Usama bin Laden - biography, personal life, photos and latest news



Usama Ben Laden was born on March 10, 1957 in the capital of Saudi Arabia - the city of Er-Riyadh. His father has become an influential billionaire Muhammed Bin Avadin Ben Laden, and Mother is the supervisant Hamid al-Atass. Soon after the birth of the future terrorist number 1, his parents divorced, and the boy remained with his mother. Subsequently, she married again and gave birth to a new spouse of four children.

Usama bin Laden in childhood

Ben Laden Jr. was brought up as a Sunni. He studied at the best secular school and in the prestigious University of King Abdel-Aziza, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management. Some sources report that the young man was extremely ditched in his studies and successfully graduated from the university, receiving a corresponding diploma. Others, on the contrary, argue that Usama Ben Laden threw his studies in the third year.

Osama bin Laden

The general state of the Ben Laden family was about 5 billion dollars. After Bin Laden-Sr. died as a result of a plane crash in 1967, his son Ussama (one of 52 children of the billionaire) inherited about 25-30 million dollars. During his studies at the university, he began to show an increased interest in religion, diligently engaged in the interpretation of Jihad and the Quran.

War in Afghanistan

Intemerial to multiply the received inheritance, in the youth of Usama engaged in construction business. From peaceful work for the benefit of his company, he was distracted by a military invasion of Afghanistan and the movement of Afghan jihad. Extremist was angry with the unleashing of war and arrived in Afghanistan at the end of 1979, and at the beginning of the year 1980 he established the first contacts with opposition Islamic groupings in the city of Lahore (Pakistan).

Osama bin Laden

After that, Osama Ben Laden systematically supported the leaders of the Afghan resistance movement from its own financial resources. In a pair with Abdalla Azam, who headed the Palestinian Movie "Muslim Brotherhood", Osama opened the Bureau of Services and organized the recruitment of volunteer Muslims from the countries of the Arab world. Businessman-extremist paid for all volunteers arrival in Afghanistan and their preparation for participation in hostilities. Moreover, he himself participated in the battles against the USSR troops.

Osama bin Laden

When Soviet troops were withdrawn from the country, the terrorist has lost interest in the Union and Russia, switching to the United States. His infinitely angry the presence of the Armed Forces of America in the countries of the Muslim world, and he began to perceive the states as his key enemy. In 1989, the extremist again took up the contractor and construction work, at the same time with this hard helping oppositionists from Yemen and Saudi Arabia.


By the end of the 1980s, Osama Ben Laden went with Abdullah Azam, since the latter wanted the Arabs in the composition of the resistance movement with the Mujaheds, while the Usama himself wanted to see their compatriots with a separate military force. So the al-Qaida began to form. At first, this union was rather formal: members of the group should only have good manners, be ready to listen and bring an oath to go beyond senior comrades.

Osama bin Laden

The root fracture occurred when at the end of the summer of 1990, President Iraq Saddam Hussein accused Kuwait in the illegal mining of Iraqi oil and introduced his troops into a small neighboring country. Directly, this war lasted only two days, but it was she who began the beginning of a much larger and more prolonged war in the Persian Gulf, participation in which the United States and the USSR took part.

The greatest concentration of Iraqi troops was focused not far from the border with Saudi Arabia, and Saddam Hussein himself actively urged neighboring peoples to Arabic union. Osama Ben Laden met with high-ranking states, hoping to dissuade them from assistance from the countries of the Nemumulman world and offering powerful support for their own Arab Legion. However, the extremist was denied.

Osama bin Laden

The head of Al-Qaeda repeatedly publicly condemned the invasion of the American Armed Forces on Muslim lands, arguing that only those for whom Islam is native religion can protect medina and Mecca. It is assumed that at the same time, the Usama group gradually began to turn into an armed terrorist formation, and Bin Laden's discontent with the Muslims interference gained a completely complete form in the form of plans for future terrorist attacks.

Terrorist №1

Although the war in the Persian Bay ended in February 1991, everything began for Osama. He finally decided that the fight against the enemies of the Muslim world (with those he believed as such) is the main goal of his life, and with enviable hardworking and purposefulness began to engage in this struggle.

Osama bin Laden

Thus, in August 1998, his terrorist organization blew up the US Embassy in Tanzan Dar Es Salam and Kenyan Nairobi. The terrorist attack was organized on August 7 (after exactly seven years after the American troops were placed in Saudi Arabia during the time of war in the Persian Gulf). As a result of explosions in one Nairobi, 213 people died, and about 5,000 citizens were injured by varying severity.

Since then, for American special services, Ben Laden received the famous status of Terrorist number 1. Many businessman-Islamist bank accounts were arrested, and for the information that will help delay the international criminal, it was promised to pay five million dollars.

Osama bin Laden

Nevertheless, the terrorist continued to provide active support for extremists living in Central Asia, in the North Caucasus and in other regions.

According to some sources, Bin Laden even managed to establish a real "Foundation for subsidizing terrorists". The head of Al-Qaida also participated in the Bosnian War, helping the President of the state to create a real "fundamentalist Islamic Republic" in the Balkans. To finance the transfer of Mujahideen-mercenaries to Bosnia from the states of the Arab world, Usama resorted to the help of their Sudanese business partners.

Osama bin Laden

In the mid-1990s, an extremist visited Albania, having arrived at the president. Supported photos or videos have not been preserved since then, however, it is known that Osama represented one of the radical fundamentalist groups that sent their members to participate in an armed conflict in Kosovo. When the war began in Chechnya, the head of the cruel and unprincipled al-Qaeda began to actively transport its Mujahideen and to this region.

Events September 11

As is known, on September 11, 2001, a terrorist organization stole four passenger aircraft, which were subsequently crashed into two towers of the World Trade Center, in the Pentagon building and in the field near Schhenxville (it was assumed that the fourth plane would stay in the capitol). As a result of the monstrous acts of terrorism, almost three thousand people were killed.

Terrorist attack September 11, 2001

At first, Usama Ben Laden rejected the involvement of his terrorist group of Al-Qaida to carry out these terrorist attacks. Later he admitted that he knew about the preparing attacks and discussed them with other leaders of the extremist underground, and after some time it took responsibility for what happened. In October 2004, Osama said that the September terrorist attacks of 2011 is, in his opinion, a fair punishment for the "tyranny" of the American-Israeli Union in Lebanon and Palestine.

Detention and liquidation

To destroy the terrorist known to the whole world tried Clinton, and Bush, and Obama. The reward for the head of Bin Laden increased to 25, and then up to 50 million dollars. Over the years of the persecution of an extremist, many media and political figures reported that Osama was killed, died of typhus, and the like. However, it later turned out that the terrorist is still alive. Numerous terrorist detention operations were carried out in the United States, one of them is dedicated to the film "Purpose of Number One".

House Usama bin Laden

Bin Laden met his real death on May 2, 2011, when American armed forces held a secret operation at the terrorist villa. It was located near Islamabad, on the territory of Abbottabad. Subsequently, many sources, including directly President of the United States, Barack Obama, confirmed the information about the murder of a terrorist and told where the Usama killed, as the terrorist number 1 was killed, how many years he was at the time of death, etc. Body Ben Laden, according to CNN, was buried in the Arabian Sea.

Personal life

Accurate information about the head of Al-Qaida is not so much. They said that he was left-handed, his growth was either a little more than 180 cm, or 193-196 cm, he walked with a stick and was distinguished by a manner to speak quietly. Extremist married several times and divorced several times, while in total he was born about 20-26 children. It was reported that after the events of September 11, many of them moved to Iran.

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