Evgeny Osin - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



Evgeny Osin is a Russian singer and songwriter. The listeners were loved by the artist for the composition "Crying the girl in the machine", "Eighth of March", "Tanya Plus Volodya" and others.

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, the author of the famous scales of the 90s, was born in Moscow in October 1964. The boy's father - Victor - worked as a trolley buse driver. Parents presented his son's sister Albin. When the child turned 9 years old, Dad left the family, and the children stayed with her mother. Father was a sectarian - applied to Seventh-day Adventists. After the parents diverged, Mom with the guys gave a two-room apartment in textiles. Victor Osin lived in Cherepovets, where he headed the cell of the sect and worked as the head of the autocolon.

Singer Evgeny Osin

Since childhood, a restless boy was addicted to the game on the drums and by 12 years could already play on them well. Talented Zhenya even went to the music school to better master the music literacy, but traditional classes quickly bored him.

After graduating from 10th grade Evgeny, Osin enters the Institute of Culture to the Faculty of Independent Directors, but, without having completed, he leaves from there with a certificate that allows him to be the head of the amateur ensemble. A young romantic in those years is passionate about another occupation: he tames the pigeons. On his balcony, the young man arranged the real pigeon. During these years, Osin dreams of a big house for his pets, which he will build when it gets rich.


For Evgeny Aspen, one thing was clear: the music is what he wants to devote life. In his youth, Zhenya changed many musical groups. At 22, he creates the first project "Night Cap", which was later renamed "Kex". Eugene became a vocalist and guitarist in his group.

Evgeny Osin in youth

After the collapse, the musician goes to the Nikolai Copernicon team, where he masters percussion, and then to the Alliance, which sits down for the drum installation. Two years later, the young eloquent musician notes Stas Namin and invites a guy to his center for working with the team "Santa Claus".

How many years would worked so aspen, it is unknown, but in the creative biography of Evgeny, an event occurred, which can be called a happy circumstance. In the popular "Bravo" group at that time urgently searched for vocalist. The fact is that Jeanne Aguzarova, writing an album with the musicians, suddenly decided to leave the team before touring. And so that the tour is not broken, it was necessary to find no less charismatic frontman in the shortest possible time, which would save the situation.

Sergey Penkin and Sergey Krylov were tasted for this role. But the composer Evgeny Havtan pulled with the choice. Evgeny Aspen's friend recommended him to listen to listening to what a young singer took. Nothing hope for nothing, he suddenly receives the place of vocalist of the legendary group. Osin recorded with the team of Evgeny Havtan a few songs of the album "Let us say to each other" Bravo! "," Participated in the tour of the group and starred in the clip. It lasts it a year, since Valery Syutkin, who turned out to be more appropriate candidates, almost immediately appeared.

Nevertheless, there was enough oxin for years to gain professionalism, and after care almost immediately, he begins to perform songs that have brought him success. The essence of the solo project Evgenia Osin was that he chose the most non-propelled and unpopular composition for the album, but which were written by a simple language and hurt the soul with their sincerity. The infertility of the courtyard aesthetics, multiplied by the active rhythms of rock and roll, gave good results. Almost all the songs performed by Evgeny Osin immediately became hits. And after the clip "Crying a girl in a gun", the singer woke up by the famous for the whole country.

Following the first solo plate "70th latch", two more compilations come out in a row: "Evgeny Osin in Russia" and "work on errors". Singles "Pitch", "Straot of work Pablo Picasso" were recorded at the studio of producer Valery Zharova, who at that time successfully worked on the projects of Alena Apina and Lube Group. This talented leader was a companion of young Igor Matvienko, with whom he collaborated since the time of the Soviet Union at the Studio SPM "Record".

At this time, in addition to work at the studio, the popular artist of the stage goes a lot with the tour, performs at joint concerts. The audience takes the singer with delight, in many speeches he becomes a chadliner. During the 1996 election campaign, Evgeny Osin traveled as part of the concert team of singers by cities in support of Boris Yeltsin.

On the speech in Rostov-on-Don during the song of the ralta, the President suddenly went on stage and began to dance. It was a shock for everyone: for a singer, lead and guards. Photo from that significant concert can be seen in the "Instagram" network, and the video is posted on YouTube.

In the 2000s, Evgeny Osin removes a lot on television in musical projects, it works with young performers, experiments. The album "Golden Collection" and a collection of children's songs "Bublik and Baton" are published. But the artist's former glory cannot be achieved. This may be many reasons. The stylistics of the singer's performance becomes irrelevant, as the time of the post-Soviet romance has long passed. Artist's songs are increasingly broadcast on radio and television with a note "retro".

Evgeny Osin on stage

In addition, the singer begins problems with alcohol. Trying to resolve the problems, Evgeny Osin appeals for help in church and finds support there. He visits the monasteries, lives in them for a while and worries. Ultimately, Evgeny Viktorovich acquires inner peace. He appears a confessor. In the spacious Moscow apartment of the singer in a corner with icons and to the last burned Lampada.

Personal life

In the late 90s, Eugene meets the future wife - Natalia. She at that time worked in one of the banks and was married. But this did not prevent a love hobby, and soon after the first divorce Natalia marries Evgenia Osin. The couple was happy, even despite the fact that the mother's mother spoke out against this rapid daughter's step.

Evgeny Osin with a former spouse Natalia

Undoubtedly, the most important event in the personal life of the singer can be considered the birth of the daughter of Agniya in 2002. For her, he composed a lot of children's songs, poems. Eugene tried to spend his free time with his family, he drove his beloved wife and daughter at sea. But alcohol addiction prevented the personal happiness of the artist. Natalia's spouse after a while left him and stopped the contacts of the artist with the girl.

Osin suffered from separation from his daughter. In order to resume communication with Agnia, he settled in English school No. 1287 with an extracurricular teacher of singing. Evgeny Viktorovich successfully applied basic education and created a popular children's team of "chips", with whom he even recorded several clips. But the former wife remained adamant. She set up a daughter against his father and translated Agnia to another school. For 5 years of pedagogical activity, the artist practically did not appear on the scene.

Evgeny Osin with daughter Agnia

After breaking with his wife Eugene, five years lived with a woman in actual marriage. But she could not come to terms with the "illness" of the singer and gone.

Later, Evgeny Osin again took up his solo career. In 2010, the artist survived one of the main losses of his life - the tragic death of Alexander Alekseev, a close friend and partner in the scene. The memory of the comrade singer devoted the last work - the album "separation", above the material for which he worked for a very long time.

Evgeny Osin

The artist resumed tours: he spoke in a team with girls. Despite the fact that the fans of the singer have already raised, he did not stop collecting the full halls. Evgeny Osin often participated in joint speeches with other pop stars.

In February 2018, Osin admitted that he brings up an extramarital daughter Anastasia Godunov. With the mother of the girl named Elena, the artist met even to marry Natalia. Then lovers even began to live together, but later broke up. With Lena Singer stayed in good relationships. And after a few years later, the woman called Eugene and reported that they had a common daughter.

Evgeny Osin with his daughter Nastya

Last years, the singer lived in Moscow. The growth of the musician was 168 cm, while the man weighed 72 kg.

Disease and death

In July 2017, Yevgeny Osin told the press that he had a leg denied because of problems with the spine. The artist added that he does not have money for treatment. Then the singer Natalia Sturm came to the performer. The woman suggested Eugene to call a doctor to diagnose. Another celebrity urged not to give money to the artist, because he will lower the means for alcohol. As a result, Evgeny Osin abandoned the survey and reported with Natalia. The assault stated that no longer wants to interfere in the business of the musician.

Evgeny Osin and Natalia Storm

A month later, the singer left the house in an unknown direction and did not return. Three days later, the sister of the artist turned to the police. It turned out that Eugene is located in the center of rehabilitation in Thailand and is treated from alcoholism. This was contributed to the TV presenter Dana Borisov, who herself lay in the clinic. Later it became known that the treatment did not bring results, and the celebrity returned from Thailand very dissatisfied. And Borisov singer called the "concrete man."

In March 2018, the artist was hospitalized in Moscow. The reason was the strongest intoxication. Then the doctors conducted a number of procedures for the removal of toxins from Eugene organism.

Singer Evgeny Osin

In February, it was reported that Osin was unconscious.

On May 22, journalists learned that Evgeny Viktorovich had an accident. A few days earlier, the artist was driving in the traffic police on a new motorcycle to deliver transport. But, approaching the house, the singer did not cope with the management and fell, as a result of which the vehicle pressed the leg of the foot. Arrived doctors provided the first help and diagnosed the fractures of the finger. However, Eugene refused to go to the hospital and intended to put a motorcycle on this day on this day. An eyewitness that caused doctors said that Osin was sober.

Evgeny Osin

On this misfortune, Eugene did not end. A little later, the musician participated in the shooting of the TV program dedicated to extreme, and broke his hand. The artist was hospitalized and made an operation. As soon as the singer has become better, the aspen was sent home. At the joy, Evgeny Viktorovich decided to celebrate recovery and got drunk again. At the same time, the performer in an interview stated that health problems began when a man threw a drink.

In the same month, the former participant of the Arrow Group Yulia Beretta shared with fans, which is filmed in the new video of Evgeny Aspen on the song "Favorite". The girl posted to review the users of the network photo and video of the workflow. According to Yulia, Eugene's works still have a "special light". The actress tried to help a colleague on the workshop.

Evgeny Osin and Yulia Beretta

On June 25, the producer of the "Laskovaya May" group Andrei Razin wrote on a page in "Instagram", which, if Eugene does not accept measures to restore health, then the days of the artist are considered. Andrei shared that the aspen after the operation began to rot the hand, but the artist does not stop drinking, his legs and kidneys refuse him. Doctors even worried that the singer would have to amputate hand.

On November 17, 2018, it became known about the death of Yevgeny Osin. The body was discovered several days later by the sister Albina in his Moscow apartment. The cause of the death of the aspen was the stop of the heart. According to Albina, Brother did not come to contact for several days. The former wife Natalia and Agnia reported that they were in a singer's apartment a couple of days before his death. At that time, Evgeny was in a deplorable state, but categorically refused to help.


  • 1988 - "Man from the Star" (with the group "Santa Claus")
  • 1989 - "Let's say to each other bravo!" (with the group "Bravo")
  • 1991 - "Light Way of Fire" (with a group "Avalon")
  • 1992 - "70th latitude"
  • 1994 - "In" Russia "
  • 1996 - "Work on bugs"
  • 1999 - "Birds"
  • 2000 - "Golden Collection"
  • 2001 - "Bublik and Baton"
  • 2001 - "All the same girls"
  • 2003 - "Love Mood"
  • 2003 - "Star Series"
  • 2009 - "Bublik, Baton and Rogliam"
  • 2010 - "New and Best"
  • 2016 - "Glutter"

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