Vasily Stalin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Son Joseph Stalin



The second and most beloved son of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin Vasily appeared on March 24, 1920 in Moscow. At that time, his father was still served by the head commissar at the Inspectorate of the RSFSR on national issues.

The boy's mother was the second wife of the future leader of the peoples - Nadezhda Allilueva, by nationality half the German, half a gypsy. She was John Joseph for 20 years and, despite the fact that there were often quarrels between them, Hopefully loved her husband. And Stalin himself often called her "my Tatka".

Since parents were engaged in public affairs (mother was the editor of the communist newspaper), Little Vasily grew up without maternal caress. After the suicide of Hope Allyluve in 1932, he was completely deprived of frequent communication with his father, who has changed a lot in character. After the death of Mother, the Mentors of the Yunster was mainly the security officers who submitted to General Nikolai Vlasik. The vasil was always organized by the inslace guard, consisting of Agents of the KGB.

In 1938, Vasily enters the cadet to Kaczynsky Aviashlogo and ends it in two years. Many teachers noted the young man as a negligent student who led themselves from classes on theory. But in practice, he showed himself as a talented pilot with a strong character.

The pre-war year of Stalin's son held in the work on improving its flight training. When the war began, he immediately filed a petition to go to the front. But Stalin himself did not let Vasily at war, because it was afraid that he could lose his pet. And not unreasonable: according to one data, the eldest Yakov died at the very beginning of the war, in others he was captured.

Personal life

Over the years of his life, Vasily showed himself as a man unfounded by moral values. In addition to four official wives, he had many small intrigues with representatives of beautiful sex, which were often married to military or politicians. After himself, he left seven children, four of whom were relatives, and the rest were receiving.

The first his wife was the daughter of the head of the service garage Galina Alexandrovna Bourdonaya, with which he signed on the eve of the war. The marriage lasted 4 years, after him Vasily had a son Alexander and a daughter Nadezhda. Both tied their lives with theatrical art.

The second time Vasily married the daughter of Marshal USSR, the famous beauty of Catherine Semenovna Tymoshenko, who gave him the second Son of Vasily. The fate of him was unsuccessful, since he became severely fascinated by drugs and died at a young age, arbitrary leaving life. The daughter Svetlana was also born in this union. Unfortunately, the media contains little photo and written materials about the second marriage of Vasily, mostly fame received his descendants from the first union.

In parallel with the second family, restless Vasily started a novel with the USSR champion in swimming Capitolina Georgievna Vasilyeva, on which he married immediately after the divorce from Tymoshenko. But the marriage also did not last more than 3 years. Interestingly, in prison to Vasilia Stalin, all three wives came in turn. Apparently, women continued to love him even after numerous change.

The last marriage of Vasily concluded with Maria Ignatievna Nusberg in the maiden of Shevarginina, who was an ordinary nurse, on the eve of his death. He also oversalled her two children who, like his reception daughter from Vasilyeva, took the name of Jugashvili. Vasily Iosifovich's grandchildren appeared only from his daughter hope - this granddaughter Anastasia Aleksandrovna and great-grandfather Galina Vasilyevna.

Military feats

Vasily, possessing a hot and bold character, was very sidewrd from such a state of affairs, and in mid-1942 he seeks to enroll in aviation troops at the beginning of Stalingrad, and then the North-Western fronts. On the frontier he was appointed commander of the regiment.

His subordinates recalled him subsequently, as a bold, but too risky pilot. There were situations when, because of his rash actions, officers had to save their commander in battle, but and Vasily himself, if possible, covered his comrades from his enemy in the sky.

He finished his service in 1943 after the explosion occurred during his participation during the silence of fish, during which people died. He was launched disciplinary recovery, and the regiment commander was transferred to the service as an instructor of the pilot. Since then, Vasily has no longer participated in battles.

Nevertheless, during the war, Vasily Stalin received more than 10 awards, including three medals from the Polish People's Republic. And in Vitebsk, he even installed a memorial in memory of his combat merit.

Service in the Air Force

Two years after the victory over the fascist Germany, Vasily Stalin claim to the post of commander by the Air Forces of the Central District. Being in this post, the son of the leader made a lot of beneficial to enhance the combat spirit, disciplines and pilot qualifications. He was also the initiator of the construction of a sports complex, which became the subordinate institution of the Air Force.

Vasily Stalin One of the first engaged in improving the sports training of aviators: under his leadership, strong football and hockey team were created. As the boss, he did a lot for subordinates: built them at home, knocked out a good building for the headquarters.

In 1950, there was a tragic case: the best football team of the Air Force broke up to the Urals flight. According to the memoirs of the people close to the family, the Wolf Messing himself warned about this plane crash, with which Joseph Vissarionovich often communicated. Basil's flight on this flight was immediately canceled, as a result of which he stayed alive. About this incident was long silent, up to the 90s. It was established that another team was urgently called at that match, which was played by the dead.

Random deaths subordinates pursue Vasily. So, in 1952, on May Day demonstration, he gave an order to hold an indicative departure of fighters during a bad weather. Air machines have passed non-stroke rows, and on landing two of them broke. In addition, the son of Stalin began to appear in a drunk. This was enough to make all the powers with Vasily Iosifovich.

An angry father makes the negligent offspring attend lectures of the Military Academy, but Vasily ignores classes. He frequencies justified their addiction to alcohol with the fact that he will only live to the death of his father.


Partly Vasily turned out to be right. After the death of Joseph Stalin at his funeral, the Son immediately began to talk about the conspiracy against his father and about his murder. The party top of such herald was unprofitable: vs. Vasily is facility about the wasting of cash money and put it in the Vladimir Central under the name of Vasily Vasilyev.

He promoted in prison for 8 years, while the health of Vasily improved, as he was deprived of drinking and worked a lot. The son of Stalin has mastered the turning skills.


After liberation, it is forced to leave the city of Kazan in a closed for foreigners, where Vasily settle in the center in a studio apartment in early 1962. But, without having time to live before his birthday, he died suddenly against intoxication due to alcohol poisoning.

I was buried Vasily Iosifovich under the name of Jugashvili, which he still agreed after long negotiations with the KGB. Later, in 2002, his remains were transferred from the Kazan cemetery to Moscow Trojekurovskoye. At the end of the century, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation removed all the accusations from Vasily Stalin posthumously.

In recent years, many films about the son of Joseph Stalin have been shot on Russian television, including the payroll "Payback", which reveals many secrets from the life of Vasily Stalin. A lot of work is carried out to restore reliable facts from the life of the party tops, which matter to a deeper understanding of historical processes in Russia.

But there are also fantastic hypotheses, for example, speculation about a certain mysterious plan for the burial of the Gold Party. According to some researchers, it was involved and Vasily Stalin. He encrypted the plan in the thread of the handles of the three knives, which were still in the Vladimir Central.

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