Yuri Volyntsev - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news



Yuri Vitalyevich Volyntsev - Soviet actor and movie actor, Kavaler of the Order of Honor, winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Yuri Volyntsev - Native Petersburg, born in Leningrad on April 28, 1932. In some sources, it is mentioned that the actor was by nationality by the Jewish, but there is no official confirmation of this fact. The Volyntsey family was incomplete: the parents diverged, and Yurin Dad left the family when the boy was five years old.

Yuri Volyntsev in youth

As a child, the guy dreamed of becoming a musician or conductor, but fate ordered otherwise. During the war and the blockade of Leningrad, Little Yura lived in evacuation. Upon returning to the native city, the boy graduated from high school and settled to work with a film mechanic in the legendary Cinema Aurora on Nevsky Prospect. It was this work that I rank Yuri to the idea of ​​tie my life with the theater and movies.

On the debt of the service of the boy twisted the film, several times on the day, and soon he learned the entire repertoire of the cinema by heart. Moreover, he remembered all the dialogues and monologues from Soviet paintings, and could also make masterfully to imitate voices, facial expressions, chairs of actors.

Yuri Volyntsev in youth

When Yuri Volyntseva was taken into the army, he had to serve in Germany. A young man sang perfectly and danced, he was taken in the district ensemble of songs and dance. Yura not only performed as part of the ensemble, but also went on stage as an entertainer, announcing numbers and parody of famous actors. The whole hall moaned with laughter, ranging from soldiers and ending with generals.


After demobilization, before Volyntsev arose about the choice of profession. At this time, he became acquainted with Nikolai Volkov, who from his native Odessa went to Moscow to enter the theater university, and in Leningrad was passing. After listening to Jura quotes movies and parodits actors, he called him with him.

Yuri Volyntsev in the theater

Everything was decided at one moment; And now two friends go to the night train to conquer the capital. The adoptive commission of the Schukinsky school, where two buddies came, was conquered by a demonstrative performance of Volyntsev, its ironic lyrism, a soft characteristic and natural charm. The novice actor was a stateless, beautiful, prominent young man, as evidenced by the photo of those years, in addition, he possessed undoubted talent.

During the exams, Nikolai Volkov and Yuri Volyntsev met and firmly made friends with Andrei Mironov. Together they conducted an unforgettable student years, saturated with endless parties and cheerful assertions. Unfortunately, after graduation, "Pike", where the Volyntsev studied on the course of I.M. Rapoport, the ways of dusty friends diverged.

Yuri Volyntsev on stage

In 1962, Yuri Vitalyevich came to the Moscow Academic Theater named after Vakhtangov, where many interesting roles played, mainly from the classic repertoire, including in the following productions:

  • "On all sages of pretty simplicity";
  • "Cinderella";
  • "Princess Turandot";
  • "Glass of water";
  • "Ladies and hussars";
  • "Players";
  • "No guilt is guilt."

Television and movies

Much more productive was the Career Volyntsev in the cinema and on television. Although there were no TV shows as such at that time, but there were many popular programs, which the whole country looked with it. A special love of the audience was used by various humorous programs, including a special place was occupied by "zucchini 13 chairs".

Yuri Volyntsev in the role of Pan Athlete

Jokes, songs, music and characteristic recognizable characters became a business card of a program in which many well-known and respected actors took part. So, Yuri Volyntsev literally drank with the role of his permanent character - Pan athlete. Thanks to this hero, Yuri Vitalyevich was recognized on the street, but what to say there, he knew the whole country in his face, not just knew, but she loved.

Yuri Volyntsev in the film

However, Pan athlete played a bad joke with an artist, making the Volyntsev actor of the same role. In those days, the theatrical public was very selective and did not forgive his cumsions of the classical stage. For example, during a serious performance from the audience, "Well done, Pan athlete, keep it up!" And the like shouts. It is not surprising that even the Wahtang directors did not want to give the Volyntsev central roles in their productions.

Feeling that theatrical layouts elude him, Yuri Volyntsev tried to realize the acting potential, filming the cinema. Most of the roles were secondary and even episodic, but in each of them Yuri Vitalyevich showed himself as a talented and bright actor.

Cartoons and audioskaski

Yuri Volyntsev took part in the filming of the "Fitil" TV journal, the children's magazine "Yelash" and the transfer for kids "alarm clock", and also voiced the many cartoons. Yury Vitalevich's voice say Saltay-Bolti from Alice in the Casmodeer, a detective from the "Adventures of the Funtics Piggy", Captain Green from the "Secrets of the Third Planet", he was not less remembered by the guys and in the role of Leshogi from "He He Glaza and Kimori".

Yuri Volyntsev

He had a chance to fulfill the role of many fabulous characters, including those famous Soviet and Disney cartoons:

  • "Bunny-Zaknayka";
  • "The smallest gnome";
  • "How mushrooms fought with peas";
  • "New Aladdin";
  • "Kitten named Woof";
  • "Tale about Mosquito Komarovich";
  • "Pins in boots";
  • "The Adventures of Penguin Lolo";
  • "New Dress of the king";
  • "DuckTales";
  • "Miracles on the deviras";
  • "Black Cloak".

In addition, the actor participated in the recording of audio shooters for children; Whole performances were recorded on the vinyl records, and small listeners knew and loved their heroes.

Personal life

Yury Vitalyevich never advertised his personal life, and after the death of the actor in 1999, his daughter Ksenia Strege did not reveal the private secrets of the Father. It is known that the Volyntsev was married, but the marriage soon collapsed due to the nature of his wife. It is saying that she was a woman with sharp and unrestrained, the spouses often argued, without taking out even in domestic issues.

Yuri Volyntsev with daughter Ksenia

Ksyusha Father loved very much when she was little, caressed and poketed, and with a teenage-teen Volyntsev tied a strong friendship.

Disease and death

The cause of the death of the actor was a long-standing heart disease. According to his daughter, Yuri Vitalyevich has always had a weak heart, but a stormy youth has always puffed his health.

Doctors strictly-setting banned him to smoke, and he honestly performed all the prescriptions. Actor died from a heart attack, without waiting for a queue for a free operation, at home, in his bed.

Monument on the grave of Yuri Volyntsev

Ksenia said in one of the interviews that in his hands the father was covered with a radio. Apparently, Yuri Vitalyevich wanted to hear the voice of his daughter, who just at this time went on a radio.

Yuri Volyntsev's grave is located in the Khovan Cemetery in Moscow.


  • "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (1968);
  • "Belarusian station" (1970);
  • "Paradise apples" (1973);
  • "Ladies and Hussara" (1976);
  • "Legend of Tile" (1976);
  • "Solo for an elephant with an orchestra" (1976);
  • "Night incident" (1980);
  • "Dead Souls" (1984);
  • "Creichars Sonata" (1987);
  • "Cap" (1990);
  • "On Deribasovskaya, good weather, or the rains are going to Brighton Beach" (1992);

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