienced traditional way - active physical training sessions that help maintain weight in the optimal range. "You should not wait, you need to start right now" - here is the motto of the stars in relation to classes for gaining harmony.

Personal life

A romantic relationship with Singer Timati has a romantic relationship with Singer Timati. Of course, many envied her, because rapper's attention was not an easy task.

In 2005, the stars first quarreled and broke up for some time. The performer even moved to live in Donetsk and began to meet with a young businessman. But after some time, Timati and Alex came up and began to meet again. The press reported that the singer flew to Donetsk and almost from the crown took Alexander to Moscow.

Nevertheless, in 2007, after the participation of lovers in the Realistic Show "Jappets on Picap" and the joint execution of the song "When you're near" the couple were finally parted.

Later it was reported that Alexander met with the singer Andrei Popov (Lil Pop), but their relationship was only fleeting passion.

Soon another young man appeared in the life of the singer and, it would seem, the personal life of Alexes stabilized. It is known about the new man was only the name and what he helped the star with jewelry business. But living together for about 4 years, the couple broke up. After parting with Arthur, the performer stated that it was no longer responsible for the quality of jewelry made under the Alexa Jewelry brand.

In 2020, it became known about the singer's novel with the fitness instructor Vyacheslav Daichev, who led classes from Philip Kirkorov and Polina Gagarina. Love, according to the singer, became a surprise and covered lovers with his head, "And everyone will stay for the scene."

Beyond Alexander Sivkova, an athlete bride. At the time of parting with a man dancer was at the 5th month of pregnancy. "My world collapsed. I really hurt me, "the woman admitted.

At the singer fell angry accusations that she destroyed the family, users wished the star to "returned Boomerang." In response, Alex told in an interview that he did not take her husband, "he did not throw anyone, they were not happy."

With the beloved singer seriously engaged in sports and demonstrated the results in the pictures made in Sochi. The modest swimsuit expressed expressively emphasized the exact shape of the star.

In September 2020 Alex shared the joyful news that he was married.

Alex now

In early March 2021, the singer congratulated Vyacheslav Daicheva on the page in "Instagram" happy birthday, having posted a joint photo with recognition: "You are my best gift in life!"

The photo in a white shirt, which did not leave any doubt that Alex was pregnant, appeared on March 19. "It's time for a pleasant fuss," singer signed.

And in April, it turned out that the couple got married. April 16 Alex gave birth to a daughter.


  • 2001 - Air Kiss
  • 2007 - My Vendetta
  • 2011 - invented world

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