Vladimir Kuzmin - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photos, Songs, Concerts, Age 2021



Vladimir Kuzmin is a talented rock musician, a composer and a performer who managed to conquer the hearts of millions of people. At the dawn, his career was called the best rocker of the Soviet Union, and the "Speaker" group held the first line of the rating of popularity according to the Moskovsky Komsomolets edition, leaving behind the stars as "Time Machine" and "Aquarium".

Childhood and youth

Rock musician was born in Moscow on May 31, 1955. His father Boris Grigorievich served in the marine infantry, and Mother Natalia Ivanovna taught foreign languages ​​at school. Given the specifics of the Father's work, Kuzminov did not live long in one city. Shortly after the child's appearance, the chapter of the family was transferred to serve in the Murmansk region.

In addition to Vladimir, parents raised his brother and sister. Alexander Kuzmin later also took up the music, at one time he played the keys in the "Speaker" group, subsequently immigrated to the US and only in 2010 returned to his homeland. Sister Irina lived all his life in Moscow.

In 1961, Vladimir went to the usual school in the Garrison of Byhov (BSSR). He studied in the village of Pechenga and was an amazingly diligent student, glading parents with impeccable academic performance.

The love of music from the boy appeared in childhood. Already at 5 years old, he became interested in playing the electric guitar, and a year later he wrote the first song. Vladimir also visited a music school, where 4 years studied on the violin, then moved to the class of clarinet and saxophone. The active student sought to express himself in music, and therefore in the 6th grade created his rock group. Kuzmin performed at all school concerts and evenings, where he played his songs, as well as the cores of famous groups.

Higher education Vladimir decided to receive in the metropolitan railway institute. However, the guy studied only 2 years and left the university, because he did not want to do an unloved business all his life. He decided to continue his studies only in a music school and improve his game on wooden wind and other tools.

Carier start

After graduating from the school in 1977, Vladimir entered VIA "Nadezhda". For the first time, it appears on the stage as part of a professional level group. The talented guy was very quickly seen and invited to the famous ensemble "Gems".

Only one year, Kuzmin was a member of the collective, but this allowed him to study the specifics of working in the team from the inside and significantly increase his musical level. In the young artist, Vladimir Presnyakov had a strong influence - a senior who helped a novice to form his special play playing guitar.

Group "Carnival"

Two gifted musicians - Vladimir Kuzmin and Alexander Barykin - in 1979 they decided to establish their group called "Carnival". Soon she had gained popularity, because Kuzmin had already had many ready-made compositions that only expected their presentation. The repertoire of the new team consisted of his songs, which gave her novelty and originality.

After a year, "Carnival" had 10 compositions that differ in romanticism in the assets. They entered the album "Superman", which was characterized by an impeccable level of musical performance. In 1981, three compositions from the named album were published separate minion. As a result, the entire edition of the minion, on which for the first time in the USSR, the "rock band" was indicated, instantly went around. It was a musical breakthrough with an admixture of banning and scandaling.

With the help of the Tula Regional Philharmonic, the Karnival group held the first touring tour. But participants changed in the team, and after the next reorganizations he collapsed. The main reason was creative disagreements between Barykin and Kuzmin. Two talents were hard to stay in one "sled". Later, Alexander resumed the activities of the Carnival Group, but without a colleague.

Speaker Group

1982 became for Vladimir a fateful: the singer created the group "Speaker". He was already a popular musician, so his new brainchild immediately received recognition. The participants of the "Dynamics" were included in the overall work and toured in the country.

The repertoire was highlighted by the style of a stylistic manifold - from the indomitable rock and roll to reggae and blues. Vladimir, possessing sensitivity not only towards music, but also to the surrounding reality, embodied his daily observations in the songs. He gave this direction the name of the musical feuilleton.

Nevertheless, the conditions for the work of the Rock Group were not the best. The Ministry of Culture conducted an unambiguous anti-flip policy, which contributed to the collapse of the "Speaker" team in 1983. But Kuzmin found a way out of this situation. He began to work as an independent singer and a musician, and the rest of the group turned into an accompaniment team.

At the same time, the artists continued to tour, and their fans barely placed in stadiums and sports palaces. Vladimir each year was in the upper lines of all sorts of charts. But gradually this format of the group has exhausted itself, and a new stage began in the life and career of Kuzmin.

Solo career

Completely unexpectedly, Kuzmin became a member of the musical group at the theater of the song to work with Alla Pugacheva. So began a special stage in the work of the musician, filled with not only the cooperation with the singer, but also with romantic relationships.

These were the secret feelings of two strong people who attracted each other with beauty and talent, but also repelled, because both were leaders and did not obey anyone. Under the influence of the singer, even the stylistics of Kuzmin's songs changed: Rock and Roll went to the background, and the main place was taken by ballads, lyrical songs and pop rooms.

Vladimir wrote amazing songs for Primateonna, who instantly became hits. In 1985, the musician produces his first solo disk under the meaningful name "My Love". But he did not fit all the developments of Kuzmin and Pugacheva, only after 12 years they were presented in the album "Two Stars".

For 1987, there is another renewal of the "Speaker" group. Next, numerous concerts followed, recording new songs and the return of the former glory. In 1989, Kuzmin created the album "Tears on fire", which became special for the musician himself and his fans.

Life in the USA

At the beginning of the 90s, there is not the best stage in the life of Vladimir Kuzmin. Hard criticism from ill-wishers, as well as emerging relations with the American model forced the musician to leave the country and move to California (USA). Changes the place of residence, he remained faithful to his preferences - continued to engage in music, fulfilling his favorite blues and rock and roll in clubs.

In 1991-1992, Vladimir has replayed the compositions of Eric Clapton, Jimmy Hendrix and other popular guitarists. He also managed to record two new albums. Over their creation, both musicians from the United States and former participants in the group "Speaker" worked.


In 1992, the celebrity returns to Russia and takes for the restoration of the group "Speaker". Gastrols were immediately organized in Russia, which used incredible success. Kuzmin managed to even realize a long-standing dream - to create a musical studio.

In 1992 and 1995, the singer publishes the albums "My girlfriend" and "Heavenly Attraction", which confirmed his status of the musician of the highest level. The best songs of these discs were "five minutes from your home", "Hey, babe!", "Siberian frosts", "Heavenly Attraction". 1996 was marked by the release of the album "Seven Seas", thanks to which Vladimir became the permanent participant in the All-Russian Bike Shaw.

Repeatedly Kuzmin was the laureate of the Golden Gramophone Prize, constantly toured and filmed clips. At the concerts of the festival "Song of the Year", such compositions performed by Rocker, as a "simple story", "White Wild Horses", "Captain".

The musician worked fruitful: In 1999 he presented the album "Our Best Days", in 2000-M - "Networks", in 2001-2002 - Rocker-1 and Rocker-2. In the last plates, he demonstrated himself from the most unexpected sides - sincere, in love, provocative and explosive.

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In addition, in 2003, the musician released the album "about something better", which included tracks "Everything I was looking for", "Bright Angel", "White Moon".

The bright for the star was 2008, which was distinguished by productivity. The work of this time was characterized by maturity, appreciated by critics.

In 2011, a talented musician deservedly became a popular artist of Russia. The award only spurred him to new achievements. So, in 2012, Kuzmin pleased the album fans called "Epilogue", in the 2013th-M - "organism", and in 2014 - "Angels-Dreams".

Having survived a small break in creative life, the artist again began to work fruitfully on writing new compositions. The repertoire of Kuzmin replenished the hits "House", "Witch" and others. With new tracks, the singer introduces fans through the official website and social networks. Together with Emin, Vladimir recorded the clip to the immortal Siberian Claus Wang.

Kuzmin continued to incarnate numerous ideas and please the army of fans. In the creative biography of the artist, it is still too early to put a point, because Rocker is able to conquer the hearts of people with new hits.

In 2019, he pleased the fans of the album "bad reputation", in the 2020th replenished the discography work "I - Your Rokenrol". Also at this time new clips are published on the song "Sexy Maniac" and "One-eyed John" ("Pirate"). Video Kuzmin publishes on the Youtyub Channel.

Personal life

In the personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin there was a lot of feelings and romance, serious relationships and fleeting hobbies. Despite the average for men's standards, the growth (173 cm with a weight of 75 kg), the artist produced an indelible impression on the opposite sex representatives. In his youth and even in the mature years of the rock musician pursued the crowd of girls, nevertheless his wife always felt the most beautiful and loved ones.

Kuzmin was married three times. The first time he chose himself in his life companions Tatiana Artemyev, who was married from 1977 to 1985. She was an excellent poetess and spoke by the words of several songs of the spouse. Three children were born - Elizabeth (1977), Stepan (1983) and Sonya (1985). Vladimir became the adoptive father and son of Tatiana Nikita (1988). In addition, he had two daughters outside of marriage - Martha (1986) from Irina Miltseva and Nicole (1987) from Tatiana fan.

The second time Kuzmin married in 1990 on the fashion model Kelly Kerzon after moving to California. The pair relationships were bright and exciting, but the marriage lasted for a short time.

The father of the girl said that he would leave her without inheritance, if she follows to Russia with her husband, and Vladimir had to return: a promising contracts were waiting for his homeland. Later, the singer acknowledged that the American divorce is the best thing that could happen to him. In the US, he could not realize his creative potential, remaining only a club musician forever.

In 1993, the celebrity had a serious relationship with the faith of the Sotnikova - actress and TV presenter. For a beloved man, she took on the director of his clips. Star couple has lived together until the 2000th, but it did not solve the legal relationship.

A year later, Vladimir married for the third time. The musician became acquainted with the future wife of Catherine Trofimova in Anapa. At that time, the girl was barely 18 years old. The difference between the age of an eminent musician and his chosen was 27 years old, but it did not interfere with love.

Family Union of Vladimir and Catherine lasts no longer than a dozen years. The artist himself assures that for the first time I truly loved. The spouse not only became a "combat girlfriend" of the musician, he did not part with her during the tour. Ekaterina was with Kuzmin nearby during the difficult events that happened in his family.

In 2002, the eldest daughter of Elizabeth Kuzmin's celebrity was killed in Moscow in his own apartment. A young man was suspected to spoke, but he himself assured the court in his innocence.

In 2009, the son of Artist Stepan Kuzmin tragically died. The guy lived on the 18th floor, and when the fire happened in his apartment, tried to move through the window to the neighbors to escape from the fire, but could not resist and broke. Only his mother's daughter Sonya Kuzmin remained from the first marriage, which is also interested in music and participated in the TV project "Star Factory - 3".

The adoptive son of the Artist Nikita Kuzmin became a defendant of the scam at $ 50 million. The Prosecutor's Office of Manhattan accused a young man and his accomplices in laundering money, fraud and illegal financial transactions. For these crimes they threaten imprisonment up to 95 years. But the decision of the court turned out to be softer - Nikita was sentenced to three years of imprisonment and released in the courtroom, because he was serving the specified period during the investigation. Now the celebrity's adoptive son lives in St. Petersburg, works by the designer.

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Today, the joy of Vladimir Kuzmin gives his daughter. Martha Kuzmina works by DJ. In an interview, she reported that he learned about who her father, at 5 years of age. He presented the girl for the birthday of a children's guitar, and later, after the daughter graduated from a DJ school, acquired professional equipment for her.

In 2013, another daughter Vladimir Nicole Kuzmin appeared in the family couple's life. The girl came from the US to get acquainted with his father. The singer acknowledged her, and Katya even became friends with the American.

In 2015, Kuzmin fell into a major scandal when it appeared on stage in Rostov-on-Don drunk. Many spectators posted on Youtube and in the "Instagram" video and photo of a musician with critical comments about his condition, as well as the quality of the game.

Rumors appeared that the singer abuses with alcohol beverages because of the quarrel with his wife. But this information did not find confirmations from the artist and Catherine: In 2016, the spouses became the guests of the talk show "Let them say" Andrei Malakhov, where all the specles refuted.

Nevertheless, in the Kuzmin family there was a crack, the pair even filed for a divorce. As subsequently, Boris Korchevnikov subsequently explained by the spouses on the fate of the "Fate of Man", for many years there was a lot of offense between them, and they simply did not know how to swear and find out the relationship.

Vladimir Kuzmina appeared in the life of Vladimir Kuzmina - 26-year-old Svetlana Karpukhin from Kaliningrad. The novel lasted for a short time However, it became a reason for a divorce. In 2019, the singer decided to return to the former wife, they even passed the wedding procedure.

In an interview with Ekaterina Trofimov honestly admitted that he could not "not forgive genius." Now "instagram" musician decorate joint photos with his wife - it is obvious that their relationship was checked and only strengthened.

In 2019, one of the fans in their account in Facebook placed the post that Kuzmin is treated from oncological disease. Alla Pugacheva, in turn, recognized that the musician had health problems, he suffers from the disease of the brain vessels. This disease is Haters, according to her, were taken for alcoholism. But Vladimir Borisovich himself denied all rumors, informing reporters that absolutely healthy.

Vladimir Kuzmin now

International Women's Day - 2018 Artist went on the scene of the Moscow Hall Moscow Institution. It was not without surprises - Kuzmin pleased the audience with the new team Kuzmin Absolute Band, presenting a debut album. The musical group included the legendary participants in the "Dynamics" Sergey Tigan and Alexander Bach.

And on May 27, 2021 a concert in Crocus City Hall was scheduled. The event was dedicated to the singer's anniversary (in 2020, the show did not work out due to restrictions on the pandemic). On the speech, the musician promised to fulfill compositions from a fresh album "I am lonely, babe." In addition, the audience expected to hear such hits as "my love" and "I will not forget you."


  • 1982 - "Speaker I"
  • 1982 - "Speaker II"
  • 1983 - "Take with you"
  • 1984 - "Miracle dreams"
  • 1985 - "Music of Telegraph Wires"
  • 1983 - "Stewartes Summer Lines"
  • 1985 - "Voice"
  • 1985 - "My love"
  • 1986 - "Not yet arrived Monday"
  • 1987 - "Romeo and Juliet"
  • 1988 - "Look at me today"
  • 1989 - "Tears on fire"
  • 1991 - Dirty Sounds
  • 1992 - Crazy ABOUT Rock'n'ROLL
  • 1992 - "My girlfriend Luck (My Girlfriend Luck)"
  • 1995 - "Heavenly Attraction"
  • 1996 - "Seven Seas"
  • 1997 - "Two Stars"
  • 1997 - "Sunny Angel"
  • 1999 - "Our best days"
  • 2000 - "Networks"
  • 2001 - "Rocker"
  • 2002 - "Rocker-2"
  • 2003 - "What is the best"
  • 2006 - "Holy Creek"
  • 2007 - "Mystery"
  • 2012 - END OR FIN (disk 1 epilogue)
  • 2013 - END OR FIN (Disk 2 Organism)
  • 2013 - END OR FIN (Disk 3 Interferon)
  • 2014 - END OR FIN (Disc 4 Angels-Dreams)
  • 2014 - "Insurance"
  • 2017 - "Rocker-3 / Season Closing"
  • 2018 - "Eternal stories. Collection »
  • 2019 - "bad reputation"
  • 2020 - "I am Your Rokenrol"
  • 2020 - "I am lonely babe"

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