Dadpool - Marvel Character Biography, Friends and Enemies, Quotes


Character History

The Marvel Universe is becoming increasingly popular among the audience. Most of the heroes have long been known to the public, but there are those who only reveal before the audience. These include Dadpool. The character's story is short-term, but bright image, charisma and charm helped him to gain numerous fans.

History of creation

The legend of Deadpool varies with the plots about the characters invented by Stan Lee for Marvel. The cost of this is the authorship belonging to other creators: writer Fabian Nicise and the artist Rob Laifeld. The second was a scandalous reputation in the comic business because of the visual manner. Like the authors who are spent by customers, Laifeld left "Marvel", preferred "Image Comics". He stood at the origins of the popularity of the people of X.

Faben Niciaz and Rob Lifeld

Dadpool was created in 1991 in the quality of antagonist mutants. The nickname value is decrypted as "fatal fight". The authors noticed that the character causes the interest of comic fans, and prepared an individual project for him. In 2002, the hero was "killed", but later resurrected for several series of adventure films.

Marvel has created several alternative worlds for characters inside which they move. The biography of Dadpadula is uncomplicated. His real name is Waid Winston Wilson. The boy grew up the mother died of cancer, and his father shot a friend of Dadpool in a drunken fan. There is a version that says that his father threw a family, and his mother was cut. No good deeds around the teenager did not occur. The youth was filled with disappointment and tragedy, which was reflected on the character of the character.

Dadpool without mask

The cheeky and cruel zabi has a bright temperament and a tendency to military service. The versions about his professional calling will differ. Dadpool served and was expelled from the rows of the military or immediately became a mercenary. At one time he worked on a criminal authority in Japan, then moved to the United States. Here he found a refuge, fell in love and tried to find happiness. At an inappropriate moment, the hero has discovered cancer. The version of further events will again differ. Dadpool, like Wolverine, was subjected to experiments or voluntarily agreed to mutate under the leadership of William Strakeker.

Numerous experiments led to the fact that Deadpool got rid of the disease, but his psyche and appearance were damaged. Under the influence of mutation, it has gained specific abilities in the form of rapidly regeneration of cells and immortality. Subsequently, an outstanding mercenary turned out of the hero.

Dadpool in comic books

Sarcastic Zadira is famous for acute and a tendency to accusatory monologues. Interest in Dadpula is the fact that the creators allowed his communication directly with the audience. It is difficult for viewers to answer the question - the villain or the hero of Dadpool. It simultaneously causes sympathy and rejection.


Taking the proposal of the "Department to" about the fate in the experiment, Dadpool does not suspect that the organization is developing super-arrangement. After the first experiment, he learns that, having won cancer, became part of the plan called "Weapon of X". Trying to create a superman with superpackers, the researchers did not hold the tests under control. The body of Deadpool turned out to be worried about unrecognizable and obtained the possibility of instant cell regeneration. In the film "Xu People: Beginning. Wolverine "Hero kill, banging his head, and later his body is self-reproduced.

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Problems with unbalance after the tragedy intensified. The psyche of the character suffered. After the procedures, the character is capable of self-describing and demonstrates resistance to diseases and viruses. The duration of his life was many times increased, and Dadpool's muscles became strong and loyal to great overloads.


In addition to the acquired abilities, the superhero has skills from past life. He will master the firearms, hitting the accuracy, leads a hand-to-hand combat and owns cold weapons. Possessing a unique combat style, Dadpool has a strategic warehouse of the mind and the ability to step up the event.

The hero chose a suit hiding injury. He no longer appeared in public without a mask, but gained popularity of the public.

Dadpool on the screen

The first appearance of an unbalanced hero in a full-length picture took place in the film "X-People: Beginning. Wolverine". In Ribe, he acted as a member of the "Weapon of Iks", who fell victim of the experiment. The film first illuminates the legend of the hero. Together with other mutants, on the instructions of the Straiker, he wanted fragments of a meteorite.

After participating in studies, the character was assigned the name "Weapon 11" due to the combination of DNA of eleven mutants. The fight with Logan became the central event of the ribbon for the hero. In the finals of the fight he dies. But the severed head of Deadpool submits signs of life, which promises the audience re-appearing the hero.

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

The image embodied in the frame of Ryan Reynolds. After the triumphal rental, the producers decided to create a film dedicated to Deadpool, and again invited Reynolds to cooperate. At the moment, other actors are not considered as performers of this role. In the future, the next part of the story about the adventures of the crosant mercenary.

Friends and enemies

Like any hero located in the center of the narration, Dadpula has friends. Colossus and supersonic warheads are speaking as positive characters in his individual tape. Against Colossus Dadpool acts in the first frames of the film, but it's not easy to overcome the steel giant.


Present name Colossus - Peter Nikolaevich Rasputin. Siberian, cosmonaut brother, Colossus became a superhero after salvation sister. Crashescing a girl from under the tractor, he discovered unexpected abilities. Professor Iks suggested him to join mutants.

Supersonic warhead is also from their number. Ellie Fimister, hiding behind a loud nickname, took his nickname on the song's favorite group. She is a telepath and a predictor of the future. The appearance of the teenager complements the gothic outfits and attributes of the youth subculture. In the film, the character has other skills that turn out to be practical in the fight with opponents.

Supersonic warhead

Vanessa, Dadpool girl before the experiment, on comics - a minor prostitute and mutant. Like a mystic, she possessed the ability to reincarnation, but in the film turned out to be a simple mortal, a bars worker. Vanessa accepted Deadpool as he is, learning about the results of mutation.

Dadpool and Vanessa

Sleeping email - an elderly woman. According to the comic, she was the goal of Deadpool, and in the film turned out to be a good old woman who entered the guy. El suffers his foul language, substitutes a friendly shoulder and helps the council.

Sleeping Al and Weasl

Weasl seemed by the creators of the weapon dealer, and in the film became a bartender. The unchanged friend of the main character does not have special skills. The rustic guy is also Oster in the tongue, like his buddy, is faithful to him and noble, but cowardly.

In the film Antagonists of Deadpool and its main enemies, Ajax and Angel are mutants who participated in experiments over the hero. Ajax - a killer, not experiencing physical pain, and Angel - "Dark Horse" of the narration. For comics, she mutant collaborated with the "Shield" organization. But the girl got rid of the mutation.

Ajax and Angel will give

The comic legend tells how Deadpool spoke against the maniac of the carnage. The latter appears the bloodthirsty and unprincipled killer, from which the witness hero in Krasnoy must save the world. There is a series of publications, describing the adventures of a hot-tempered mercenary. She tells about the passages of Dadpool against Flash, about how the hero expects the Universe "Marvel", conquers the heart of Harley Queen and fights with zombies.

Interesting Facts

  • Full-length tape about Dadpool is full of allusions on the films "Marvel" about people with superpowers. For example, a superhero kiss scene in red with his girlfriend clearly reminds how Gwen kisses Spiderman.
  • When shooting a picture dedicated to Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds participated in the creation of a scenario and was interested in the full disclosure of the character's image.
  • Vanessa, whose role was performed by Moraina Bakkarin, will acquire superpower in Sicvel. Baccairin was not familiar with the story of Deadpool before the start of the filming.
Morena Bakkarin in the role of Vanessa Carlisle
  • The script of the tape was created for 6 years, and the film about the hero was removed in 48 days. The budget of the picture was small. Thanks to the fees in the holder, the creators were able to count on shooting the second part of the tape of the same name.
  • According to Dadpula's plot, Deadpool has a double who formed from his hand. At the time of the mercenary struggle with Romolosha, a head and hand remain from him, from which his double will be formed.
  • The film about Deadpool was able to participate by Ryan Reynolds, who added the image of an individual who made it bright and memorable. A suit for him is sewn taking into account the characteristics of the body of the actor, and the specific white eyes on the mask were made using the animation. So that the image looks vividly, I had to raise the scene with treatment and without it. Artist makes 4 hours.


The picture about Dadpula, who did not announced before the presentation of the promotional video on the Internet, attracted the public to the story, the new hero of Marvel and the witty monologues of the main character. In the authentic version of his replicas filled with vulgar jokes and abnormative vocabulary. In adapted variation, these nuances are replaced. Quotes from "Deadpool" quickly became covered phrases.

"When you are deadly sick, no longer you, but those who love you"

This is one of the serious phrases of the hero, a patient with cancer. She brightly sounds in contrast with sarcastic remarks addressed to his illness.

Dadpula can not be called a romantic. But the simple truths of love relationship he voiced at least than the salary slate.

"You know why we are so good together?" Because we are equally rolled! "," He says to his girlfriend, describing the recipe for family happiness.

In the finals, Dadpool tape appeals to the public with the words:

"Are you still here?" This is the end. Go home. Oh, you wait for Teaser Trepul 2! Well, we have not so much money. What did you expect Sam Jackson to appear? Go, go. "

The irony is peculiar to the hero, which shares the fourth wall among themselves and the viewer, and is in-aware of the chatting with the public. One phrase character emphasizes the difficulties that the team faced in the preparation of the project and laugh at Marvel films fans. As you know, tapes of this film company ends in an entertaining post.

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