Isaac Newton - biography, laws of physics, family, personal life, photos and latest news



Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in a small British village of Wolstorp, located on the territory of Lincolnshire County. Grievous, who prematurely left the Lono of his mother, came to this world on the eve of the English Civil War, shortly after the death of his father and shortly before the celebration of Christmas.

The child was so weak that for a long time it was not even baptized. But still a little Isaac Newton, named after his father, survived and lived a very long life for the seventeenth century - 84 years.

Isaac Newton in youth

Father of the future ingenious scientist was a small farmer, but quite successful and wealthy. After the death of Newton's older, his family received several hundred acres of fields and forest land with fertile soil and an impressive sum of 500 pounds sterling.

Isaac's mother, Anna Ejscu, soon married again and gave birth to her new spouse of three children. Anna paid more attention to the younger offspring, and grandmother Isaac did at first with the upbringing of her firstborn, and then his uncle William Eisk.

As a child, Newton was fond of painting, poetry, selflessly invented water watches, a windmill, masters of paper coils. At the same time, it was still very painful, and also extremely unavigible: Merry Games with peers of Isaac preferred his own hobbies.

Isaac Newton in youth

When the child was sent to school, his physical weakness and bad communicative skills once even caused the boy beat to a semi-human state. It could not be humiliated by Newton. But, of course, overnight, he could not buy an athletic physical form, so the boy decided to teach his self-esteem otherwise.

If before this case he studied quite poorly and was obviously not a pet teacher, then after it began to seriously stand out for academic performance among his classmates. Gradually, he became the best student, as well as even more seriously than before, began to be interested in technology, mathematics and amazing, inexplicable phenomena of nature.

Isaac Newton

When Isaac turned 16 years old, his mother took him back to the estate and tried to impose a part of the economy concerns of the growing eldest son (the second husband Anna Eysu by that time also died). However, the guy was only engaged in the fact that the ingenious mechanisms designed, "swallowed" numerous books and wrote poems.

The school teacher of a young man, Mr. Stokes, as well as his uncle William Ejscu and familiar Humphrey Babington (part-time - a member of the Cambridge Trinity College) from Genthema, where the future world-famous scientist visited the school, said Anna Eysco to allow the gifted son to continue their studies. As a result of collective persuasion in 1661, Isaac completed her studies at school, after which he successfully stood the entrance examinations to the University of Cambridge.

Start of scientific career

As a student Newton had the status of "Sizar". This meant that he did not pay for his education, but it was supposed to perform diverse work at the university, or provide services to richer students. Isaac courageously endured this test, although it was still extremely not liked to feel oppressed, it was noticeable and did not know how to make friends.

At that time, philosophy and natural science in the famous World Cambridge were taught by Aristotle, although at that time the world was already demonstrated by the opening of Galilee, the atomistic theory of Gassendi, the bold works of Copernicus, Kepler and other outstanding scientists. Isaac Newton with greed absorbed all possible information in mathematics, astronomy, optics, phonetics and even music theory, which could only find. At the same time, he often forgot about food and sleep.

Scientist Isaac Newton

An independent scientific activity researcher began in 1664, drawing up a list of 45 problems in human life and nature, which were not yet resolved. Then the fate of the student with a gifted mathematician Isaac Barrow, who began working at the Mathematical Department of College. Subsequently, Barrow became his teacher, as well as one of the few friends.

Even more interested in mathematics thanks to the gifted teacher, Newton fulfilled a binomial decomposition for an arbitrary rational indicator, which became its first brilliant discovery in the mathematical region. In the same year, Isaac received the rank of bachelor.

Isaac Newton and Isaac Barrow

In 1665-1667, when the plague, the Great London Fire and the Extremely spent war with Holland, Newton, rolled the plague, Newton in Wastorpe in Wastorpe. During these years, he sent his main activity to open optical secrets. Trying to find out how to save lenzovy telescopes from chromatic aberration, the scientist came to the study of dispersion. The essence of the experiments that Isaac put was in an effort to know the physical nature of the world, and many of them are still carried out in educational institutions.

As a result, Newton came to the corpuscular model of the light, deciding that it can be considered as a flow of particles that fly out of some light source and carry out straight movement to the nearest obstacle. Such a model although it cannot claim for marginal objectivity, but it became one of the foundations of classical physics, without which more modern ideas about physical phenomena appear.

The Law of the World Health

At about the same time, Isaac became the author, perhaps the most famous discovery: the law of world community. However, these studies were published for decades later, since the scientist never sought to fame.

Among the lovers to collect interesting facts has long been a misconception that this key law of Classical Mechanics Newton opened after an apple fell on his head. In fact, Isaac was scholarsted to his discovery, which is understandable from his numerous records. The legend about the apple popularized the authoritative philosopher Voltaire in those days.

Scientific fame

In the late 1660s, Isaac Newton returned to Cambridge, where he received a master's status, his own life room and even a group of young students who had a scientist became a teacher. However, the teaching was clearly not the "skate" of a gifted researcher, and attendance of his lectures noticeably chrome. At the same time, the scientist invented the telescope reflector, who glorified him and allowed Newton to join the London Royal Society. Through this adaptation, many amazing astronomical discoveries were made.

Isaac Newton - biography, laws of physics, family, personal life, photos and latest news 18068_7

In 1687, Newton published, perhaps, the most important work is a work entitled "Mathematical starts of natural philosophy". The researcher and before that published his works, but this one had paramount importance: it became the main rational mechanics and the whole mathematical science. It contained a well-known world of worldwide, three well-known laws of mechanics, without which classical physics is unthinkable, key physical concepts were introduced, no doubts of the Heliocentric Copernicus system.

Scientist Isaac Newton

According to the mathematical and physical level, "mathematical starts of natural philosophy" were an order of magnitude higher than the research of all scientists who worked on this problem to Isaac Newton. There was no unproved metaphysics with extensive reasoning, unfounded laws and unclear wording, which was so sinned by Aristotle and Descartes.

In 1699, when Newton worked on administrative positions, at the University of Cambridge, he began to teach his system of the world.

Personal life

Women neither then over the years did not show a special sympathy for Newton, and in his entire lives, he never married.

Physicist Isaac Newton

The death of a great scientist came in 1727, and almost all London gathered on his funeral.

Newton laws

  • The first law of mechanics: every body rests or remains in a state of uniform translational movement, until this state is adjusted by the application of external forces.
  • The second law of mechanics: the change in the impulse is proportional to the applied strength and is carried out in the direction of its impact.
  • The third law of mechanics: material dots interact with each other in a straight line, connecting them, with equal modulo and opposite in direction by forces.
  • The Law of the World Health: The strength of the gravitational attraction between the two material points is proportional to the product of their masses, multiplied by the gravitational constant, and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between these points.

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