Andrei Derzhavin - biography, photo, personal life of the musician, discography, family 2021



The famous musician of the 90s Andrei Derzhavin was born in the city of Ukhta, Komi-Permyky district, in the fall of 1963. In the family he was not the only son, eight years after his birth, the sister of Natasha appeared. Interestingly, the older delayers were not from the Republic of Komi. Father arrived to the north from the South Urals, and the mother was born in the Saratov region.

Andrei Derzhavin in childhood

Parents Vladimir Dmitrievich and Galina Konstantinovna were far from music, but, nevertheless, a boy, barely enrolled in a music school, began to make great successes in art. He especially loved to compose music. After Andrei mastered the game on the piano, he became interested in a guitar. After the end of the decade, the young man entered the only university of the city - the Industrial Institute, in which Roman Abramovich also studied at that time.

Andrei Derzhavin in youth

While studying, as accepted in the student environment, Andrei and his friend Sergei Kostos create a stalker musical group. Initially, there was no own vocalist in the team, young people played mainly tool music. But by the beginning of 1985, there was a need for change, and Andrei takes the microphone.

As a soloist, he performed the first song of the group, which became the main hit of the Music Album "Star". In addition, the collection includes the compositions "without you", "I want to not remember the evil", which glorified the musicians in the late 80s.

Musical career

The first vocal collection of the Music team "Stalker" became so successful that the Philharmonic Syktyvkar takes a promising music team on bail. As part of touring philharmonic tours, young singers traveled half of the Soviet Union. The group immediately chose the pop direction. The dance style of the compositions fell in soul to members of young people. Musicians group Stalker appeared a lot of fans.

Andrey Derzhavin I.

In 1989, Sergey Kostov and Andrei Derzhavin are decided on a trip to Moscow, where at the studio of his friend Alexander Kutikov, the composer of the group "Time Machine", they create hits of new collections. The albums were called "Life in the invented world" and "News of first hand".

On the Soviet television, the guys record their first clips on the songs "Belief" and "three weeks". With the latest single, they act in the Morning Mail program. The Stalker group makes itself the name of the All-Union value.

In the New Year holidays of 1990, the television broadcast of the country's main channel literally broke the musical hit "Do not cry, Alice", after which the real hysterium of popularity began around the name Andrei Derzhavin. His harassment began by the distraught fans who guard the singer everywhere: at the exit of the house, near the musical studio "Synthesis".

Many fans immediately noticed the similarity of their idol with another ascending star - Yuri Shatunov, although they were not brothers. What is their difference in age - even the loyal fans of Andrei could not understand, since he always looked younger than his age.

Andrei Derzhavin in youth

The song "Do not cry, Alice" became the last joint work of the musicians of the Stalker group, after which in 1992 the team stopped their creative activities. Despite the gap, the musicians are going to open in 1993 to take part in the "Song of the Year" contest. This farewell exit brings them the title of laureates of the annual song contest.

Best songs

In the early 90s, Andrei Derzhavin is invited to the Magazine "Komsomol Life" to the post of music editor, as well as the position of the leading popular music program of the Central Television "Shiry Circle". Gradually, friends are diverted in different directions. Sergey Kostov begins to engage in its project "Lolita", and Andrei Derzhavin goes to the solo career. It becomes one of the popular pop singers of that time.

Andrei Derzhavin in youth

In the next year after the collapse of the Stalker group, Derzhavin writes his best songs "Alien Wedding", "Brother" and gets the next award of the song of the Song-94 contest for their fulfillment. The popular album of the singer "Lyrical Songs" is bought very quickly.

Many fans also loved the musical composition of this collection "Cranes". In parallel with the work of Andrei, they invite as one of the judges to the Morning Star young performer at that time at that time.

In the 90s, the artist travels a lot with tours, recorded on the studio and on television. During this time, he creates 4 solo albums, 20 songs from which became the hits of the era. These are such a composition as "forget about me", "Katya-Katerina", "For the first time", "Merry swing", "Natasha", "that that goes into the rain." Together with popular performers, Alena Apina and Vyacheslav Dobrynin, he creates songs "a few hours of love" and "Do not forget friends."

Memory of friend

At the beginning of the 90s, Andrei Derzhavin had a close friendship with a talented musician and a poet of his time Igor Talkov. At the concert, on which he was shot dead, and his friend Andrei was also played. He is not the only one of the performers who after death helped Talkov's burial. For these purposes, Mikhail Muromov arrived in St. Petersburg for these purposes, and Oleg Gazmanov helped to transport saying to the cemetery and back.

Andrey Derzhavin and Igor Talkov

In 1994, the song "Summer Rain" writes in memory of Friendship with Igor Derzhavin, which also gained popularity among singer's fans. In addition, Andrei Derzhavin took care of the Talkov family: his wife and son. With the extent possible, he helped them materially.

An interesting fact of 1994 in the biography of the singer can be considered by the title of Count Russian noble society for his contribution to Russian culture.

"Time Machine"

In 2000, the Musicians of Time Machines were looking for a keyboard player and offered to try Andrei to hold himself in this role. Nothing thinking, he agreed. From this point on, the solo glory eclipsed his humble role of the instrumentalist in a famous team. The fever around the name Andrei dirty, but in these years he continues to create his works.

Andrey Derzhavin I.

Now he acts as a composer of a film. So the soundtracks for the films and TV series "Dancer", "Loser", "Gypsy", "Millionaire" are appear. Derzhavin tries himself as a dramatic artist in the TV shows, be together and "a man in my head," where he played himself.

Personal life

Andrei Derzhavin met his only love to Elena Shakhtydinov at the Institution Bench. Since then, they have not parted. A strong seven of the Dervinians can be considered the standard of loyalty and love, and all this thanks to the wisdom of the wife of Elena. In 1986, the firstborn of Derzhavinians appeared on the world - Vladislav, and the daughter of Anuta was born only in 2005.

Andrei Derzhavin and his wife

The artist rarely mentions his family in the press. The media also does not have a photo from the family archive of the musician. This is explained by the character of a singer who is not inclined to publicity. Even in Instagram, you can rarely meet working shots with a singer. Most often, this is either photographs of past years, or posts "Machine of Time".

Andrei Derzhavin with family

About the life of the musician is only known that now he leads a measured lifestyle in a loving family. For 2016, Andrei Vladimirovich is not only a happy father, but also grandfather. The son gave him two grandchildren: Alice and Gerasim. The name of the girl was given, probably, based on the fact that the grandfather will sing her best lullaby "do not cry, Alice."


  • "Stars" - (1986)
  • "News first hand" - (1988)
  • "Life in the invented world" - (1989)
  • "Do not cry, Alice!" - (1991)
  • "The best songs" - (1994)
  • "By itself" - (1996)
  • "Dancing on the roof" - (1996)
  • "7 + 1" - (1998, 2001)
  • "Continuation should be" - (2007)
  • "Letters" - (2009)
  • With a group "Time Machine"
  • "Place where light" - (2001)
  • "Machine" - (2004)
  • "Unfinished 2" - (2004)
  • "Kremlin Rocks!" - (2005)
  • "TIME MACHINE" - (2007)
  • "Machines do not park" - (2009)
  • "Masters" - (2009)
  • "Day 14810th" - (2010)
  • "You" - (2016)

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