Vladimir Spivakov - biography, personal life, news, photo, conductor, violinist, concerts, music, children 2021



Vladimir Spivakov is an outstanding Russian musician, violinist-virtuoso, conductor and head of two orchestras, creator of an international charitable foundation. He is considered one of the most famous popularizers of the classics, the musicians thank it for returned to them human dignity. Vladimir TEODOROVICH himself dreams of what Osip Mandelstam once wrote, "to become a lifelong friend of all living things."

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Teodorovich was born in Ufa on September 12, 1944. The mother of the musician Ekaterina Osipovna Weintraub, according to the nationality of the Jewish, was a talented pianist. Before the war, she studied in the Leningrad Conservatory, concerted, survived the blockade, then evacuated to her husband in Bashkiria. Theodore Vladimirovich, an engineer-technologist, was demobilized from the front due to severe injury.

After the war, the whole family returned to Leningrad, to her former life. At that time, the spirits lived in communal apartments, constantly moving. I happened to live and near the Nikolsky Cathedral. It was there that the boy was baptized (his secretory was taken to the church for a communal church).

Since the infancy of Volodya was surrounded by music. Classic works played her son. Initially, the parents saw the heir in the future by a cellist, but a heavy tool delivered a small, physically weak 6-year-old child a lot of trouble. Then Vladimir offered to choose the violin.

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The first years of study was given a young musician hard. The miracle happened when the little violinist first heard Tchaikovsky's melody and played it on one string, after which the teacher changed the anger to mercy.

In 1955, Volodya was given to a music school at the Leningrad Conservatory, where the boy made an impression on his teachers L. M. Sigal and V. I. Shera congenital talent. In the music school, Spivakov met Solomon Volkov, the future musical critic. By the way, in 2014 the Book of Volkov "Dialogues with Vladimir Spivakov" was published, timed to his 70th anniversary.

At the same time, Vladimir studied in an ordinary high school, while local hooligans often beat him for the company with other Jewish guys. Then the boy signed up for the boxing section (by the way, he even received the 2nd category) to stand up for himself.


At 13, Spivakov became the laureate of the Leningrad Competition "White Nights" among young musicians, and a little later made his debut on the stage of the Leningrad Conservatory. Vladimir Teodorovich noticed Moscow teachers.

Without graduating from school in Leningrad, the future famous conductor moved to Moscow, where he visited a special school with MIK, living in the boarding school. Volodya fascinated, in addition to music, painting, but the desire to go on the stage crossed the craving for the art craft. All his further biography was connected only with music.

In 1963, Spivakov entered the Conservatory for the course of Yuri Yankelievich, and in 1970, the young man became his graduate student. The teacher presented a talented student a violin of Francesco Gobetti. While still a student, Vladimir Teodorovich spoke at a variety of international competitions, became a laureate of events in Paris and Genoa. In many ways he was helped by lessons who began a starting violinist from the famous David Justa.

The professional concert activity of Spivakov in his homeland began in 1975, and soon he began to conquer foreign sites. He produced a furor in the famous Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall, performed as part of the orchestras of Leningrad, Moscow, Paris, New York, London, Chicago.

In the archive of Spivakov, the richest repertoire from the classics to modern authors, many awards and extensive geography of trips. He had a chance to work with many famous conductor of the 20th century, among which Evgeny Mravinsky, Evgeny Svetlanov, Yuri Temirkanov, Riccardo Muti, Claudio Abbado and others.

In 1979, Spivakov founded the Moscow virtuoso team, which was exclusively eminent musicians, talented performers. At the same time, Vladimir Teodorovich debuted as a symphony conductor with a Chicago orchestra.

He studied in Russia in Russia in Russia in Russia, and Leonard Bernsman and Lorin Maazel in the United States. The conductor donated by Bernstayin, the spirits are kept as a relic on a par with violin Antonio Stradivari.

Spivakov is the founder of the Moscow International Festival "Vladimir Spivakov invites ...", a member of the jury of many international competitions and festivals, is actively engaged in charity and support for young tissue. In 1994, he founded the International Charitable Foundation Vladimir Spivakov.

In 2006, Vladimir Teodorovich was awarded the title of "Artist of the World of UNESCO" for the "outstanding contribution of the musician to world art, his activity in the name of peace and the development of the dialogue between cultures."

In September 2019, the artist visited his native Ufa, where the opening of the festival was held "Vladimir Spivakov invites ...".

On the first day of the solemn event, the musician was awarded the state award of the Republic of Bashkortostan - the Order of Salavat Yulaeva. This became known from the official profile of Spivakov in "Instagram".

Personal life

The first wife of the artist was the musician Svetlana Zadda. Young people were passionate about the art, the beloved did a lot to create the orchestra of her husband. Later, the couple broke up.

The second wife of Maestro became Victoria Postnikova, a talented pianist. They were young, in love and madly happy, and soon a son was born a son, who later made a career in music. But over time, the feelings were cooled: the spouses could not stand the test of life, which destroyed their personal life.

Today, Vladimir Spivakov is happily married. His spouse is an actress and a TV journalist Sati Speivakov (Sahakyans), a graduate of guitis. She is the younger musician for 18 years. The acquaintance occurred at the concert, but earlier the spirits had already been in the house of the parents of the future spouse, where he saw a photo of Sati. The novel ended the wedding.

A couple of three native children are Girls Tatiana, Anna and Catherine. After the death of his sister Vladimir Teodorovich, the spouses took her daughter Alexander in their family. Senior Katya now lives in the US, she made a career as a musical producer. Tatiana studied in the French Theater School Cours Florent, and then graduated from the Paris Conservatory of Dramatic Art. The younger Anna became a jazz singer and works in France under the pseudonym Anna Kova. Sasha also settled in Europe and is engaged in the hotel business.

Vladimir Spivakov now

The conductor is now continuing touring activities. In April 2021, Vladimir TEODOROVICH visited Belgorod Philharmonic with the National Philharmonic Orchestra. The program sounded fragments from classic ballets and operas, works of the great composers of Peter Tchaikovsky, Giuseppe Verdi, Johann Strauss.

In an interview, Matre shared the joy of what has the opportunity to play former Union Republics. After a large break due to a coronavirus infection, a violinist was happy to exchange energy with the viewer.

In April, Spivakov visited Vladimir Posner. In an interview, the Hero program shared his thoughts about art, celebrities and talent. Also, the violinist told about how heavily suffered a disease (coronavirus infection), after which he even had his fingers.

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On May 29, Vladimir Theodorovich was planned "Musketeering Concert" in the State Conservatory. Together with Gauthier, the conductor presented a selection of masterpieces of the French classics - the composition of Camille Saint-Sansa and Maurice Ravel.


  • 1974 - Mozart V. A. Sonata for two violins, cello and organ
  • 1977 - P. Tchaikovsky: Concerto for violin with orchestra D Major, Op. 35.
  • 1979 - Vladimir Spivakov plays and conducting
  • 1979 - Viypical Miniatures
  • 1990 - V. A. Mozart: Three divertiments for string orchestra

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