Hamlet (character) - Photo, biography, main characters, interesting facts, monologue, actors


Character History

Hamlet is the character of the British classic of William Shakespeare of the British classic. Today, the hero of the play is considered one of the most popular and mysterious characters of world literature. Modern literary crowns are wondering whether the prince of Danish prince was covered with madness or was actually susceptible to insane visions, it was interested in his biography, appearance description. Shakespearer Hero raises the eternal questions in the dialogues and monologues, thinks about the destination, manifests the sown love.

History of character creation

In beability of William Shakespeare, works for performances in theaters created on the basis of existing plays. "Hamlet" did not exception - in the 7th century, the Danish chronicler Sakson Grammar recorded the legend about Prince Hamlet (in the original, the name sounds like Amedle), which is part of the Scandinavian Sag.

According to her, the contemporary and compatriot of English playwright (suggest that it was Thomas Kid) folded the play, which was put in theaters, but was not preserved to the present day. In those days, a joke went about the "pile of gamletters scattering tragic monologues."

In the period 1600-1601, Shakespeare simply redid the literary work. From the Scandinavian primary source, the work of the Great Poet was distinguished by the refinement of art canvas and meaning: the author dismissed the focus on the external struggle on the spiritual suffering of the main character.

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During the life of Shakespeare Piece in the genre of the tragedy, three publications have undergone. However, the researchers believe that they are all created without permission of the author and are considered "pirates", because only some monologues are fully recorded in each of each, while the speeches of other characters are either represented poorly, or there are no at all. The fact is that publishers paid the actors for the texts of the plays, but the hyserie could literally reproduce only their words in the production.

Late literary reviews managed to draw up the full text of the tragedy. Modern fission of the play on acts and actions does not belong to the author. "Hamlet" was translated several times in Russia. The works of Mikhail Lozinsky and Boris Pasternak are considered popular translation versions of the famous tragedy of Shakespeare. The latter endowed the work with a brighter artistic language.

Image and Biography of Hamlet

At the heart of the plot of the play lies the thirst for the ignition of the Prince of the Danish acting king of Denmark, Claudia, for the murder of his father. Hamlet arrives from Wittenberg University for Father's Funeral. At the same time, the prince friends who carry a guard at night meet with a ghost, calling himself a dead ruler. The young men inform about this Hamlet, and soon hero sees the ghost himself.

A young man manages to talk to the night shadow, who knows the following: the king poisoned Claudius when the ruler peacefully rested in the garden. Ghost prays the Son to take revenge on it. Hamlet decides to pretend to be crazy to bring uncle on clean water. At the same time, the character continues to grieve about the loss of the Father - His suffering aggravates the betrayal of the mother, Gertruda - immediately after the death of her husband, the woman married his brother Claudia.

The first to suspect about the madness of Hamlet began Ophelia, the daughter of Polonia, serving a new king. Soon the news that the prince went crazy, and Claudia. But the monarch is not so easy to spend, he sends the friends of the young man - Rosencrana and Guillanttern - to find out whether the nephew is truly madman. The goal of the Hamlet's Salted Comrades immediately reveals, so continues to play insane.

The arrival in the city of artists inspires the hero to the new "verification" of the guilt of Claudia. Hamlet asks the troupe insert in the play "Mousetrap" poems of his own essay about the killing of King his brother. Herdruda's husband present at the representation does not withstand direct guidance on guilt and leave the theater, thereby giving out a crime. Prince Hamlet invites the Queen, outraged by the behavior of the Son. During the conversation, he mistakenly takes a polonium hidden for the king and pierces his sword.

A shocked by the murder of his father, Laert arrives from Paris. At home, young people expect another surprise - you are crazy about his sister Ophelia. Claudius decides to destroy the Hamlet with the hands of an angry Laert, invented by a tricky idea: the offspring of Polonia will meet with a prince in a duel, in which he will strike him with a poisoned sword.

Before the fight, the ruler for loyalty puts a cup with wine and poison to the table to give a drink to the Hamlet. In this presentation, it was destined to die all: Lahert wounded the enemy, when changing Rapier, the Danish prince defended Laerto and King's death to the poisonous sword and the king, the queen accidentally drank poisoned wine.

When analyzing the work of literary crimes give a very specific characteristic of the hero. The main character of the tragedy becomes Mizanthropom, because to remain a philanthropist, while keeping the honor, in such a society it is impossible. According to Socionics, the type of personality of Hamlet is an ethical-intuitive extrovert: Intirectable to evil Romantic is inclined to endless arguments, doubts and fluctuations, focused on the global problems of humanity. Will we ask whether people are worthy of happiness, what is the meaning of life, is it possible to eradicate evil.

Humanist, a man of new time, it is tormented by the need to take revenge. But the decisions are given Hamlet with difficulty, because he is not sure that the world will change for the better with the departure of Claudia. Yes, and the murder comespaces him with those who are on the "dark side". The hero is waiting for continuous disappointment, even in love. He comes to the conclusion that a person is a weak creature before evil. It cannot accept injustice, but also finding forces for decisive steps is also not easy.

The philosophical essence of Gamletta is a tragedy of a high person conflict with a society where false, betrayal and hypocrisy thrive. The arguments of the prince talk about the inner struggle, the hero is breaking between a sense of debt and its own worldview. And the famous monologue "to be or not to be" does not simply reflect the issue of all times: what is easier to accept unfortunately and continue to live or stop the peace of mind. The issue of choosing is derived to the fore: Fight against injustice or inactive.

Hamlet in films and performances

The number of theatrical and film stations of the immortal work is not a responsible. The first image of Shakespeare Hamlet was embodied Richard Barbedzh in the London Globus Theater at the beginning of the XVII century. In the cinema, Hamlet appeared in 1907 - the Frenchman Georges rendered a dumb short film to the audience.

In 1964, Grigori Kozintsev removed a two-sterlene drama, choosing to the key role of the inimitable Innokentia Smoktunovsky. 10 years old before the shielding of Kozintsev put the play in the theater of the drama them. Pushkin, and she passed with a deafening success. The screen was waiting for the same popularity. Introducing the idea of ​​the film, the director immediately decided on the Hamlet. However, the actors on the role of other actors did not give way to Smoktunovsky's talent. Ophelia played fragile Anastasia Vertinskaya, Claudia - Mikhail Nazvanov, Gertruda - Elsa Radzin.

In 1990, Franco Dzeffirelli presented his version of Gamlet, where the Prince played Mel Gibson. Directed by Kenneth Brahn presented to the audience in 1996 the play of the play, speaking and as the executor of the role of Hamlet. In the British film 2009, the public saw in the image of the prince of Danish artist David Tennant.

Performance 2013 "Hamlet | The collage of the Canadian director Robert Lepage will conquered the public with non-standardity, becoming a nail of the season of the theater of nations. The unusualness of the work is that all images embodied Evgeny Mironov, and high 3D technologies were applied in the very formulation. The actor reincarnates the world, instantly changing the images of the main characters. The authors of the setup managed to harmoniously combine the circus tricks and animation, reinforced by a brilliant acting game. The biography of Gamletta has undergone significant changes.

The delight of English theaterons in 2015 caused a performance with Benedict Cumberbatch. In the spring of 2016, in the St. Petersburg Small Drama Theater, the Lion Dodin presented a new "Hamlet", where the image of the prince embodied on stage Danil Kozlovsky. The director reoriented the thoughts of Hamlet from the thirst for restoring justice to revenge in its pure manifestation. The young man appears an obsessed killer. Ophelia plays Elizabeth Boyarskaya. In 2018, the telepostanovka of the Shakespiest Plays was published, where in the role of Hamlet - Andrew Scott.

Interesting Facts

  • The role of Hamlet is the longest in the plays of Shakespeare. The volume of text sounding from its mouth is 1506 lines. Yes, and in general, the tragedy is larger than the author's other works - stretched for 4 thousand lines.
  • For the contemporaries of the author, the tragedy was a story about blood revenge. And only at the end of the XVIII century, Johann Goethe turned the perception of the work - saw in the main character not Avenger, but the thinking representative of the Renaissance era.
  • In 2012, the character took second place in the Guinness Book of Records in the frequency of the appearance of book heroes from among people in movies and on television (in the leaders turned out to be Sherlock Holmes).


There is a lot in nature, a friend Horatio, which did not dream of our wise men. Well, women, you have a name - treachery! Poor Jorique! Do not drink Wine, Gertruda!


  • 1600-1601 - "Hamlet"


  • 1964 - "Hamlet" (USSR)
  • 1990 - "Hamlet" (United Kingdom, France)
  • 1996 - Hamlet (United Kingdom, United States)
  • 2009 - Hamlet (United Kingdom)

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