Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Javier Bardem, Roles 2021



Today Jeffrey Din Morgan is a world-class star. It is endowed not only with bright appearance, but also genuine acting talent. Morgan came to the world, Morgan came through the passion for basketball, painting and literature. The performer managed to show himself both in the theater and on television. He earned his glory by many years of hard work, which rates millions of sincere fans.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in the major American city of Seattle on April 22, 1966. For the entire period of school training, the guy changed three educational institutions. At first he attended the School of Benjamin Franklin, then he moved to Rose Hill, and in high school was at school Lake Washington.

In adolescence, Jeffrey became interested in sports and, given the high growth of the guy, his choice was obvious. Basketball gave him the opportunity to express himself, and therefore Morgan quite quickly became the team leader. Nevertheless, after a while he had to leave his favorite passion because of a serious knee injury.

After school, Jeffrey decided to try himself as a graphic artist. In addition, he was discovered writing abilities that also brought him a certain earnings. Then the guy wanted to develop a personal business and founded in Seattle a company engaged in creating various works of art. Fortunately for fans, this work has not become a goal of life for Morgan.

Shortly after the company's closure, as well as on the advice of a friend, the future actor moved to Los Angeles. True, at first, the young man simply helped a friend with a move, but when things were delivered, a friend offered Morgan to stay for a while in the new city. As a result, this decision was for Jeffrey fateful and led to the world of cinema.


The first film in which Morgan starred, became the thriller "Angel in Red". At the same time, the novice actor immediately performed a major role. Then, for one 1995, Jeffrey starred at once in 3 film directions, but the roles in them did not bring him fame or big money.

Even appearing in episodes, a young actor sometimes managed to hit his player's game. Such, for example, became the television series "Burning Zone". Morgan played so brightly that many critics and ordinary spectators did not pay attention to himself. After this show, the work as an actor turned into a beginner star into the main source of income.

Agent Jeffrey Dina Morgana easily found him suitable roles, so the actor increasingly began to appear on the TV screens. So, he appeared in the series "Ambulance", and in the legendary "cool Walker" Morgan collaborated with Chuck Norris.

The monotonous series of multi-sized ribbons caused an actor sincere desire to make changes to their lives. That is why he decided to participate in the formulation of a number of theatrical performances, but then returned to the world of cinema. 2004 was remembered by the appearance of Jeffrey in the fantastic film "Six", in which he was given one of the main roles. But fate was not favorable to the upstream star, and the film failed at the box office.

The following year, Morgan played a rather spectacular, although the secondary role of the patient Danny Ducket in the series "Anatomy of Passion". This successful project is another step brought a talented actor to its goal - to achieve fame and recognition.

This breakthrough in the creative biography of Jeffrey Dina was to participate in the filming of the fantastic series "Supernatural". He got the role of the father of the main heroes of John Winchester, who was an important part of the entire plot and one of the main characters. At the artist immediately drew the attention of the press, and the fans began to fall asleep with his letters with confessions in love.

The extraordinary popularity of the series prompted Morgan and other project participants to start their official pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter". This became a real gift for fans, because the actors actively laid out common photos, and also shared interesting details from the filming.

The actor appeared by fireman in 2008 in the comedy "Random Husband" on the same platform with the mind of Turman and Colin Entry.

When Zack Snyder, who shot "300 Spartans", invited Jeffrey to try himself as a comedian in the play by "keepers", the actor was in bewilderment. Instead of the scenario, he was sent a copy of the graphic novel Alan Mura and Dave Gibbons, which in size resembles a telephone directory.

Overcoming doubts, Morgan took up the book and for 27 hours I read it 3 times, and then I went to a meeting with the director. The artist brilliantly embodied the identity of his character, which served as a reason to participate in a short-term tape "under the mask" in the same way.

With Hilary Swank Jeffrey collaborated twice: in the tape "P.S. I love you "based on Roman Cecilia Ahern and thriller" Trap ".

These films only added a native of Seattle of popularity, and also became evidence of its excellent acting abilities and skills to work in different genres. New roles increased the number of its fans, and also provided millions of fees.

In 2014, the actor played in the American remake of the British Comedy "Shameless", and the next year the star filmography was replenished at once with four projects. Morgan's partners on the set were such legendary actors like Anthony Hopkins, Holly Berry, Robert de Niro and Collin Farrell.

The audience saw Morgan in 2016 in another tape of Zack Snipher - the fantastic film "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice" - in the image of the father of the main character of Tomas Wayne.

The sign in the career of the artist became the role of Nigan in the series in the horror genre "The Walking Dead". By joining the project in the 6th season, Morgan was lingering in it for a long time.

Already at the site of the adventure picture "Ramptage" directed by Brad Peyton, the artist found out that it was based on the series of computer games of the same name. However, the belonging to another generation did not prevent Jeffrey brilliantly to join the cast, presented by Duin Johnson and Naomi Harris.

In the leading role of detective Jacob Kenon Morgan appeared in the British-American film simulation of James Patterson's novel and Lisa Marclund "Communion by postcards".

Personal life

The first time Jeffrey Dean Morgan married in 1992 in Las Vegas. His wife became Ani Longwell, but almost nothing about their family life is not known, and the actor himself always tried to avoid this topic.

Later Morgan met for some time with Sherry Rose, who gave birth to him. However, the woman told the actor about the child only 4 years after his birth. Of course, Jeffrey was shocked by this news, but decided to participate in the education of the Son.

With the next parent, Marie-Louise Parker Morgan met in 2007 during the filming of the television series "Kosyaki". Nevertheless, these relationships were not long, and in April 2008 a couple broke up.

But next year, the actor gave the press to carefully follow his personal life. He had a serious relationship with a colleague on the workshop - actress Hilary Burton. Morgan's friend played a big role in their acquaintance - Jensen Eclz. It was he who arranged for Jeffrey a dating "blindly" with a girlfriend of his wife, who was Hilary. In 2010, the son of Ogasses was born at Star Couple, and seven years later, George Virginia's daughter. Only after this event in 2019 celebrities decided to legalize relations.

Jeffrey with his wife and children live on a farm near New York and even breed cows and alpac. Morgan loves to be in a family circle and manifests care towards homemade. In addition, in the free time, the time of the couple is happy to make a SAMUEL'S Sweet Shop, which is located in Reinbek.

Jeffrey together with the actor Paul Rude bought a pastry shop to save him from closing after the death of the previous owner, their friend Ayra Gutner, in 2014.

Morgan has, it would seem non-standard appearance, however, the audiences are in complete confusion, when they compare it with a Oscar-and-a-cooler with Javier Bardem. Interestingly, the actors not only look like brothers are close by age, but both in his youth engaged in painting.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan now

Now Jeffrey Dean Morgan applies to the number of popular Actors Hollywood. Every year, new films come out with his participation in the rental, in each of which he demonstrates his abilities and talents.

The actor had to master the new craft for executing the lead role in the Drama on players in the billiards called Walkaway Joe.

In the horror genre, the actor continues to disclose his potential, trying new projects. In the spring of 2021, the "Unholy" film was released on the screens, where Morgana got a key role of a journalist.

In an interview, the artist told that the caste in the process of filming was caught in a pandemic and no one believed that it would reach such scales. The creators had to take a break for 8 months, during which the authors were calling on video links not to lose inspiration, and then successfully completed work.

In the new season of the "walking dead", which was scheduled for the summer of 2021, there was a role for the younger Morgan. Appearing on the same platform with his father, 11-year-old Ogastus turned into a zombie child.


  • 1991 - "Angel in Red"
  • 2005-2008 - "Anatomy of Passion"
  • 2005 - "Supernatural"
  • 2007 - "Heads"
  • 2007 - "P.S. I love you"
  • 2012 - "Curse Box"
  • 2014 - "Salvation"
  • 2014 - "Desert"
  • 2015 - "Outside"
  • 2015 - "Speed: Bus 657"
  • 2015 - "Psychics"
  • 2015-2016 - "Good Wife"
  • 2016 - "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice"
  • 2016 - "The Walking Dead"
  • 2018 - Rampage
  • 2020 - "Postcard Murders"
  • 2020 - "Leave, Joe!"
  • 2021 - "wicked"

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