Dmitry Mendeleev - biography, photos, personal life, interesting facts



Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich is a Russian scientist, a brilliant chemist, a physicist, a researcher in the field of metrology, hydrodynamics, geology, a deep connoisseur industry, instrument-making, economist, aeronaut, teacher, a public figure and an original thinker.

Childhood and youth

The great scientist was born in 1834, February 8, in Tobolsk. Father Ivan Pavlovich was the director of the district schools and the Tobolsk gymnasium, took place from the sort of priest Pavel Maksimovich Sokolov, Russian by nationality.

Dmitry Mendeleev in childhood and youth

Family Ivan changed in childhood, being students of the Tver Seminary. Presumably, it was done in honor of his godfather, the landowner of Mendeleev. Later, the question of the national affiliation of the scholar family was repeatedly affected. According to one information, she testified to Jewish roots, on others about German. Dmitry Mendeleev himself talked about the fact that his teacher from the seminary was named Ivan. The young man made a successful exchange and themes became famous among classmates. According to two words, "Menu do" - Ivan Pavlovich was entered into an educational statement.

Parents Dmitry Mendeleev

Mother Maria Dmitrievna (in the Major Korniliev) was engaged in raising children and household, had a reputation as an intelligent and intelligent woman. Dmitry was in the family the youngest, the last of the fourteen children (on other information - the last of seventeen children). At the 10th age, the boy lost his father who dove and soon died.

During his studies in the gymnasium, Dmitry did not show himself, the most difficult for him was Latin. Love for science instilled mother, she also participated in the formation of his character. Maria Dmitrievna took the Son to study in St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Mendeleev in youth

In 1850, in St. Petersburg, the young man enters the Chief Pedic Institute for the Department of Natural Sciences of Fizmat. His teachers were Professor E. H. Lenz, A. A. Voskresensky and N. V. Oratogradsky.

While studying at the Institute (1850-1855), Mendeleev demonstrates uncommon ability. As a student, he publishes an article "On isomorphism" and a number of chemical analyzes.

The science

In the 1855th Dmitry receives a diploma with a gold medal and direction to Simferopol. Here he works as a senior teacher of the gymnasium. With the beginning of the Crimean War, Mendeleev moved to Odessa and receives the position of teacher in a lyceum.

Scientist Dmitry Mendeleev

In 1856 he is again in St. Petersburg. He studies at the university, protects the dissertation, teaches chemistry. In the fall, she protects another dissertation and appointed by the Privat-Association of the University.

In the 1859 Mendeleev send on a business trip to Germany. Works at the University of Heidelberg, places the laboratory, examines capillary fluids. Here they were written articles "On the absolute boiling temperature" and "On the expansion of liquids", the phenomenon "Critical temperature" was opened.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

In 1861, the scientist returns to St. Petersburg. Creates a textbook "Organic Chemistry", for which the Demidov Prize is honored. In 1864, he is already a professor, and two years later heads the department, teaches and works on the "bases of chemistry."

In 1869, it represents a periodic system of elements, the improvement of which devoted all his life. The Mendeleev table introduced the nineteent atomic mass of nine elements, later added a group of noble gases to the arch and left a place for elements that still had to open. In the 90s, Dmitry Mendeleev made his contribution to the opening of the phenomenon of radioactivity. Periodic law included evidence of the relationship of the properties of elements and their atomic volume. Now there is a photo of the discoverer next to each table of chemical elements.

Chemist Dmitry Mendeleev in the laboratory

In 1865-1887, the hydrate theory of solutions is developing. In 1872, it begins to study the elasticity of gases, two years later displays the equation of the perfect gas. Among the achievements of Mendeleev this period is the creation of a fractional distillation scheme of petroleum products, the use of tanks and pipelines. With the assistance of Dmitry Ivanovich, the burning of black gold in the furnaces completely ceased. The phrase of the scientist "burn oil is like to heat the stove with the assignations" became aphorism.

Portrait of D.I. Mendeleev in the Doctor's Rights Rights of the Edinburgh University. Ilya Repin

Another sphere of activity of the scientist has become geographical research. In 1875, Dmitry Ivanovich visited the Paris International Geographical Congress, where he submitted his invention to the court - a differential barometer-altimeter. In 1887, the scientist participated in a journey at a balloon to the upper layers of the atmosphere to observe a complete solar eclipse.

In the 1890th, a quarrel with a high-ranking official was the cause of Mendeleev's departure from the university. In the 1892th, the chemist invents the method of obtaining smokeless powder. At the same time, it is prescribed by the keeper of the depot of exemplary measures and scales. Here it resumes the prototypes of Pound and Arshri, is engaged in calculations comparing Russian and English standards of measures.

Prototypes of Pound and Arshri

At the initiative of Mendeleev in 1899, a metric system of measures is optionally introduced. In 1905, 1906 and 1907, the scientist nominate a candidate for the Nobel Prize. In 1906, the Nobel Committee of the Prize is awarded Mendeleev, but the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden has not confirmed this decision.

Mendeleev, which is the author of more than one and a half thousand works, had a huge scientific authority in the world. For their merits, the scientist was awarded numerous scientific titles, Russian and foreign awards, was an honorary member of a number of scientific societies in his homeland and abroad.

Personal life

In his youth with Dmitry, there was an unpleasant case. Caring for the girl Sonya, with which he was familiar from childhood, ended with engagement. But the wrangled beauty to the crown did not go. On the eve of the wedding, when the preparation was already in full swing, the Sonechka married to marry. The girl counted that it makes no sense to change something if life is so good.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

Dmitry was painfully worried about the gap with the bride, but life went to her! From the grave doom, he was distracted by a trip abroad, lectures reading and loyal friends. Resumeing the relationship with Feozway Nikitary Bream, with which he was familiar earlier, began to meet with it. The girl was older Dmitry for 6 years, but looked young, so the difference in the age was invisible.

Dmitry Mendeleev with the first wife Feozway

In 1862, they became her husband and wife. The first daughter Masha was born in 1863, but lived only a few months. In 1865, the son of Volodya was born, three years later - Olya's daughter. Dmitry Ivanovich was tied to children, but he paid a little time, since life was devoted to scientific activities. In marriage, concluded according to the principle of "extinguishable, wondering, he was not happy.

Second wife Dmitry Mendeleev Anna Popova

In 1877, Dmitry meets Anna Ivanovna Popova, which became a man for him, capable of supporting a smart word for him. The girl turned out to be a creative gifted man: she studied at the conservatory game on piano, later at the Academy of Arts.

Dmitry Ivanovich arranged youth "Fridays", where he met Anna. "Friday" was transformed into literary and artistic "environments", the regulars of which were talented artists and professors. Among them were Ilya Repin, Ivan Kramskaya, Archka Quinji, Ivan Shishkin, Nikolai Wagner, Nikolay Becetov and others.

Daughter of a scientist - Love Mendeleev

The marriage of Dmitry and Anna took place in 1881. Soon they had a daughter of Lyuba, the son of Ivan appeared in 1883, the twins of Vasily and Maria - in 1886. In the second marriage, the personal life of the scientist has developed happily. Later, the son of Dmitry Ivanovich was the poet Alexander Blok, marrying the daughter of a love scientist.


In early 1907, Dmitry Mendeleev and the new Minister of Industry Dmitry Philosophian was held in the Chamber of Measures and Weights. After climbing the Chamber, the scientist fell ill with a cold, which caused inflammation of the lungs. But even being very sick, Dmitry continued to work on the manuscript "to the knowledge of Russia", the last words written by him in which the phrase became:

"In conclusion, I consider it necessary, even in the most general traits, express ...".
Dmitry Mendeleev's grave

Death came at five o'clock in the morning on February 2 due to the paralysis of the heart. Dmitry Mendeleev's grave is located on the wolf cemetery of St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Mendeleev's memory is immortalized by a number of monuments, documentaries, book "Dmitry Mendeleev. The author of the Great Law. "

Interesting Facts

  • With the name of Dmitry Mendeleev, many interesting facts of biography are connected. In addition to the activities of the scientist, Dmitry Ivanovich was engaged in industrial intelligence. In the 70s, the departure of the oil industry began in the United States, technologies that have reduced the production of petroleum products appeared. Russian manufacturers began to endure losses in the international market due to the inability to compete at the price.
  • In 1876, at the request of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the "Russian Technical Society", which collaborated with the military department, Mendeleev went beyond the ocean to the exhibition of technical innovations. In place, the Chemist studied the innovative principles of manufacture of kerosene and other petroleum products. And according to the ordered reports of railway services, Dmitry Ivanovich tried to decipher the method of manufacturing smokeless powder, which he succeeded.
Scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev
  • Mendeleev had a hobby - to make suitcases. Scientist sewed clothes.
  • The invention of vodka and moonshine is attributed to the scientist. But in fact, Dmitry Ivanovich in the topic of the doctoral dissertation "The reasoning about the connection of alcohol with water" studied the issue of reducing the volume of mixed fluids. In the work of the scientist there was no word about vodka. And the standard at 40 ° was established in Tsarist Russia back in 1843.
  • Infected hermetic compartments for passengers and pilots.
  • There is a legend that the opening of the periodic Mendeleev system occurred in a dream, but this is a myth created by the scientist himself.
  • Himself twisted cigarettes using expensive tobacco. He said that he would never quit smoking.


  • Created a managed aerostat, which became an invaluable contribution to the aid.
  • Developed a periodic table of chemical elements, which became a graphic expression of the law established by Mendeleev during the work on the "bases of chemistry".
  • Created a picnometer - a device capable of determining the density of the liquid.
  • Opened the critical boiling point of liquids.
  • Created the equation of the state of the ideal gas, which establishes the relationship between the absolute temperature of the perfect gas, pressure and molar volume.
  • He opened the main chamber of measures and scales - the central establishment of the Ministry of Finance, headed by the calibration part of the Russian Empire, submitted to the Trade Department.

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