Anna Nicole Smith - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news



Anna Nicole Smith, nee Vicky Lynn Hogan, was born in the small town of Texas in 1967. Her father had a unlucky Clerk Donald Eugene Hogan, and Virgini Tabers's mother worked in a police station. Some time after the appearance of the daughter, the young father unexpectedly left the family, leaving his wife on the verge of poverty. But the sister Virgin came to the rescue: she began to look after the baby while his mother earned her bread.

Anna Nicole Smith in childhood

In School, Vicky Lynn studied very badly, as he was constantly Vitala in the clouds. Already then a small faner, devoid of parental heat, came up with the version of its origin. Her idol was Marilyn Monroe, and Vicky secretly hoped that a bullish blonde was her real mother. The girl very much wanted to look at the star of the screen, but nature made its own adjustments: the growth of the young lady passed for 180 cm, the hair was darkened, and the chest did not appear.

Trying to survive

To overcome the inferiority complex, the girl is arranged in a small cafe, where he meets the cooks Billy Smith, which is married at 18 years. Four is born the son of Daniel, but love will soon pass, and the husband throws a wiki with a baby in his arms.

Anna Nicole Smith with her husband and son

In order not to repeat the fate of the mother, the girl is solved for extreme measures: it goes to work in a local striptease bar, in a short time try to acquire a decent capital. But it does not achieve significant success on this field.

Unexpected meeting

It comes to the point that is high, but the harmful stripper is put in a day shift, since only beauties that make profits of the club work at night. But such a turn of events turns around for a girl luck. She notices the old disabled Kalyaschik, who was not someone else like James Howard Marshall II, a large oil magnate. At one time he was a professor, a legal law teacher, a member of the US government. But by 85, this first beautiful and prominent man already lived his last days.

Anna Nicole Smith with James Howard Marshall II

He immediately took a young girl under his guardianship and freed it from the need to work in a pleasant institution, fully secured financial independence. In addition, James was a connoisseur of magnificent forms and happily paid the wiki of her plastic breast enlarge operations.

Anna Nicole Smith Form

A couple spent a lot of time together, while the relationship was most likely friendly. The oilman attracted the freshness and youth of the girl, and she, in turn, received what she had always lacked: the deceoic care and the opportunity not to think about tomorrow.

First model shooting

In the first years of his acquaintance with the magnate, Vika strongly loose: her breast increased to the desired size of 42 dd, and her hair was repainted in white. So fulfilled the dream of a girl to be similar to Marilyn Monroe. With the filing of your fan, sultry beauty participates in the competition for the title "Girl from the cover" of the magazine "Pleyboy" and wins him.

Anna Nicole Smith in Playboy

Her photos in a beautiful fitting outfit becomes a decoration of a scandalous magazine. Vicky notes Paul Marciano, head of the Guess brand, and invites it to shoot an advertising company. A talented entrepreneur changes the name of the model on the pseudonym Anna Nicole and leaves the last name from the first husband. So Marilyn Monroe of the 90s - Anna Nicole Smith appears.

Anna Nicole Smith in the magazine

On the eve of 1993, the Krasavice comes from the Playboy team to play nude, to which she, again consulted with James Howard, meets consent. She is assigned the title of the "sexy girl of the year", and its popularity increases sharply.

Happy maritime

In the same year, she draws up a divorce with the first spouse and marries the old man. According to some reports, after the wedding, he bestows the young wife expensive presents: only one hour of stay in the jewelry store of its chosen by the magnate at $ 2 million. But happiness lasted for a short time. After a year, James did not become, and Anna was not inscribed in his testament.

A young insatiable girl was not going to surrender and hired a lawyer in order to sue her inheritance. The trial against the native son Marshall Pierce lasted for the past 11 years. The point in this case put the death of a relative of her husband, after which Anna Nicole seized the cherished millions.

Actor career

In the mid-1990s, Anna Nicole is beginning to invite to cinema. She is filmed in Hollywood in the movie "Naked Pistol" in an episodic role. After a successful debut, the second work of the model in the Glossy Kinine Kinine Kohen Brothers "Prudial Hudsacker".

Anna Nicole Smith in the film

In the third film "To the extreme limit," the beauty was drawn up in the lead role, inviting her mother and 8-year-old son to participate in the shooting. 1998 was marked by the directorial and production debut of the actress: she created an autobiographical film "Secrets Anna Nicole Smith," where he played himself. Throughout this time, the model led on television "Talk Show with Anna Nicole".

From the beginning of the 2000, an input actress begins to abuse alcohol, antidepressants, a substitute for drugs - methadone, and all this against the background of its exorbitant appetite. Anna Nicole is very fat.

Anna Nicole Smith crushed

In early, she still manages to take part in the shooting of modes modes for holders of lush forms, but soon the figure of the actress becomes not just complete: its weight increases to the extreme limit. The model is attempting to lose weight with the help of diets, medicines and surgery.

Plastic operations

For his life, Anna Nicole made about 5 operations to increase the mammary glands and an infinite amount of liposuction. The first plastic procedure was carried out by it at the beginning of a stripper career when Anna inserted the first silicone implants. Then there was a total increase in the volume to gigantic sizes from the filing of her Marshall fan.

Anna Nicole Smith Plastic

With the age of completeness, she had to escape the procedures for removing fat from the legs, buttocks, abdomen. She did it many times, as coming out of the clinic, quickly gained kilograms back. The last two breast operations that played a fateful role in the undermining of her health, Anna did immediately after the birth of her daughter.

The death of Anna Nicole Smith

2006 Anna Nicole spent on Bahamas, where Danninin's daughter gave birth to a photographer Larry Birkhead. The joy of maternity was overshadowed by the sudden death of her first son, who died in the hospital in the ward of the mother from the overdose of drugs. The loss of one of the children Anna was perceived very hard, for a while she even lost memory. But this did not prevent her soon after the death of his son to marry her lawyer Howard K. Stern.

Anna Nicole Smith and Howard K. Stern

After some time, after this event, the actress became suddenly bad, and she died suddenly. From which Anna Nicole died, it is not known so far. An autopsy showed the presence of an inflammatory process in the lungs. But a large amount of antidepressants and methadone was found in the house. The actress's mother believes that her daughter and grandchildly poisoned Stern, although the investigation did not prove his guilt.

After the death of the star, her the only heir was announced by the baby Danninin, who immediately appeared 5 applicants for paternity. According to DNA examination, the relationship was established with Larry Birkhet, who settled with a disheveled daughter in Kentucky. In Stagram, you can often see photos of a happy father's couple and loving daughter.

Anna Nicole Smith Daughter

On the pictures noticeably substantial squint of the daughter of Anna Nicole. According to the advice of doctors, she ultimately made a defect correction operation. An interesting fact in the life of Danninin can be considered its shooting in the company "Guess", in which her mother once starred. Photographers celebrated congenital talent for girls in work in front of the camera.

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