Mahatma Gandhi - Biography, Personal Life, Views, Photos and Latest News



Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) was a world famous Indian public figure, a politician, wrestler for India's independence. He developed the tactics of non-violent struggle - Satyagrat. In India, he is called "Father of the Nation".

Mahatma Gandhi - Father Nation

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, he also Mahatma Gandhi, was born in Porbandar on October 2, 1869. The father was engaged in commerce, led active political activities, and even for some time he was the head of Gujarat, whose capital was Porbondar. Boy's mother - a sample of virtue. Thanks to her efforts, the family strictly observed posts, rites.

Mahatma Gandhi at work

The whole family regularly visited worship in the temples, studied religious literature. Parents were vegetarians, they believed that a person had no right to kill animals. Mohandas subsequently adhered to the same looks.


A secondary education boy received at the local school of Porbandar. Teachers of the future politician noted that the guy studied middle. Of particular interest in subjects did not show. Causes went better when he continued his studies at the Higher School of Rajkot. Here he attracted the jurisprudence.

Mahatma Gandhi in childhood

After consulting parents, Mohandas decides to continue education in the UK. In 1888, he becomes a student of the University College of London. And after three years he receives a lawyer's diploma and returns to his native India.

Career and social activities

To understand how to help your people, a young lawyer decided to explore India. For the year he visited a lot of settlements (Tural, Santa Shexar, Salem, the detver and others), traveled by train. Dirty wagons, poverty, crowned passengers ... All this reflected the overall situation in the country and injected the despondency to Mahatma.

Mahatma Gandhi in youth

Legal practice somehow did not hold down. And Gandhi decides to change their lives cool. Thanks to the bonds of the Father, he receives the position of legal adviser in the trade representative of one of the Indian firms in South Africa. There, the lawyer connects to the public movement to protect the rights of Indians. The ideas of Irish M. Demitte, the American Torro, had a significant impact on the leader.

How to defend the rights of fellow citizens and at the same time avoid victims and violence? How to find a way to God? These questions tormented young Gandhi. He found the answers unexpectedly. Somehow in his hands got the book of Leo Tolstoy "The Kingdom of God within you, or Christianity not as a mystical teaching, but as a new life," who changed his worldview. He developed a new concept of behavior for fellow citizens - Satyagrat.

Mahatma Gandhi in youth

It is noteworthy that by creating a philosophical theory, Mohandas could not find her suitable name. I had to even declare a competition, according to the terms of which the author, who proposed the most successful name will receive a cash prize. The winner was the cousin of Gandhi's cousin - Maganlal Gandhi. Satyagraha is a combination of two words - Sat (Truth) and Agraha (hardness).

Successful activities in Africa instilled in the philosopher hope that he can benefit and his country. His views fell to many European and American public figures. At the homeland of Gandhi, the achievements also did not go without attention. With the easy hand of the compatriot R. Taghore Mhandas began to call Mahatma, which means the "Great Soul".

Mahatma Gandhi in youth

In 1915, the philosopher returns to India and is actively involved in the political struggle for the independence of his homeland. Thanks to the Father, the doors are open to most of the Cabinets of members of the Indian National Congress. But, not everyone agrees to support his idea. Why? The new philosophical theory was based on the principles:

  • non-violent resistance;
  • civil disobedience.
Mahatma Gandhi in India

What were they? The followers of Gandhi must refuse:

  • honors, titles who bestowed the United Kingdom;
  • work at the civil service, police, army;
  • Purchases of English goods.

Despite such deprivation, most officials caught fire the idea to restore independence.

In 1919, Gandhi first called on fellow citizens to a peaceful action: mass strike and disobedience. Millions of Indians on the appointed day did not go to work. They walked down the streets, shouting slogans about freedom, independence. But at some point, the situation came out from under control. The crowd became aggressive, and began a collision with the police. Not without sacrifice.

Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was arrested as the instigator and convicted for six years. Departing the entire period, Mahatma returned to ordinary life. The worships did not pay attention to the philosopher. They believed that the former prisoner was broken and his political career was over. According to the sage himself, the prison gave him time to rethink his theory, finding distressed places.

No, he did not return to the family. Mahatma founded Ashram (the abode for those in need). But, she chose not a desert terrain for this, but the surroundings of the Grand Industrial City of Ahmadabad. Thus, showing that she intends to continue to protect the people and continue the struggle for the independence of their country, to preach Gandism.

Monument of Mahatma Gandhi.

Daily in Ashram gathered a lot of people to listen to the wisers. The witnesses of those days were told that the philosopher was a bad speaker, his gestures were fuzzy, and the voice was quiet. Hear what he could preach, only the first rows, but his charisma was enough at all.

The cruelty of the British, the inaction of local owners forced people carefully listen to the speeches of the elder. And as a result, the authority of Mahatma increased inexorably. His convincing arguments were forced to think the political elites.

In 1947, the country gained independence, but was divided into India and Pakistan. There was an armed confrontation between Muslims and persons professing Hinduism. To stop the confrontation, the elder declared a hunger strike. Such a radical measure occurred and the armed conflict stopped.

Personal life

The future politician was married at the age of 13 at the Kastastruba, who, until the end of his days, was his faithful girlfriend and support. Four sons were born at the couple:

  • Harilal (1888-1949);
  • RDDAS (1897-1969);
  • Manilal (1892-1956);
  • Davrdas (1900-1957).

Since Mahatma was constantly engaged in political affairs, social activities, he had no time for his personal life and his family. And to raise children to Kastastrobe's wife. Food participation clearly lacked to grow sons. Maybe therefore Harilal and began to lead an obscene lifestyle.

Mahatma Gandhi and his wife Castureba

Gandhi tried to form a son, but the criticism was unsuccessful. The fate of the rest of children is prosperous. They married, gave birth to children.

Attempts and death Mahatma

Mahatma survived two attempts on life, and the third became fatal. One of the pilgrims during the evening preaching approached the teacher and shot him three times. Gandhi was immediately delivered to the hospital, but the doctors could not save the 78-year-old elder. One of the bullets is light.

Funeral Mahatma Gandhi

According to eyewitnesses, politician before dying tried to finish all things. He almost adds the first constitution of independent India. After his death, only a few edits were introduced into it.

Interesting Facts

Many interesting facts are connected with the name of Gandhi:

  • As in life, and after the death of Gandhi, thanks to its written works continues to influence modern politicians. Vladimir Putin not once noted that modern leaders of the countries want to solve everything and sorry that among them there is no such as Mahatma Gandhi.
  • By the way, some people are confident that Indira Gandhi is a relative of the "Father of the Nation". But this is not the case, they are just namesakes.
Mahatma Gandhi and Indira Gandhi
  • In an effort to make a reliable historical portrait of Gandhi, experts analyzed and his handwriting. According to the results, the sage was honest, open in kind. He was careful, decisive.
  • A lot of films shot about the life of the Great Hindu. Quotes from his books, the sayings use well-known politicians in their speeches, public figures.
  • Mahatma was famous for his humane attitude towards animals.

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