Nikolai Svanidze - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Nikolay Svanidze is a famous Russian journalist, political analyst, historian, television and radio. Created a number of copyright political programs. It consists in the public council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Karlovich Svanidze was born in the family of Karl Nikolayevich and Adeline Anatolevna in early April 1955. The boy's father was named in memory of Carla Marx, the man passed the war, graduated from the East of the Moscow State University. Karl Nikolaevich began working as a guide to the Moscow Polytechnic Museum.

Nikolai Svanidze in childhood

Later, Carl Nikolayevich stood at the head of the editorial commission of the political publishing party. Adeline's mother Anatolyevna, by the formation of a historian, devoted the lives to the study of European Middle Ages. The woman defended his doctoral dissertation, received the title of professor. Adeline Anatolyevna is known in the narrow circles of medievists, wrote poems.

Nikolai Svanidze is a descendant of repressed revolutionaries. Grandfather Journalist, Nikolai Samsonovich Svanidze, in honor of which a man was named, was sentenced to shooting in 1937. According to one of the versions, the man was a brother of Stalin's first wife, whose family was subjected to repression. But Nikolai Karlovich himself refutes the hypothesis of such king.

Nikolai Svanidze in youth

Grandmother of a journalist, Ciel Isaakovna Luskin, a Jew for nationality, was a prominent revolutionary first convocation. Personally knew Trotsky, Kamenev, stood at the origins of feminist movement on the distribution of jobs among women. A woman closely was friends with the wife of Bukharin.

Nikolai Karlovich himself went in the footsteps of the parents. In addition to the successful end of the specialized Moscow school with an in-depth study of English, the young man has studied in Moscow State University. Another 3-MKURSE, the University of Junior joined the CPSU series, of which came out with the collapse of the USSR.

Nikolay Svanidze taught history at the North American Institute

After the completion of the formation of Nikolai Karlovich worked for more than 10 years as a history teacher at the Institute of North America at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

I read lectures at the Moscow Humanitarian Institute. In the 80s, it was repeatedly traveled abroad, including in the United States. At this time, Nikolai wrote the dissertation on the topic of economic transformation under the President of the USA Carter.


In 1990, during the transition period in the state, television experienced the time of reforms, the career biography of Swanidze was not started. An old friend Nicholas since the school bench - Evgeny Kiselev - made a historian from the proposal, from which he could not refuse: invited Svanidze to work in the program "News" by the commentator.

Juraist Nikolai Svanidze

The position turned out to be tempting for two reasons: the chance is implemented on television without censorship and to receive an excellent salary, which went out more than more institutional salary.

Soon there are first issues of the news transfer, for which Swanidze composes comments and voicing them without appearing in the frame. Nikolai Karlovich immediately loved a new job. The air of freedom, change, unexpected meetings with dissidents, which could be heard on the "Voice of America", inspired a young man more than daily siting in the library V.I. Lenin about scientific work and monotonous lectures.

Nikolai Svanidze

Influence on the minds of people, the spectators of the channel VGTRK, which blinked the fantasy of a young journalist. And soon, Nikolai his own person appears on TV screens in the "Contrasts" transmissions, "Details", "Mirror", "Court of Time", "Historical Process".

Svanidze works so successfully in journalism that Nikolai is chosen by the head of the television and radio company. Programs about the situation in Russia become among the most rating. By decree of the current president, in 1994, Nikolai Karlovich is awarded the Order "For Personal Courage", which he received for the coverage of the events of October 1993.

TV journalist Nikolai Svanidze

The activities of the journalist in those difficult for the country the days turned out to be conjugaten with a threat to his own life, but he did not think about it. In addition to the government award, in 1995, Swanidze award the Thafi Award as the best leading news program.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, Nikolai Karlovich leads an analytical program on the RTR channel. The man writes a cycle of transmissions for radio Russia "a special opinion with Nikolai Svanidze." The journalist created films that showed on the main channels of the country: "Hot August 91 years old," Football Wars "," Ground Chicken "," B. N. "," 13 months of Egor Gaidar. "

Nikolai Svanidze on the project

In 2006, Nikolai Swanidze is invited to shoot at the series about the first wife of Stalin, in which he played the role of a woman's brother. Such a fact was heard the journalist, especially the assurance of the director of the film in the fact that Nikolai is very similar to the hero of Alexei Svanidze.

In 2005, Swanidze elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Three years later, he rises at the origins of the party "Right case." Today, the lead is included in the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia. In collaboration with his wife, who is also a journalist and historian, Nikolai Karlovich wrote the Book Medvedev, based on the analysis of multi-day conversations with the then current Russian President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

Nikolai Svanidze on the radio

On the radio station "Echo of Moscow" with Nikolai Svanidze, a series of programs is recorded, in which a journalist introduces students with his gaze on historical processes in the country. In particular, in 2008 the political scientist acted a lot on the radio to dating listeners with the project "Historical Chronicles with Nikolai Svanidze".

The full-scale cycle of films dedicated to every year from the century lived, became the global idea of ​​the journalist. Svanidze shot the project for a decade, starting in 2003. Under the leadership of Nicholas, 96 episodes were created, which covered the path of Russia from 1901 to 1994. At the same time, the material about the post-Soviet period was filmed, but did not hit the television screens.

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The project caused a lot of disputes between supporters and opponents of a liberal view on historical processes in Russia. In particular, a lot of questions left a series of cycles about the life and the identity of Grigory Rasputin. On each episode, Svanidze created articles with a description of the content. They are published in free internet.

Svanidze is a professor, the head of the Department of Journalism of the Humanitarian University. From the end of the "zero" Nikolai Karlovich teaches the skill of journalism at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, created on the basis of the television company Ostankino. In an accredited university, lectures are lectures famous journalists, producers, clipmeters, artists and actors.

Professor and Head of the Department of Journalism Institute Massedia RGUGU Nikolai Svanidze

Nikolai Karlovich values ​​this experience. Swanidze tries to bring up young journalists in the key of independence, tolerance and publicity.

In March 2014, Crimea returned to the Russian Federation. In the autumn of the same year, the political scientist was interviewed, during which a man shared his views on the political situation in the country and outside the state and told what he was thinking about the accession of the Crimea.

Since 2015, the program "Silver Rain" started the program Nikolai Svanidze "Main Topics of the Week". Then the journalist became radio host projects "the theme of the day for 60 seconds" and "History in Persons".

Personal life

The personal life of Nicholas Karlovich is distinguished by stability and harmony. For more than 30 years, the Swanneda is happily married to the journalist Marina Sergeyevna Zhukova. The spouses were met in the distant 1983, in the summer, when young Nikolai was working as a lifeguard on the Moscow beach. In the company of former students of Moscow State University political scientist and met the future wife - the beauty of Marina. A woman comes with the granddaughter of Zinaida Vasilyevna Yershova.

Nikolai Svanidze with his wife

Although by the formation of Zhukov historian, the girl tried himself and in acting. Marina even entered the MCAT Studio School, but then he took the documents from there. Marina Sergeevna for many years spent the assistant Nicholas on television. Today, the woman takes the editor of the "Mirror" program. Nicholas and Marina had a son who was already married and gave parents to the granddaughter Marianna.

Nikolay and Marina Svanidze - TVURDERALS

In addition, Nikolai loves to read, swim, play football. More Svanidze collects whiskey and cigars. Resting a journalist prefers with family in Palanga.

Nikolay Karlovich leads a blog called "Snob". There, a man illuminates important political news.

Svanidze lives in the capital of Russia. The growth of Nikolai is 183 cm, weighs the political scientist with 87 kg.

Nikolai Svanidze now

In 2017, the journalist released a documentary called "Die in time."

In January 2018, Nikolai Svanidze visited Komsomolskaya Pravda radio. The issue of release was the question: "Is Stalinism a disease that must be treated?". An opponent of the TV presenter made a journalist Maxim Shevchenko.

Nikolai Svanidze and Maxim Shevchenko

During the conversation about Stalin, Nicholas defended the opposite position, and Maxim, on the contrary, tried to convince the listeners that Joseph Vissarionovich was not a bad leader as it may seem. And he killed the former head of the USSR not so much people as it represents to the court of people Svanidze.

As a result, there was a breakdown between men, which resulted in personal insults, during which Svanidze took Schevchenko slap. After that, the fight was faced, and Nikolai Karlovich was on the floor. Opponents spread running guards.

Nikolai Svanidze and Maxim Shevchenko rushed

After the occurrence of Nikolai was taken to the clinic with a concussion and a pre-infarction state. Today, the journalist is not threatened with the journalist.

Nikolai Victory Day presented to the public the cycle of the "War Pages". In the project, the man illuminated the most significant moments of the Great Patriotic War.

Nikolai Svanidze

On June 16, the Government of the country contributed to the Duma a bill on raising retirement age. The political scientist in the interview said that today there will be no loud protests. The World Cup will repay from the problem for a month, but then the unifixy will end, and the changes will remain. Nikolai suggested: when the decline in the standard of living will reach the peak, it will cause social opposition activity.

On June 24, Svanidze and Viktor Nabutov commented on the game of the Russian national team with Uruguay. The next day, from under the pen Nikolai Karlovich, an article was published under the name "The game in unreality", in which the political scientist reasoned about how the world holiday changes life around. But only reality begins after the event, when people need to work again, bring up children and treat old people.


  • 2010-2011 - "Details"
  • 2010-2011 - "Contrasts"
  • 2010-2011 - "Court of Time"
  • 2012 - "Historical Process"
  • 2015 - "Main Topics of the Week"
  • 2015 - N.VR. - "Theme of the day for 60 seconds"
  • 2015 - N.VR. - "History in Persons"
  • 2016 - "XX Congress. Anniversary"
  • 2016 - "Doomed. Our Civil War "
  • 2017 - "Die in time"
  • 2018 - "War Pages"

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